Yoga et Pranayama pour la santé- Yoga and Pranayama For Health [French Yoga Book]

Yoga et Pranayama pour la santé- Yoga and Pranayama For Health [French Yoga Book]



Published: 2024-08-05

Total Pages: 186



CE LIVRE EST UNIQUEMENT À DES FINS ÉDUCATIVES TABLE DES MATIÈRES YOGA (Yogasana) 7 HISTOIRE DU YOGA.. 8 Hatha-Yoga. 10 ASANAS. 12 CATÉGORIES D'ASANAS. 15 ASANAS MÉDITATIFS (3) 17 PADMASANA (ASANA MÉDITATIVE 1) 17 VAJRASANA (ASANA MÉDITATIVE 2) 24 Comment faire la pose Vajrasana. 25 Comment rendre la pose Vajrasana plus confortable. 26 Précautions. 27 SWASTIKASANA (ASANA MÉDITATIVE 3) 29 ASANAS DEBOUT (4) 33 TADASANA (ASANA DEBOUT 1) 33 EKAPADASANA (ASANA DEBOUT 2) 41 TRIKONASANA (ASANA DEBOUT 3) 48 Qu’est-ce qu’un Trikonasana ?. 48 Avantages de Trikonasana. 48 Quelles sont les étapes du Trikonasana ?. 50 PADAHASTASANA (ASANA DEBOUT 4) 53 ASANAS À GENOUX (3) 56 USHTRASANA (ASANA À GENOUX 1) [Pose du chameau] 56 MARJARASANA (ASANA À GENOUX 2) 60 Qu'est-ce que Marjariasana ou la pose d'étirement du chat ?. 60 Types de pose de chat 61 Avantages pour la santé de la pose d'étirement du chat 62 Guide étape par étape pour faire la pose d’étirement du chat 65 Erreurs courantes à éviter 66 Modifications faciles pour les débutants. 66 Précautions et contre-indications. 67 SHASHANKASANA (ASANA À GENOUX 3) 69 Qu’est-ce que Shashankasana ?. 70 Comment effectuer les étapes Shashankasana ?. 73 ASANAS ASSIS (6) 75 BHADRASANA (ASANA ASSIS 1) [Pose du papillon] 75 Qu’est-ce que Bhadrasana (Pose du papillon ou Pose gracieuse) ?. 75 SIMHASANA (ASANA ASSIS 2) 81 GOWMUKASANA (ASSISE ASANA 3) (Pose de la vache Gomukasana) 87 Comment faire Gomukhasana. 87 Conseil du débutant : 88 Avantages de Gomukhasana : 88 Contre-indications : 89 VAKRASANA (ASANA ASSIS 4) 90 Qu’est-ce que Vakrasana ?. 90 Principaux avantages de Vakrasana. 91 Procédure de Vakrasana. 93 Contre-indications courantes de Vakrasana. 94 Conseils rapides pour Vakrasana. 95 PARVATASANA (ASSISE ASANA 5) [Pose de la montagne] 96 PASCHIMOTTANASANA (ASANA ASSIS 6) 99 Comment faire Paschimottanasana (pliage assis en avant) 99 Avantages de Paschimottanasana. 100 ASANAS SUCCÈS (5) 101 BHUJANGASANA (ASANA PRONE 1) [La posture du cobra] 101 SHALABASANA (ASANA 2) 111 Comment faire Shalabhasana. 111 Avantages du Shalabhasana. 112 DHANURASANA (ASANA PRONE 3) [POSE DE L'ARC] 114 Dhanurasana – étymologie. 115 Conditions préalables pour Dhanurasana. 115 Comment faire Dhanurasana (pose de l'arc) 115 Avantages de Dhanurasana (pose de l'arc) 116 Contre-indications de Dhanurasana (pose de l'arc) 117 NAUKASANA (ASANA PRONÉE 4) 118 Comment faire Naukasana. 119 Avantages du Naukasana. 119 MAKARASANA (PRONE ASANA 5) [Pose du crocodile] 122 Pose du crocodile en yoga (Makrasana) 122 Étapes de pose du crocodile (première variante) 123 Étapes de pose du crocodile (deuxième variante) 123 Avantages de la pose de crocodile. 125 Contre-indication. 126 SIX ASANAS SUPINES (5) 127 PAVANMUKTASANA (ASANA EN POSITION SUPÉRIEURE 1) 127 SETHUBHANDASANA (ASANA 2) [Pose du pont] 132 Sanskrit 132 Précautions et contre-indications. 