Land, Weather, Seasons, Insects

Land, Weather, Seasons, Insects

Author: Dennis L. Merritt

Publisher: Fisher King Press

Published: 2013

Total Pages: 134

ISBN-13: 1926715454


The Dairy Farmer's Guide to the Universe Volume IV explores the environment, with the Midwest as an example, using traditional Jungian and Hillmanian approaches to deepen our connection with the land, the seasons, and insects. The Dalai Lama said how we relate to insects is very important for what it reveals much about a culture's relationship with the psyche and nature. . .” I had several Big Dreams in my last year of training at the Jung Institute in Zurich, including a single image dream of a typical Wisconsin pasture or meadow scene. This was the most beautiful landscape I have ever seen because it shown with an inner light, what Jung called a numinous or sacred dream. Since returning to Wisconsin I have let the mystery and power of that dream inspire me to learn and experience as much as possible about the land and the seasons of the upper Midwest, a process of turning a landscape into a soulscape. The means of doing this are presented in Land, Weather, Seasons, Insects: An Archetypal View, volume IV of The Dairy Farmer's Guide to the Universe-Jung, Hermes, and Ecopsychology. This involves the use of science, myths, symbols, dreams, Native American spirituality, imaginal psychology and the I Ching. It is an approach that can be used to develop a deep connection with any landscape, meeting one of the goals of ecopsychology. Carl Sagan believed that unless we can re-establish a sense of the sacred about the earth, the forces leading to its destruction will be too powerful to avert." —Dennis L. Merritt Front Cover: A Monarch butterfly on 'Buddleia' in Olbrich Gardens, Madison, Wisconsin. This "King of the Butterflies" is probably the best known of the North American butterflies and is the chosen image for the Entomological Society of America. The caterpillar feeds on the lowly milkweed, genius 'Asclepias, ' named after the Greek god of healing. The plant and the insect are toxic to most organisms. The insect is known for its uniquely long and complicated migrations. Photo by Chuck Heikkinen.

Fairy Tales with a Mexican Twist

Fairy Tales with a Mexican Twist

Author: Jacqueline Gerson

Publisher: Fisher King Press

Published: 2019-01-07

Total Pages: 180

ISBN-13: 1771690461


Fairy tales convey life’s magic, reflecting the deep psychological themes that govern the outcomes of our lives. Written in simple language, these stories take us along soul’s path once more, revealing how the issues of today can still yield new restorative meanings. This fresh set of tales introduces characters who invite the reader to think the unthinkable, explore the unknown, and feel what is irreconcilable—resulting in a deeper experience of life itself. Staged in remote corners of the world where healing mysteries can be summoned when life’s dilemmas emerge and right and wrong are no longer clear, Gerson’s fairy tales show that there are still Gods and Goddesses who can intervene when humans lose their way on life’s journey.

The Dream: The Vision of the Night

The Dream: The Vision of the Night

Author: Max Zeller

Publisher: Fisher King Press

Published: 2015-06-01

Total Pages: 204

ISBN-13: 1771690283


A classic in the field of dream analysis, The Dream: The Vision of the Night is a collection of essays, lectures, and vignettes by Max Zeller whose career included a law degree, a brief imprisonment in a Nazi Concentration Camp, study at the Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, and thirty years of in-depth work as a Jungian analyst. In the eighteen pieces of this collection, Zeller intersperses theoretical writings, compassionate and incisive case studies, and powerful, almost haiku-like reminiscences of certain incidences in his life, from his meetings with C.G. Jung to his impressions of life in pre-war Nazi Germany. The Dream: The Vision of the Night is the best example of amplification of Jungian principles that can be found. Neither pure research nor pure memoir, the collection is an affective combination of both, and as such best portrays the spirit of its author: always restless and searching, always compassionate and open-minded, and above all, always fascinated by the mystery and power of our dreams.

War of the Ancient Dragon

War of the Ancient Dragon

Author: Laurel A. Howe

Publisher: Fisher King Press

Published: 2016-04-24

Total Pages: 168

ISBN-13: 1771690348


“Valuable above and beyond a case study because it remarkably grounds what can be very illusive alchemical imagery into psychological experience.” – Margaret Johnson, editor, Psychological Perspectives “A testament to the healing capacities of the imagination, the humble “star in man” that connects us to the unconscious: to unknown and unexpected developments in ourselves.” – Literary Aficionado I suspect that far more would be resolved, and much of the world’s suffering wouldn’t be in vain, if only we could transform the wars in the Middle East and elsewhere in this world into the likes of Randy’s sand trays. War of the Ancient Dragon: Transformation of Violence in Sandplay is a major contribution to Jungian Psychology, Sandplay Therapy, and to the world at large. I urge you to read and to tell others about this powerfully moving book. – Mel Mathews, Publisher, Fisher King Press Six-year-old Randy conducts bloody wars in the sandtray, calling them “World War One,” World War Two, and “The War of the Ancient Dragon.” He burns fires and bombs helpless victims, killing some and saving others. What could possibly be going on in his imagination? The contents of his imagination—what the alchemists call the “realm of subtle bodies”—are revealed in his sandplay from one session to the next, and there we see the raw, autonomous dynamism that motivates Randy, already branded a bully and nearly expelled from first grade. We see fiery, destructive conflict, part his, part his culture’s, part lived, part projected, a conflict of archetypal opposites that engulf Randy’s personality and fuel his violent behavior. But also from Randy’s imaginal world, out of the very war between opposites that drives him, the unknown third possibility unfolds. Allowed to exist and be seen with a paradoxical healing aim, the war fights itself out over time in the safe container of the sandtray, finds its unpredictable resolution, and gradually releases Randy from its grip. He finally emerges, calling himself “king of the bloodfire,” returned to the rule of his own emotional life. He has adapted to school, proud of his achievements, a star student in math. Randy’s lively narratives animate his dramas and reveal the distinct hallmarks of an alchemical opus over the course of 24 therapy sessions. He remarkably echoes the words of the ancient sages such as Zosimos, who centuries ago in his own imagination witnessed the “torture” of transformation in fire. Randy’s process is thoroughly documented and amplified, unveiling the alchemical stages of transformation—nigredo, albedo, and rubedo—in a way that helps us relate to those chapters in our own individuation struggles. Psychological Perspectives editor Margaret Johnson writes that the work is “valuable above and beyond being a case study because it remarkably grounds what can be very illusive alchemical imagery into psychological experience.” War of the Ancient Dragon guides us through the gritty realities of the alchemical process, helping us realize how they can manifest in everyday life, dream images, and fantasy. Above all the book is a testament to the healing capacities of the imagination, the humble “star in man” that connects us to the unconscious: to unknown and unexpected developments in ourselves.

