L'application des principes du droit international de l'environnement par les juridictions internationales à vocation universelle

L'application des principes du droit international de l'environnement par les juridictions internationales à vocation universelle

Author: Christel Hoyami


Published: 2006

Total Pages: 928



La protection juridique internationale de l'environnement est un domaine qui appelle les lumières du juge international. S'il a inspiré un développement juridique conséquent, ce domaine se caractérise également par une certaine faiblesse, des incertitudes et des controverses. Le juge est susceptible de lui apporter un éclairage précieux, en particulier à travers son application des principes du droit international de l'environnement. Se caractérisant par un haut degré de généralité, les principes occupent au sein de ce droit une position éminente ; ils concentrent la quintessence de la discipline, constituent le socle irréductible qui anime et guide les efforts internationaux en faveur de l'environnement. Il était naturel qu'ils imprègnent le contentieux d'ordre environnemental qui émergeait sur la scène internationale et devant les juridictions internationales à vocation universelle. Il ressort des affaires environnementales soumises à ces juridictions que la contribution du juge international à la protection de l'environnement est tout d'abord fonction de l'autonomie dont il dispose dans son application des principes ; encadrée par le droit et par ses propres choix, cette autonomie s'avère relative. Les apports qu'il réalise sont également soumis aux contraintes qui accompagnent son application des principes environnementaux. Des facteurs de contrainte, tenant aux Etats et aux différentes branches du droit international, exerceront une pression certaine sur la protection judiciaire de l'environnement.

L'application renforcée du droit international de l'environnement

L'application renforcée du droit international de l'environnement

Author: France. Ministère de l'environnement

Publisher: Editions Frison-Roche

Published: 1999-01-01

Total Pages: 193

ISBN-13: 9782876713130


La caractéristique essentielle du droit international de l'environnement aujourd'hui est la multiplication des textes contraignants, la dispersion très grande des organes créés pour leur mise en œuvre et les difficultés considérables d'application dans un grand nombre d'Etats. Il apparaît donc nécessaire, à travers une comparaison des mécanismes existants, de préparer des voies d'harmonisation et de simplification des procédures permettant de vérifier si les obligations conventionnelles sont respectées par les Etats parties. En particulier, il serait utile de faciliter la tâche des administrations nationales qui doivent rendre compte aux institutions internationales de l'application d'obligations conventionnelles par leurs pays respectifs. Il convient d'aborder aussi le règlement des différends interétatiques relatifs à l'environnement et sa contribution possible au renforcement des obligations internationales. A l'occasion du 50e Anniversaire de la création de l'ONU, le renforcement des organes des Nations Unies pour l'application du droit international de l'environnement a été particulièrement étudié. A ce titre, il est intéressant de comparer la situation actuelle du droit international de l'environnement avec un domaine parallèle, celui de la protection internationale des Droits de l'Homme, qui a connu des progrès significatifs. Les conclusions de cet ouvrage permettront d'informer et d'éclairer les administrations environnementales de chaque pays, les organismes internationaux concernés par la protection de l'environnement et les ONG spécialisées.

Making Better International Law

Making Better International Law



Published: 1998

Total Pages: 472



This publication contains the texts of the papers presented at the UN Colloquium, together with a record of those presentations and of the discussions which took place around them.

Collection of Essays by Legal Advisers of States, Legal Advisers of International Organizations and Practitioners in the Field of International Law

Collection of Essays by Legal Advisers of States, Legal Advisers of International Organizations and Practitioners in the Field of International Law

Author: United Nations. Office of Legal Affairs

Publisher: United Nations Publications

Published: 1999

Total Pages: 544



The world has changed radically since 1989, when the General Assembly declared the period from 1990 to 1999 as the United Nations Decade of International Law. During that time, the international community claimed some major achievements as reflected by the adoption of conventions and treaties. This publication presents a collection of essays from legal advisers of States and international organizations, all of whom are among those committed to promoting respect for international law. Their contribution provides a practical perspective on international law, viewed from the standpoint of those involved in its formation, application and administration.

