A unique book dedicated to the Murcielago - Lamborghini's iconic flagship, with its V12 Bizzarrini-engine, spaceframe chassis, and scissor doors. This was the last car to use the classic Bizzarrini engine.
Provides information on the truck and specialty vehicles business, including: automotive industry trends and market research; mergers, acquisitions, globalization; automobile manufacturers; truck makers; makers of specialty vehicles such as RVs; automobile loans, insurance and other financial services; dealerships; and, components manufacturers.
Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.
Mass murderers may not have much by way of careeer skills, but Kuroko Koumori seems to have landed her dream job as a hitwoman for the Tokyo police! A license to kill other killers? That's some serious job satisfaction, right there!
Collection Editions present "Top Gear"... The worlds most watched factual television programme. With over 160 car reviews and information, guides to every episode made to date, presenter biographies from the original 1977 series to todays modern masterpiece, History of the UK, US, Russian, Korean & Australian series, track reviews, Power Laps, Star timings & info, and tons more. This huge book provides to most complete and comprehensive guide to the show so far for only the most dedicated of fans.
Provides information on the truck and specialty vehicles business, including: automotive industry trends and market research; mergers, acquisitions, globalization; automobile manufacturers; truck makers; makers of specialty vehicles such as RVs; automobile loans, insurance and other financial services; dealerships; and, components manufacturers.
Collection Editions books give you this one time edition commemorating the end (as we know it) of the most popular factual television show in the planets history. Limited to just 2000 copies worldwide Top Gear: 1977-2015 gives the most comprehensive illustration to Top Gear yet with dozens of episode reviews and illustrations including some never before seen, presenter biographies right from the original 1977 series through to today's modern masterpiece... - History of the series, guides and behind the scenes to every Top Gear "Special" including the latest and final Patagonia adventure. - Find out about all the spin-off shows across the world, Track reviews, Every single Power Lap time, Every single Star in a Reasonably Priced Car, Cars of the Year, Car of the Decade, The Stig's of past and present, And absolutely tons more... Top Gear: 1977-2015 provides the biggest, most authoritative and comprehensive guide to the Top Gear series for only the most dedicated of fans