Les chemins qu’empruntent les enfants pour apprendre gardent toujours une part de mystère et réservent nombre de surprises, le plus souvent fort agréables. Lorsque des embûches se présentent, lorsque l’enfant peine pour apprendre, les parents, l’entourage familial ou éducatif au sens large ainsi que les enseignants, sont bien souvent pris au dépourvu. L’appel aux professionnels de santé est devenu un recours incontournable, dès que des « difficultés d’apprentissage » sont repérées chez un enfant. Écouter, observer... pour pouvoir aider au mieux, voici le défi auquel sont confrontés les soignants en collaboration avec la famille et l’équipe enseignante. Les auteurs de cet ouvrage – pédopsychiatres, psychologues, orthophonistes – s’appuient sur une longue expérience clinique de consultation hospitalière spécialisée dédiée aux troubles du langage et des apprentissages chez l’enfant (centre référent). L’enjeu d’un bilan pluridisciplinaire réalisé dans ce cadre est de proposer une analyse approfondie des difficultés, et de dégager, à partir des observations recueillies, des points d’appui et des leviers afin d’orienter les actions thérapeutiques et les remédiations dont pourra bénéficier l’enfant en difficulté. Les nombreuses vignettes cliniques décrivant le parcours des enfants au sein de ce centre référent ainsi que la description des outils de travail clinique utilisés, feront partager au lecteur l’expérience quotidienne de l’équipe d’auteurs cliniciens. Largement illustré par des cas cliniques évocateurs, ce livre intéressera tous les acteurs du soin – équipes de proximité (CMP, CMPP, SESSAD... ), équipes hospitalières spécialisées et praticiens libéraux (orthophonistes, psychologues, psychomotriciens, ergothérapeutes, psychopédagogues, pédiatres, pédopsychiatres, neuropédiatres...) – ainsi que les acteurs des champs pédagogique, éducatif et associatif, engagés auprès des enfants, sans oublier les familles.
An essential handbook for professionals and advanced students in the field. Volume 1 contains comprehensive studies on the acquisition of 15 different languages (from ASL to Samoan) -- written by top researchers on each topic. Volume 2 concentrates on theoretical issues, emphasizing current linguistic and psycholinguistic research. Unique in its approach toward individual languages and in its comparative perspective, this book is a hallmark of a rapidly growing area of interdisciplinary, international research.
In this book, Maryse Nol Roumain compares the genesis of Creole languages to child language while warning us against simplification views and using the modern psycholinguistic theories of language acquisition. She proceeds to explaining the acquisition of English by a child in situation of languages-in contact. She also studies school failure among Haitian children in North American schools. LEnfant Hatien Et le Bilinguisme, The Haitian Child and Bilingualism is a book for researchers, educators and parents.
Grammaticalization and lexicalization are at the heart of first language acquisition. Understanding how these processes begin and evolve is a major challenge for current theories and has implications for applications in teaching or clinical contexts. This volume examines the relative weight of cognitive and linguistic determinants of acquisition with particular attention to two questions. The first one concerns the origins of grammar and the processes underlying its development. Is grammatical knowledge innate or constructed by the child? Is it modular or does it interact with other capacities? How can we account for continuity and discontinuity in development? What is the role of input? Second, considerable variation is observed in lexical and grammatical development across child languages. Is the process of acquisition similar in all children or do language-specific factors impact its rhythm and course? Do typological factors determine children’s reliance on lexical or grammatical means of expression in some domains? Originally published in Language, Interaction and Acquisition - Langage, Interaction et Acquisition 2:1 (2011).
This volume brings together the work of 32 scholars from 13 countries -- investigations of children learning 15 different languages, in some instances more than one at a time. The scope of this work -- as broad as it is -- only partially represents the research interests and approaches of the more than 350 scholars from 34 countries who contributed papers or posters to the Sixth International Congress for the Study of Child Language. This investigative power and diversity are, for the most part, focused on topics and issues of modern day child language research that have been under discussion for the last 30 years or so. Some even go beyond that in early diary studies and philosophers' speculations. While the issues are mainly familiar ones, the 17 chapters contribute to the advancement of child language study in several specific ways. They: * represent current theoretical frameworks, both bringing the insights of the theories to the interpretation of language development and testing tenets or implications of the theories with child language data; * contribute substantively to the crosslinguistic study of child language, reflecting both the linguistic diversity of the authors themselves and a recent major shift in the approach to child language study; * build on the now considerable body of knowledge about children's language, both adding to information about the basic systems of phonology, syntax, and semantics, and extending beyond to explore aspects of narrative and literacy development, language acquisition by bilingual and atypical children, and language processing; and * contain hints of new directions in child language study, such as increased attention to the impact of phonology on other language systems. Taken as a whole, this volume reflects the current strength of crosslinguistic research, the application and testing of new theoretical developments, a new legitimacy of language disorder data, and a new appeal to the descriptive possibilities of language processing models. In addition, there is a theme that runs through many of the chapters and points the way for important research in the future: the role of prosody in the acquisition of various language structures and systems.