133 Comment faire la pose du pont 134 Conseils pour débutants. 134 Enseigner la pose du pont 135 MATSYASANA (SUPINE ASANA 3) [La pose du poisson] 138 Qu’est-ce que Matsyasana Yoga (Posture du poisson) ?. 138 UTHITAPADAHASTASANA (SUPINE ASANA 4) [Pose étendue de la main au gros orteil] 143 Signification. 144 Guide de pratique d'Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana. 144 Comment faire Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana. 145 Avantages d'Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana. 148 HALASANA (SUPINE ASANA 5) [La pose de la charrue/de la charrue] 150 Qu’est-ce que Halasana ?. 150 Quels sont les bienfaits d’Halasana ?. 150 Comment pratiquer Halasana. 151 Précautions et erreurs courantes. 154 SHAVASANA (ASANA SUPINE 6) [La pose du cadavre] 155 Comment faire Savasana (Pose du Cadavre) 155 Avantages de Savasana. 156 Contre-indications. 156 DEUX ASANAS INVERSÉS (2) 157 SARVANGASANA (ASANA INVERSÉ 1) 157 Comment faire Sarvangasana.. 157 Avantages de Sarvangasana.. 158 Contre-indications. 160 SIRASASANA (ASANA INVERSÉ 2) [POSE DE LA TÊTE] 161 Étapes de Sirsasana. 161 Poses préparatoires associées à Sirsasana. 164 Postes de suivi 164 Conseils de performance. 164 La science de Sirsasana. 165 Avantages de Sirsasana. 165 Précautions et contre-indications associées à Sirsasana. 166 SURYA NAMASKAR.. 168 PRANAYAMA.. 182 Qu’est-ce que le pranayama exactement ?. 184 Quels sont les bénéfices selon la science ?. 188 1. Diminue le stress. 188 2. Améliore la qualité du sommeil 188 3. Augmente la pleine conscience. 188 4. Réduit l’hypertension artérielle. 188 5. Améliore la fonction pulmonaire. 188 6. Améliore les performances cognitives. 188 7. Réduit les envies de fumer 188 Résumé. 188 YOGA (Yogasana) Tout le monde sait ce qu’est le yoga, mais leur compréhension se limite principalement aux postures physiques, appelées Asanas. Mais le yoga signifie-t-il des poses physiques ? Pour trouver la réponse, nous devons comprendre les définitions du yoga dans les textes anciens. Ces textes anciens transmettent un message puissant du yoga qui est bien plus profond que ce que nous comprenons. Yoga est un mot de la langue sanskrite qui signifie rejoindre, 2 choses ou plus sont nécessaires pour rejoindre. Et lorsque 2 objets ou plus sont joints, cela devient un seul objet. Il y a connexion et harmonie entre 2 objets qui ne font plus qu'un. Le yoga est donc une question d’unité, d’expérience d’unité, de sentiment d’harmonie. Ashtanga yoga - Dans les Yoga Sutras, Patanjali définit le yoga comme « Yogah Chitta Vritti Nirodhah » - Chitt – esprit, Vritti – fonctionnement de l'esprit, Nirodha – contrôle Le yoga consiste à contrôler le fonctionnement de l'esprit. Nous avons nos pensées, nos émotions, nos sentiments et nos conditionnements dans l’esprit. C'est très difficile à contrôler. Le yoga est la technique permettant de contrôler toutes ces fonctions de l’esprit.