Labour Rights as Human Rights

Labour Rights as Human Rights

Author: Philip Alston

Publisher: Collected Courses of the Acade

Published: 2005

Total Pages: 272



Are efforts to protect workers' rights compatible with the forces of globalization? How can minimum standards designed to protect labour rights be implemented in a world in which national labour law is more and more at the mercy of international forces beyond its control? And does it makeany difference if we see rights such as the right to freedom of association, to non-discrimination in the workplace, to freedom from child labour, and to safe and healthy working conditions in terms of international human rights law? Or are they more appropriately seen as 'principles' to bepromoted as and where appropriate?The contributors to this volume argue that international agreements and institutions are of central importance if labour rights are to be protected in a globalized economy. But the report cards they give to the World Trade Organization, the European Union, NAFTA, and the Free Trade Agreement of theAmericas are generally very critical. While there is a strong rhetorical commitment to labour rights, at least on the part of the US and the EU, the substance of what has been achieved to date is hardly impressive. The role of the International Labour Organization is central and the authorsexplore some of the options that are open to governments, civil society, and the labour movement in the years ahead.

International Law and Sustainable Development

International Law and Sustainable Development

Author: Alan E. Boyle

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA

Published: 2001

Total Pages: 414

ISBN-13: 9780199248070


International Law and Sustainable Development: Past Achievements and Future Challenges is a collection of essays that cover some of the most important contemporary issues in contemporary law relating to sustainable development, the utilization of natural resources, and the protection of theenvironment. Written by well-known experts on these topics who include judges of the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; legal advisers from international organizations such as the World Bank, the International Maritime Organization, and the Food andAgriculture Organization; and practitioners of international law, as well as some of the leading scholars writing on international environmental law and related subjects this book covers many of the major legal developments that have taken place since the United Nations Conference on EnvironmentalDevelopment held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.The contributors bring new perspectives on sustainable development as a legal principle, the role of the International Law Commission in codifying international environmental law, the protection of the marine environment following the entry into force of the 1982 UN Convention of the Law of the Sea,and the revolution in international fisheries law. The editors have ensured that the book covers a wide range of topics from Antarctica to small whales and the book will be of particular interest to those teaching or practising law of the sea and international environmental law.

International Environmental Law and Policy

International Environmental Law and Policy

Author: Edith Brown Weiss

Publisher: Aspen Publishers

Published: 2007

Total Pages: 1208



Revised and updated for its Second Edition, INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY uses cases, materials, problems, and questions to introduce important issues to students with little or no background in either international law or environmental law.

On the Take

On the Take

Author: Lindy Muzila


Published: 2012

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9780821394540


Despite broad international recognition of the criminalization of illicit enrichment, it has not been universally accepted as an anti-corruption measure. Instead, criminalization of illicit enrichment continues to generate extensive debate and controversy. Against this background, this volume aims to provide an analysis of how illicit enrichment works, and attempts to shed light on any contributions that it has made to the fight against corruption and the recovery of stolen assets. Rather than delving into the theoretical and academic debates around illicit enrichment, this study focuses primarily on the analysis of current practice, case law, and existing literature to offer a new perspective to the on-going discussions. More specifically, the volume addresses the legal framework upon which the concept of illicit enrichment rests, and the resulting policy implications of that legal framework. It also focuses on illicit enrichment as an anti-corruption mechanism, from its roots as a response to the problems inherent to prosecutions involving corruption, to an examination of elements and inchoate offenses relating to illicit enrichment under international conventions. It examines illicit enrichment jurisprudence in the global context. An extensive survey was carried out to determine the countries where the offense exists, what form it takes, how often it is used, and for countries where it doesn't, what other measures are used in its place. The authors neither recommend nor oppose the adoption of illicit enrichment provisions, but rather aim to assist jurisdictions considering such steps by highlighting key questions that might arise during implementation, including how the offense is defined and enforced domestically by States. Similarly, the authors do not endorse nor criticize any practice carried out by States in the implementation of the criminalization of illicit enrichment. Ultimately, it is also hoped that this study provides a basis for further discussion amongst policy makers and practitioners, and fuels upcoming discussions by the Conference of State parties of the UNCAC and its Working Groups