For Human Resource Management (HRM) and Personnel courses. The #1 best-selling HRM book in the market, Dessler's Human Resource Management provides a comprehensive review of personnel management concepts and practices in a highly readable form. This edition focuses on the high-performance organization building better, faster, more competitive organizations through HR; while continuing to offer practical applications that help all managers deal with their personnel-related responsibilities.
Una propuesta de organización del escenario escolar. Este concepto de organización escolar (que supera el concepto de rincones de trabajo) supone una alternativa válida y especialmente sugerente, en línea con los nuevos planteamientos de la Reforma.
In Pura vida (Life is good)Spanish is more than vocabulary and grammar, just as Spanish-speaking cultures are more than products and practices. In this learner-centered introductory program, the authors’ commitment to a methodology based on true-to-life experiences brings Spanish to life. Pura vida is the discovery of a Spanish-speaking world through the experiences of real people who share anecdotes and reflections on those experiences. Students relate to these people and make deeper, more meaningful connections between language and culture, and acquire Spanish with an unparalleled sense of personal engagement. In this 12-chapter introductory program, students don’t only learn Spanish for real life, but also from real life. They discover that there is not just one homogeneous Hispanic culture, but rather that each Spanish-speaking country has its own rich, unique culture and that the people who live in these countries speak one common language with different accents, characteristics, and idiosyncrasies. The program offers truly seamless integration of cultural notions and language instruction and features 100% contextualized and personalized activities.
Sin importar si usted es voluntario por temporada, líder de grupo o profesional a tiempo completo, necesita consejos prácticos sobre cómo brindarles a los adolescentes las herramientas necesarias para que puedan triunfar. La guía Capacitación de profesionales idóneos en desarrollo juvenil o E-QYP, por sus siglas en inglés brinda las mejores prácticas para ayudar a niños y adolescentes de entre seis y dieciocho años de edad a alcanzar su potencial. Ofrece, además, ideas apropiadas para cada edad que usted puede aplicar a su programa específico para niños y adolescentes. E-QYP es una referencia muy útil para todos, así como también una poderosa herramienta de desarrollo de voluntarios y empleados al implementarse en organizaciones. Actúa, además, como complemento ideal de libros de texto académicos sobre desarrollo infantil y juvenil. Dotada de información de lectura sencilla y ejemplos de actividades que realmente funcionan, esta guía puede ayudarlo a ayudar a los jóvenes con los que usted comparte su vida.
La pluralitat de llengües i de registres de la comunicació reals constitueix un factor que condiciona l’ensenyament de la llengua i la literatura que té lloc dins de les aules. Deixant de banda les concepcions rígides relatives a la norma i a l’estructura, la didàctica de les llengües troba així la seua especificitat en la complexa xarxa d’interrelacions del sistema educatiu, encara que respon també a necessitats i expectatives socials. Des d’aquestes premisses, els treballs aplegats en aquest volum –ponències i comunicacions presentades al I Congrés Internacional de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura (València, 1997) –aborden el tema des del punt de vista de la diversitat discursiva, de l’ensenyament del llenguatge oral i escrit, del text literari, del plurilingüisme i dels recursos didàctics.
For public and school libraries, this resource reflects recent changes in Library of Congress subject headings and authority files, and provides bilingual information essential to reference librarians and catalogers serving Spanish speakers. Libraries must provide better access to their collections for all users, including Spanish-language materials. The American Library Association has recognized this increasing need. Subject Headings for School and Public Libraries: Bilingual Fourth Edition is the only resource available that provides both authorized and reference entries in English and Spanish. A first-check source for the most frequently used headings needed in school and public libraries, this book incorporates thousands of new and revised entries to assist in applying LCSH and CSH headings. Of the approximately 30,000 headings listed, most include cross-references, and all of the cross-reference terms are translated. MARC21 tags are included for all authorized entries to simplify entering them into computerized catalogs, while indexes to all headings and free-floating subdivisions are provided in translation from Spanish to English. This book gives librarians access to accurate translations of the subject terms printed in books published and cataloged in English-speaking countriesinvaluable information in settings with Spanish-speaking patrons.