
Publisher: Odile Jacob


Total Pages: 899

ISBN-13: 2738169996


L'entreprise nouvelle génération

L'entreprise nouvelle génération

Author: Luc Bretones


Published: 2020-10-29

Total Pages: 433

ISBN-13: 2212574908


La 4e de couverture indique : "Emportées par la vague numérique, les entreprises se trouvent confrontées à des challenges d'adaptation sans précédent : comment remettre du sens au cœur de l'action ? Comment intégrer du collectif au sein du processus de décision ? Comment libérer l'énergie de tous en valorisant - quitte à faire des erreurs - les initiatives personnelles animées par une vision commune et en évitant de diluer la responsabilité de ceux qui les prennent ? 250 managers issus de 200 entreprises ont fourni l'étoffe de ce livre. Certains s'inscrivent pleinement dans des courants théoriques du management, d'autres se revendiquent comme de purs pragmatiques. Tous inventent au quotidien de nouvelles techniques, imaginent des approches originales et élaborent des boîtes à outils pratiques, pour repenser fondamentalement les rouages mêmes des organisations. Grandes industries et petites entreprises de service, associations et fondations... Les nouveaux modes de gouvernance nous guident sur les traces de l'entreprise qui vient."

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

Author: Hans-Christoph Hobohm

Publisher: Walter de Gruyter

Published: 2011-08-08

Total Pages: 220

ISBN-13: 3110955075


It is a widely accepted that Knowledge Management constitutes a key asset for the information professional. Management theory has always pointed to the fact that libraries and librarians in particular play an important role in an organization (be it an enterprise, a city, or a society as a whole). The papers collected in this volume demonstrate why and how - from the libraries' perspective. They discuss some fundamental implications of Knowledge Management as a key activity area for libraries, analyse key issues and instruments and give some best practice examples. Among the contributing authors the reader will find Larry Prusak, James Matarazzo, Michael Koenig, Rafael Capurro, Susan Henczel, Irene Wormell and Rainer Kuhlen. The book brings together eighteen important texts for the topic not only from IFLA workshops and conferences but also from other sources such as the SLA (Special Libraries Association). The inclusion of several original contributions makes this reader essential for all concerned with the future role of the library in business and society.

30 Ans de téléphonie mobile

30 Ans de téléphonie mobile

Author: Bruno Salgues


Published: 2013-07-28

Total Pages: 395

ISBN-13: 1291497161


Selon les types de contextes culturels, quelles sont les stratégies et quelles modélisations de l'appropriation des technologies de l'information et de la communication ? Ou encore, le téléphone mobile est-il un dispositif issu d'une culture de la mondialisation ? Ces deux questions de départ peuvent être résumées par une autre : quelle est la raison du succès du cellulaire en dépit des antagonismes et des affiliations culturelles ? Elle résulte du rapide constat que nous préciserons ultérieurement, qui fait que plus de trois humains sur quatre sur la planète disposent d'un téléphone mobile. Ce dernier est devenu un produit global par excellence, d'Est en Ouest ou du Sud au Nord. La vision de la technologie initiale est différente de l'usage actuel.

Ambition numérique

Ambition numérique

Author: Yann BONNET

Publisher: Conseil national du numérique

Published: 2015-06-18

Total Pages: 48



The "Ambition numérique" ("digital ambition") report is the conclusion of an open debate with the French citizens in order to prepare the government's digital strategy. The report formulates 70 proposals divided in four parts : fairness and freedom in a common digital environment; a new form of public action: openness, innovation, participation; fostering French growth for an innovation-driven economy; solidarity, fairness, empowerment: the challenges of a digital society. During five months (october 2014 - february 2015), the Conseil National du Numérique (French Digital Council) animated a wide consultation on the "digital ambition" of France, in order to collect proposals and plans for action to make of the digital an asset as much for economy as for society. This mission, assigned to the CNNum by the French Prime Minister in september 2014 and followed by Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State assigned to the Digital, and Thierry Mandon, Secretary of State to the Reform of the State and to Simplification, is an unprecedented experimentation of public policy building. The platform conceived with the association Démocratie Ouverte permitted to each citizen, public or private organisation to contribute to the proposed consultations. At the end of those consultation phases, the CNNUM published syntheses open to comments for each consultation, tracing back the great controversies that emerged while staying as neutral as possible and studying the proposed plans for action. During the concertation, 4 "journées contributives" ("contributive days") have been organized on each of the themes - respectively in Lille, Strasbourg, Bordeaux and Nantes - in presence of local actors. During those days, thematic workshops permitted to deepen the proposals seen on the online platform, and to confront them to participants' feedback. In parallel, "contributive pitches" gave the opportunity to entrepreneurs, studens, members of civil society, law professionals, etc. to present their innovations and to propose their ideas to "update France". A concertation on the network, mobilizing various actors: to stimulate the production of collective ideas, the CNNum developed, while being accompanied by the start-up Nod-A, a DIY resource kit, offering the possibility for actors to organize themselves workshops on the consultations of their choice. The CNNum has also brought their support on methodological and background subject grounds (from a distance or on the spot) to ensure a good appropriation of the tools and of the addressed problems. Organizers, on their side, engaged themselves to post their contributions on the platform at the end of those workshops. A regular followup of the concertation with the government: to ensure the coordination of the concertation's progresses with the government's work (preparation of the digital bill, elaboration of action plans), weekly points were held, gathering the CNNum and the ministerial cabinets of the Prime Minister, Axelle Lemaire and Thierry Mandon. Interministerial meetings were also organized to spread the concertation in administrations.