Jungian Analysis in a World on Fire

Jungian Analysis in a World on Fire

Author: Laura Tuley, PhD.

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Published: 2024-04-11

Total Pages: 172

ISBN-13: 1040004881


This volume of essays, all authored by practicing Jungian psychoanalysts, examines and illuminates ways of working with individual analytic and therapeutic clients in the context of powerful and current collective forces, in the United States and beyond. One of Carl Jung’s central achievements was his clear recognition that the psyche is a locus not only of individual and personal experiences but also of social, collective, and even cosmological experiences. This important insight on Jung’s part both opens broad vistas for psychoanalytic practice and poses potential challenges for the psychoanalytic practitioner attempting to understand and aid the individual client amidst the pressure of intense collective energies, especially amidst collective crises. Among the themes treated in this volume are principles of non-violence, environmental activism, feminism, ecological shifts due to the pandemic, the Chingada complex, mass shootings, industrial farming of animals, and death anxiety. Jungian Analysis in a World on Fire will be of interest to Jungian, psychoanalytic, and depth-oriented analysts and therapists engaged in how best to work with individual clients in a time of social, political, and environmental crisis. It will also be valuable for scholars interested in understanding the impact of contemporary, collective traumas on individual psychology.

A Jungian Life

A Jungian Life

Author: Thomas B. Kirsch

Publisher: Fisher King Press

Published: 2014-11-15

Total Pages: 229

ISBN-13: 1771690240


From conception until the present, C.G. Jung, his ideas, and analytical psychology itself have been a central thread of Thomas B. Kirsch’s life. His parents, James and Hilde Kirsch, were in analysis with C.G, Jung when he was born, and he was imaged to be the product of a successful analysis. At an early age, Dr. Kirsch was introduced to many of the first-generation analysts who surrounded C.G. Jung, and over time became acquainted with them. Later, in his roles with the IAAP, he gained a broad knowledge of the developments in analytical psychology, and through both his early family history and in his later professional life, Dr. Kirsch worked closely with many analysts who were integral in forming the foundations of analytical psychology.

Creases in Culture

Creases in Culture

Author: Dennis Patrick Slattery

Publisher: Fisher King Press

Published: 2014-01-15

Total Pages: 240

ISBN-13: 1771690062


This collection of essays, written over a period of years, entertains the shared place of psyche and poetics. Dr. Slattery has explored the manner in which the psyche is poetic and how poetry is deeply psycho-mythical. Influenced in part by the archetypal psychologist James Hillman's idea of the "poetic basis of mind" that comprises the soul's foundation, Slattery's writing moves into the interactive field in which myth is the ground for both psyche and poetry. The essays develop a further understanding of what has been called mythopoiesis, the fundamental myth-making and shaping capacity of the soul.

Beyond the Mask

Beyond the Mask

Author: Kathleen A. Burt

Publisher: Genoa House

Published: 2012-07-27

Total Pages: 400

ISBN-13: 1926975081


(Combined Edition) Original 2 books combined into a large page edition! Beyond the Mask: The Rising Sign Parts 1 & 2 by Katheen Burt “Beyond the Mask will speak deeply to many–to astrologers and lovers of astrology at every level, archetypally minded people, depth psychologists and seekers from many walks of life.” –Monika Wikman Ph.D., Jungian Analyst and author of Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness Well known and respected internationally for her ground breaking work in Archetypes of the Zodiac, Kathleen Burt now offers us a phenomenal distillation of her life work in: Beyond the Mask: The Rising Sign – Part 1 & Part 2. Midlife urgings bring forth cycles of death and rebirth. Antiquated identities and roles must die, old ‘masks’ must be pealed away before we can discover a new path in life. Kathleen Burt addresses specifically how the twelve rising sign patterns guide us into new life and fresh experiences. With the keen eye of an astrologer examining the biography of creative writers and inspired people, Kathleen Burt brings a depth of understanding to the Rising Sign. This unique volume of wisdom offers decades of scholarly study and practical experience in esoteric astrology, psychology, mythology, and biography and examines the underlying archetypal patterns inherent in our lives.