The Yoga of Breath

The Yoga of Breath

Author: Richard Rosen

Publisher: Shambhala Publications

Published: 2002-08-13

Total Pages: 323

ISBN-13: 0834825783


Discover the basics and benefits of breath control—pranayama—and how to incorporate it into your yoga practice For several thousand years, yogis have drawn on the powerful practice of pranayama, a technique of controlling the breath to maximize prana or life energy. Pranayama has been practiced to rejuvenate the body and as a means of self-study and self-transformation. While most yoga practitioners today focus on asanas, or body postures, a growing number of people are learning the complementary practice of pranayama to deepen and enrich their practice. The Yoga of Breath is a guide to learning the fundamentals of pranayama and incorporating them into an existing yoga practice. Rosen's approach is easy to follow with step-by-step descriptions of breath and body awareness exercises accompanied by clear illustrations. The book also covers the history and philosophy of pranayama, offers useful practice tips, and teaches readers how to use props to enhance the exercises.

Secrets of Successful Pranayama

Secrets of Successful Pranayama

Author: T. Abrehamson


Published: 2013-03

Total Pages: 228

ISBN-13: 9780615635255


What is "Pranayama?" "Pranayama" is yogic breathing, a great variety of practices. "Prana" refers to a Vital Energy, an Energy not yet often recognized by Western science but which some Eastern thinking believes to be pervasive. "Life-Force" might be one acceptable interpretation. Thus to think of Pranayama as merely "yogic breathing exercises" is an oversimplification that omits the most important aspects of the practice. With Pranayama you may harness Universal Energy by regulating your breath. This is of course an extremely important assertion. You can test its validity. Why Should You Practice Pranayama? On one level: Pranayama can make you Feel Great: utterly calm and quiet, light yet grounded, and confident and empowered, and it is a wonderful lead-in to Meditation. It opens the body for improved progress in Yoga poses. This is all nice, yes - but relatively minor. On a higher level: Pranayama is Life-Transforming. It links you up with the Universe. You trend in the right direction. Things start to knit together, to slot into place more easily. Your day and your life can flow more smoothly. You can become open to becoming more purpose-full. At first hearing all this can sound incredibly mystical, otherworldly. But Tom Abrehamson's personal experiences are in harmony with those of others, over the centuries. With Persistent PracticeYour life will change for the better.Spontaneously, effortlessly and permanently.You are becoming whole. Becoming what you should be.You are forging an instrument of Will. The Big Question Why is "just" working with our breath so hugely spiritual? Because it Enables us To Connect. To Yoke Up ("Yoga"). How does it do that? It strips away intervening blockages.It Purifies us.It allows Connection and Flow. Breath is a Key that Unlocks us. Your Study Manual Secrets of Successful Pranayama is not a quick-fix handbook. It is not an executive summary with bullet points. It is not "Yoga-Lite." It is a study manual. It is a reference book you can chew on productively for years. Pranayama is not about instant gratification. It is not like a pill you pop for an instant fix. It is like a cream that you rub into your skin each day for long-term self-betterment. The book consists of four helpful sections: The FIRST section introduces you to Pranayama and to the Guidebook. The SECOND tells you how to set up your own practice. The THIRD tells you what to do during your practice. The FOURTH tells you some benefits to expect. A Living Teacher or a Guidebook? There are a myriad of cautions about progressing into Pranayama without being instructed in it by a living teacher. Tom agrees, in large part. More important, to his mind, however, is the question: Why should the wonderful benefits of Pranayama be available only to those fortunate enough to live close enough to an experienced teacher? The aim of the Guidebook is to make Pranayama accessible to anyone, anywhere.Give someone a Yoga Class, feed their Day.Give someone a Yoga Guidebook, feed their Life. Everything you need to know to practice beginning Pranayama is set out here. (And in coming years you will find guidance for Intermediate and Advanced practices in Volumes II and III.) That said, Tom is firmly convinced, from experience with the students in his classes, workshops and private lessons, that instruction from a living instructor is the very best way to insure you are on the right track. And, with that in mind, he has tried to make the Guidebook as crystal clear as possible. There is a tremendous amount of gobbledygook out there. Your Teacher should be able to answer with clarity two questions: What are we doing? and Why are we doing it? Namaste.

Yogic Pranayama

Yogic Pranayama

Author: K. S. Joshi

Publisher: Orient Paperbacks

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 184

ISBN-13: 9788122200898


The book is a complete one of its kind books on Pranayama, an important, yet little known part of Yoga. Breathing exercises are called Pranayamas, which means to control the Prana. Its techniques have been practiced for centuries by ardent students of Yoga in remote ashrams. Pranayama is a very important means for preventing and curing many ailments. By far the most important thing about good breathing is the Prana, or subtle energy of the vital breath. Control of the Prana leads to control of the mind. The aim of this book is to bring the traditional knowledge of this great art to the common man. It is hoped that by reading this book the reader will be well equipped to keep diseases at bay by using the age-old techniques of Pranayama. Pranayama, the control of the breath, essentially entails the modification of our normal process of breathing. This book is an exhaustive look into the art of breathing. It is complete, detailed and technical. Yogic Pranayama is one of the most exhaustive, yet understandable book on breath, the physiology of breath, and the effects of proper breathing on the human organism written. The drawings and diagrams in the book are precise, simple and easy to understand.