violets are blue. Life is a Story -

violets are blue. Life is a Story -

Author: Angelina Sunisa

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2024-09-04

Total Pages: 61

ISBN-13: 3711563791


dear my loneliness, maybe i should call u by a name. what name would suit u? i think Violet is nice. maybe because violet is a cold color and u are cold too. i really wanted to say that i hate u Violet. i hate no one more than u. u are the worst thing that ever happened to me. i hate how u make me cry a few tears but never enough to burst. but still i am too familiar with u to just let u go. i hate how cold u feel but when i look deeper, there is something comforting about u. because when i have no one, i still have you. this book is for everyone who truly feels. love, hate, sadness, loneliness and confusion and in between the lines there is some hope for a better tomorrow.

Rosenwind. Life is a Story -

Rosenwind. Life is a Story -

Author: Evan H. Clarke

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2024-07-13

Total Pages: 82

ISBN-13: 3711534597


Mitten im Grünen verbringt Familie Prinz ihren Sommer im Salzkammergut. Umgeben von glasklaren Seen und majestätischen Bergen genießen die Geschwister Franz und Maria unbeschwerte Tage und beobachten das Leben der Erwachsenen um sie herum. Franz' aufkeimende Romanze mit Judith Hammer entfaltet sich vor dieser idyllischen Kulisse und wird auf die Probe gestellt, als sie mit einem Familiendrama und gesellschaftlichen Erwartungen konfrontiert werden.

The Art Of Being Miserable. Life is a Story -

The Art Of Being Miserable. Life is a Story -

Author: Emma Hall

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2024-08-30

Total Pages: 81

ISBN-13: 3711548008


In the quiet, shadowed corners of their minds, Regan and Evan grapple with the weight of their own existence. For Regan, an artist whose soul is entwined with the melancholy of his creations, every brushstroke is a reflection of his fragmented self. For Evan, haunted by the ghosts of a past he cannot escape, life is a series of days spent drifting between the overwhelming urge to disappear and the desperate need to be seen. Bound by a friendship that is as fragile as it is profound, they navigate the blurred lines between despair and hope, art and life, and the person they are versus the person they want to be. As Regan's art exhibition looms, both men must confront their deepest fears and insecurities, discovering in each other the reflections of their own miseryand the faintest glimmers of redemption. The Art of Being Miserable is a poetic and introspective exploration of loneliness, mental health, and the complexity of human connection.

Malice: The Stranger In My Mind. Life is a Story -

Malice: The Stranger In My Mind. Life is a Story -

Author: Melis Öztibet

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2024-09-03

Total Pages: 82

ISBN-13: 3711556205


Throughout my life, I have always tried to be a calm child, who does not argue with anyone and to live in harmony with other people, try not to disturb them. But my alter ego in my head, always forced me to do bad things. To her, the only way to escape bullying was to fight fire with fire and do worse things to bad people who treated you very badly. The stranger in my mind was the one who ordered me to harm others in order to protect myself from them. I am neither your alter ego nor a stranger. I am you from the past and I will be you from the future. That's what she always told me whenever I thought about it. I would never know what this meant. All I knew, was that there was a connection between these evil thoughts and the memories that did not belong to me. And I was about to learn the terrible truth behind it.

Shadows of Inside. Life is a Story -

Shadows of Inside. Life is a Story -

Author: Kubra Okutan

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2023-08-07

Total Pages: 62

ISBN-13: 3710871166


"The boxes in the attic are blocked by the ghosts of the past, All of them lying about on loose boards. It's difficult to reach them. Difficult to open them, but removing the weight of everything else, releasing the place from the crowd will clear them all. Uplift the fog, give a better vision, restoring the old library I almost abandoned." - Excerpt from chapter "Ghost of the past" "I'm at a loss of words, and words are my strength, but recently I'm at a loss of words, feeling the thorns spread to the whole of my body. Overwhelmed by you. You being nice. Too nice perhaps, overshadowing me with what is mine." - Excerpt from chapter "Overshadowed"

Storm Wanderer. Life is a Story -

Storm Wanderer. Life is a Story -

Author: Melanie Dunst

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2023-08-31

Total Pages: 81

ISBN-13: 3710842654


Nach dem Tod ihres Uronkels Franz, einem leidenschaftlichen Weltenbummler, änderte sich Melanies Leben für immer. Franz war bekannt für seine abenteuerlichen Reisen, bei denen er die Welt mit seiner "Todeskugel" erkundete. Doch mit seinem Ableben übertrug er Melanie ein besonderes Erbe - die Welt zu bereisen und die bewegenden Geschichten von Menschen und ihren Schicksalsschlägen zu erzählen. Es war, als ob Franz ihr symbolisch den Schlüssel zu seinen unzähligen Abenteuern überreichte, und Melanie nahm diese Aufgabe mit Dankbarkeit und Entschlossenheit an. In den Spuren ihres Uronkels begab sie sich auf eine Reise, die nicht nur ihre eigenen Horizonte erweiterte, sondern auch die Herzen und Leben der Menschen, denen sie unterwegs begegnete, berührte.

Thoughts Between The Lines. Life is a Story -

Thoughts Between The Lines. Life is a Story -

Author: Hedda Marie Jäger

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2024-08-17

Total Pages: 70

ISBN-13: 3711540643


”I feel guilty even though I didn't do anything. But you give me courage every time you say: The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole.“ Everybody tells me who I am: selfish, egoistic, heartless, strong-willed, and someone who takes advantage of others. But who am I really after everything that happened? Who am I when I drop the mask? My biggest enemy is myself. Each of the little stories in this book reveal a bit more about me and my life. At only 12 years old, I have probably experienced more than some older people because I survived myself. This book is about loosing everyone and finding myself. At the same time, you will see how everything started, and how I began to write. These are my stories!

Kids of Skid Row. Life is a Story -

Kids of Skid Row. Life is a Story -

Author: Sonja Maas

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2024-03-12

Total Pages: 77

ISBN-13: 3711523609


Tyler wächst in Los Angeles auf. Abseits des Reichtums und des Glamours der Traumstadt erlebt er tagtäglich die harte Realität in Skid Row - das Viertel ist geprägt von Obdachlosigkeit, Verfall und Gewalt. Der Kampf um die Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben wird zum bestimmenden Faktor für Tyler; die Folgen eines möglichen Scheiterns werden ihm tagtäglich vor Augen geführt. Momentaufnahmen seines Alltags, mal hoffnungsvoll und harmonisch, mal düster und dramatisch, werden begleitet von Berichten und Nachrichten über die nationalen Ereignisse und Entwicklungen der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts.

The Bedroom Poet. Life is a Story -

The Bedroom Poet. Life is a Story -

Author: Mariam Khalil

Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand

Published: 2023-09-01

Total Pages: 61

ISBN-13: 3710826772


In dieser deutsch/englischen Gedichtsammlung wird der Leser auf eine emotionale Reise durch die Höhen und Tiefens des Lebens genommen. Von der Freude über kleine Momente des Glücks bis zu den Schattenseiten unseres Daseins - die Gedichte berühren die Seele und laden zum Nachdenken ein. Eine Sammlung, die zum Verweilen und Innehalten anregt und uns daran erinnert, dass Poesie eine universelle Sprache ist, die uns alle verbindet.