Jessie Rose Case Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Jessie Rose Case Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Author: Jessie Rose Case


Published: 2017-12-13

Total Pages: 206

ISBN-13: 9781973537441


WARNING EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENTDear Reader, if you are looking for hot and steamy you just found it. Like the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langais you will love this!The darkness was lifting again. Pain seeped into his receptors. To his shame he couldn't hold back the moan that escaped him. He was Cyborg and better than this. Hating his failing, he welcomed the soothing hands and kind voice that filtered into his pain and took the edge off. Kane sighed. He was weak. He needed her touch. The female took their pain away, cared for them and smelled so dam good. His body heated and awakened. He couldn't deny it, he wanted her.The distress in her voice told him he looked bad this time. He was no longer able to turn off his pain receptors, it did feel worse. He wondered how much more he and his men could take. He didn't like her like this. Worried, scared, unsure. She was fragile, needed protecting. They had to escape..... All of them. Would she help them get free? He wanted to touch her. Be with her, take her away from this place of pain. Laura held back the sob that threatened to escape her. She hated this dam job. It was not what they told her. The war was long over and yet, they held Cyborgs. That was a crime wasn't it?They experimented on them like they did animals. It sickened her. They did what they wanted for their own interests and expected her to put them back together again. It made her heart ache. What the hell was she doing here? She was a tech whizz, not a bloody magician or a doctor. Couldn't they see what they were doing to these men? The damage they did? The pain they caused? Laura closed her eyes. She knew the truth now. These people were monsters. They didn't care. They used people and when they were no longer useful they got rid of them. Laura swallowed, how long before more of them were no more use? These were hero's. She knew many didn't think like that and they were wrong. She knew that from her own family's history and the files she had access to. No human man could have survived the wars and this treatment. They were men of flesh and blood and one in particular caught her gaze time and time again.... was it wrong to feel for someone held captive? He was their leader. Had an edge to him that screamed danger. There was no doubt he was strong. He took the worst experiments. Had that not told her, looking at his body would. Even with the damage it was honed to perfection. And cried out for her touch..... Laura's face heated. The unwarranted thought catching her unaware. It was inappropriate and abusive to think like that, to crave someone who had no free will.Her body betraying her desires, heating as she tried to clean up the latest damage to his body. It was so badly torn up this time. A cry caught in her throat and she hesitated to touch him again.Laura's eyes flicked up to his face. She watched as Kane breathed in. He did it a lot around her lately. And when he spoke for the first time it shocked her to her core."I smell your desire for me female. Release me so I can touch you."

Jessie Rose Case Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Jessie Rose Case Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Author: Jessie Rose Case


Published: 2017-12-13

Total Pages: 191

ISBN-13: 9781973537502


WARNING. EXPLICIT CONTENT. This novel is written in UK English.Dear Reader, if your looking for hot and steamy, you just found it! If you like the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langlais you will love this!This is one woman's struggle to move past an abusive past and a dominant Cyborg male's need, to contain his natural instincts to allow her the time she needs, in the hope of a future. Blaz looked at the female chained to the Bridge console. He clenched his fists, controlling his body not to lash out and kill the man they held. He was unable to take his eyes off her. Even in her dirty, ragged clothing and having been physically abused, she called to him. He held back the raw need to roar his vengeance, his sense of protection over ridding his need to kill. The female was scared. He held back his emotions. She'd been beaten, starved and worse. He gritted his teeth. He would kill them slowly. Hear their cries for forgiveness for days.... weeks .... every pain she endured he would pound on them ten fold.The men on this ship had used her, tormented her and yet, her first thought after finding the strength to kill the so called pirate 'Captain' of this ship? Find her men. His female had honour. His female? ...... Blaz didn't understand the meaning of that. It held no logic. He had no right to call a female his. His life was duty, the Empire. Females were to be cherished, protected. Did he have the right to offer that? Instinctively his processors told him, no. His body, had other ideas. He felt shame as his body flared gazing at the female, he knew two things at that moment. She was not ready for a male like him and might never be and .... he was her mate.She would never look on him with affection. Never call to him. Never ask him to protect and love her. She had been lost to him before he'd even set eyes on her. His chest clenched. A female needed a worth male, needed being cared for. His anger flared along with his body. This one was never going to want him for anything .... Kate shook as the chains came off her wrists and the collar from around her neck. Rubbing the soreness from her wrists she realised she was nearly naked and still surrounded by men. Only these were Cyborgs. The most feared men in the Universe. Known for their ability to kill, to conquer, to dominate and decimate. She tried not to shudder. She'd once been a strong independent woman. Rising to own and Captain her own ship. She'd taken such pride in it's beauty once, now it was her prison.Her life had never been easy. Thrown out young by an alcoholic father, her mother long gone, she'd done what she needed to do to get by. Going bigger and better. Moving in the right circles. Paying her dues, until she was in a position to buy her own ship. Then she'd gambled and won the Scorpan. She loved that ship but everything came at a price...... You just had to be willing to pay it. Well she'd paid that fucker back in kind and killed him only to find herself with another group of men. She was an idiot. She'd held on to her sanity long enough to ask to leave the ship, she needed to get off, couldn't stand being here a moment longer. They'd promised to protect her Kate knew that would come at a cost.She'd had a life of paying. Kate shook, a blanket appeared before her. She wanted to take it, cover herself from their eyes but knew from experience, there would be a price for that kindness. "What's it going to cost me." She asked. Surprised her voice sounded so clear. She didn't look up. Didn't need to see her next abuser and yet she felt no malice and she no longer feared.There was silence and for a moment, she wondered if he'd heard her. She really didn't have the energy to care. Cyborgs had very very good hearing, Kate reasoned. He couldn't have missed the comment.And when he did speak ....... she'd wished he had. "Nothing. Your mine."

Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Author: Jessie Rose Case


Published: 2018-04-09

Total Pages: 358

ISBN-13: 9781980787952


This is a Happily Ever After Romance Novel.Note to readers, if you're looking for hot dominant men, kick ass females and a steamy read, you just found it. Enjoy! If you like the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langlais you will love this. ***He'd seen war at it's worse. Done terrible things in its name. To survive, his emotions had been severed. Now they were free and he was his namesake, ANGR.He battled every waking moment. His emotions so long suppressed, waged their own war within him. He was volatile and deadly. The war he'd been created for had ended, to some extent. Now they fought to control their space and for other Cyborgs. Protect the humans. The innocent. Those left to fend for themselves on the edges of the Universe, shoved aside and discarded to fate. He and his brethren, knew all about that. Cyborgs had been created, used as fodder or worse, then passed around and used again. Their freedom had come at a deadly cost. One, he'd willingly paid, time and time again. And still did. General of his fleet. They defended their Space Station and searched for other Cyborgs, lost or stolen, discarded and damaged. He would make those that harmed them, pay for what they'd done. It was his mission and no one, got in the way of a Cyborg...... and lived.Blake searched the stars for her quarry. She was a ghost. Bounty and contracts were her life. It was in her blood. Several generations of bounty hunters had gone before her and she was dam good at it. It made her wealthy and a name, and she loved the life. She didn't need complicated. She worked hard and played even harder. She was a female in a man dominated world. She had to fight to get what she wanted and use the tools she had, to make it work. It hadn't been easy. She was alone and no-one, but her uncle really knew her. And she liked it that way. Men were the bane of her life. They tried to dominate and take over, and she was never, willingly, having that in her life any more than she already did.This time it was an easy recon. Search out the 'magical engineer' that could produce engines no one else could, secure their intel and equipment order. An easy tag. Only one problem, they were based on the new Cyborg Empires Space Station and it was rumoured, that this 'magical engineer' was married to a Cyborg! Seriously? This time getting in and out unseen, wasn't gonna be an option .....Well then, Blake smiled, she'd have to use ........... other means and she was very, very good at that....

Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Author: Jessie Rose Case


Published: 2017-12-13

Total Pages: 158

ISBN-13: 9781973537625


WARNING: This is an explicitly sexual novel. If you like your books hot and steamy with dominant men and kick ass women, you just found it.If you love the books of Anna Hackett, you will love this.There was a Commander coming. Earth forces didn't take losing a Space Station well. No matter that they'd left them to it. Unwilling to run the risk of pirates with their own ships. It wasn't a problem until it was. Then, they wanted answers. Who'd let it fall into pirate hands, decimating the population and then, allowed Cyborgs to take it? They wanted answers and it was her job to get them. She would do what she does best. Find those responsible and crush them, then deliver the punishment ordered.The Cyborgs were a problem. They'd declared the station in their space under their protection. They were not giving it back. In fact, they put out job ads encouraging people to apply! That was a first. They didn't seem to realise or care that that station belonged to Earth Corp? No matter. The job remained the same and her team, when they arrived would strip out the bad wood and hold those accountable. It wasn't her first time in someone else's back yard and she didn't need distractions. Even if it came in the sexy as hell package call PAIN who made her nipples harden and her body on fire... ***PAIN.... He'd earnt his name. Why they were putting up with this political bullshit, he did not know. They were Cyborgs. They fought. Took out the trash and protected those that needed it. Simple. So why was he standing at the dock waiting for this Commander to arrive? He had plenty to do. This was a distraction he did not need or want.He knew it was her the minute he saw her. Pure military. All woman. A body made for fucking. It had been a while since he'd had a Commander. He'd not expected a female. Pain scented the air and his cock hardened. His mouth watered. A calculating smile crossed his lips. He liked to play. His name was PAIN and he did like a challenge ....

Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Author: Jessie Rose Case


Published: 2017-12-13

Total Pages: 169

ISBN-13: 9781973537663


Description:WARNING SEXUALLY EXPLICIT NOVEL.Note to readers, if you're looking for hot dominant men, kick ass females and a steamy read, you just found it. Enjoy! If you like the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langlais you will like this. He'd seen war at it's worse. Done terrible things in its name. To survive, his emotions had been severed. Now they were free and he was his namesake, ANGR.He battled every waking moment. His emotions so long suppressed waged their own war within him. He was volatile and deadly. The war he'd been created for had ended, to some extent. Now they fought to control their space and for other Cyborgs. Protect the humans. The innocent. Those left to fend for themselves on the edges of the Universe, shoved aside and discarded to fate. He and his brethren, knew all about that. Cyborgs had been created, used as fodder or worse, then passed around and used again. Their freedom had come at a deadly cost. One, he'd willingly paid, time and time again. And still did. General of his fleet. They defended their Space Station and searched for other Cyborgs, lost or stolen, discarded and damaged and he would make, those that harmed them pay for what they'd done. It was his mission and no one, got in the way of a Cyborg...... and lived. Females he didn't understand. They had a function. Prolonged contact never worked out well. So why did his cock harden at the scenting of one?Blake searched the stars for her quarry. She was a ghost. Bounty and contracts were her life. It was in her blood. Several generations of bounty hunters and she was dam good at it. It made her wealthy and a name and she loved the life. She didn't need complicated. She worked hard and played even harder. She was female in a man dominated world. She'd had to fight to get what she wanted and use the tools available to make it work. It hadn't been easy. She was alone and no one but her uncle really knew her. And she liked it that way. Men were the bane of her life. They tried to dominate and take over and she was never, willingly, having that in her life any more than she already did.This time it was an easy recon. Search out the 'magical engineer' that could produce engines no one else could and secure their intel and equipment order. An easy tag. Only one problem, they were based on the new Cyborg Empires Space Station and it was rumoured that this 'magical engineer' was married to a Cyborg! Seriously? Getting in and out unseen wasn't gonna be an option. Well then, she smiled, she'd have to use ........... other means and she was very, very good at that....

R a G E

R a G E

Author: Jessie Rose Case


Published: 2018-03-06

Total Pages: 434

ISBN-13: 9781980483083


NOTE TO READERS: If you love the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langlais you will love this. This is a sci fi romance filled with hot sex, strong dominant men and sexy females who know how to hold their own. It's gritty, confrontational and stream will be coming out of your ears. If you're looking for something to get those juices flowing, you just found it. Enjoy!This novel is written mainly in British English, with Americanism's and slang from both languages.******* Rage, the leader of his people, a Cyborg. Created for war and death. They fought to survive, to be free. Hunted as a resource, they'd been scattered across the universe. They wanted to live. To love. To be more.The war had been over for most of them, for nearly 40 years. Others, were lost in outer world skirmishes. They were desperate to find them before it was too late. Before they were lost forever.The rest, were damaged, taken apart, used as fodder or worse. They had to find them....Their job vitally important. Lives depended on them. They were free but others were still chained to masters, abused, used and tormented. Find the others, had been his mission. Hunt down those that abused them. Remind them not to fuck with Cyborgs. It was ruthless work he was made for. Work, he took pleasure in doing. His crew was his family, and more were out there alone. They would find them. Give them back their lives and kill anyone who got in their way.***Kim took no shit from anyone. She loved her job. Engineer supremo and a gift for machinery and how it ticks. Thanks to her mother. She didn't always understand it, but she knew instinctively what to do to get that bit more out of it, or simply make it work. She was dam good and it paid off. She had her plans. Keep her nose clean. Head down. Stay out of trouble. No men getting in her way. Design and sell on. Make enough to get the hell out of Dodge. Well, she did, until they came under fire for cargo they shouldn't have been hauling. The Universe was a dangerous place and it had just come calling.... and that hot and sexy Cyborg making her body pulse with need, wasn't just bad, he was dangerous, and she needed to stay the hell out of his way!Rage wanted that dam ship at any price. And whoever was responsible for tripling their speed and getting away. He could use that. He wanted the engineer and his cargo. The chase was on. There would be a reckoning. Rage would have what's his. His body on fire for that pixie beauty. She sparked all his circuits. Made his blood run hot with fire and ignite his passions ....... He would have her too..

Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

Author: Jessie Rose Case


Published: 2017-12-13

Total Pages: 194

ISBN-13: 9781973537564


WARNING: Explicit Sexual Content. Note to Readers: If you love the work of Anna Hackett you will love this. Cyborgs. The war was over. They had been hunted as a resource. They had been scattered across the universe. They fought to be free. To live. To love. To be more.Rage and his crew had a job to do. Find the others. It was hard and ruthless work. His crew was his family and more were out there alone or injured or both. They would find them. Give them back their lives and kill anyone who got in their way.Kim took no shit from anyone. She loved her job. Engineer supremo and a gift for machinery and how it ticks. Thanks to her mother. She didn't always understand it but she knew instinctively what to do to get that bit more out of it or simply make it work. She was dam good. She had her plans. Keep her nose clean. Stay out of trouble. No men getting in her way. Design and sell on. Make enough to get the hell out of Dodge. Well, she did until they came under fire for cargo they shouldn't have been hauling. The Universe was a dangerous place and it had just come calling.... and that hot and sexy Cyborg making her body pulse wasn't just bad, he was dangerous.Rage wanted that dam ship at any price and who was responsible for tripling their speed and getting away. He could use that. He wanted the engineer and his cargo back. The chase was on. There would be a reckoning. Rage would have what's his, his body on fire for that pixie beauty that sparked all his circuits and made his blood run hot and his cock ...... NOTE TO READERS: This is a sci fi romance filled with hot sex, strong dominant men and sexy females who know how to hold their own. It's gritty, confrontational and stream will be coming out your ears. If you're looking for something to get those juices flowing, you just found it. Enjoy!

P a I N

P a I N

Author: Jessie Rose Case


Published: 2018-03-06

Total Pages: 314

ISBN-13: 9781980483328


NOTE TO READERS: If you love the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langlais you will love this. This is a sci fi romance filled with hot sex, strong dominant men and sexy females who know how to hold their own. It's gritty, confrontational and stream will be coming out of your ears. If you're looking for something to get those juices flowing, you just found it. Enjoy!This novel is written mainly in British English, with Americanism's and slang from both languages.***There was a Commander coming. Earth Corp didn't take to losing a Space Station very well. It didn't matter that they'd left the population to get on with it. We're unwilling to risk their own ships against the pirates taking over the sector. They'd lost money and money talks.It wasn't a problem until it was. Then, they wanted answers. Who'd let it fall into pirate hands, decimating the population and then, allowing Cyborgs to take it? It was her job to get those answers. If they employed her, they had more than just a problem. Her services didn't come cheap, but she came with resources. Resources, that would be needed to deal with this one. She would do what she did best. Find those responsible and crush them, then deliver the punishment ordered.The Cyborgs were another matter. They'd declared the Station as in their space, and under their protection. They were not giving it back. In fact, they'd put out job ads encouraging people to apply! That was a first. Morgan had never seen that done before. There was more going on here than they knew and it was her job to find out what. She had this. A job was a job and her boys were more than a match for the Empire. They would strip out the dead wood and hold those accountable. It wasn't her first time in someone else's back yard and they'd better stay out of her way.... ***PAIN.... He'd earn't his name in some of the most deadly engagements the war had to offer. Now he battled for his brothers, to have a life, to be free, to protect those that needed it and to find their future. So why they were putting up with this political bullshit, he did not know. They were Cyborgs. They fought. Took out the trash. Simple. They didn't do meet and greet. Or they didn't, till now. Having a Space Station to protect and the Admiral taking a wife, had changed things. And he had his orders. Wait at the docks for this Commander to arrive. Be nice, the Admirals mate had told him. Do what he was good at, she'd told him. Infiltrate and get information. Put on a 'good show.' Show some 'personality.' Pain mentally shook himself. He had no idea what she was talking about. There was little logic in the female.He was the Admiral's number 2. Specialist in electronic systems and infiltration. This was a distraction he did not need or want. This Station was theirs. They'd taken it fairly and the humans had survived because they had. It was their future, not Earth Corps.He surveyed the newcomers disembarking from the cruiser. His patience waning. His systems scanning automatically for who he was looking for. The second he saw her he knew. Pure military. All woman. No one mentioned the Commander was female. Pain zeroed in on her with his optic, enjoying the view. It had been a while since he'd had a Commander. Scenting the air, he searched for her unique scent. Filtering out everything else until her delicate sweet notes reached his nose and his cock hardened. Pain smiled. He hadn't expected that, anticipation of what was to come, filtered across his sensors and headed south. He was deliciously uncomfortable and she was all business and wasn't going to like this ...His systems fired, his blood heating. Mate, called out across his mind. He always did like a challenge ....



Author: Jessie Rose Case


Published: 2018-03-06

Total Pages: 417

ISBN-13: 9781980483205


NOTE TO READERS: If you love the work of Anna Hackett and Eve Langlais you will love this. This is a sci fi romance filled with hot sex, strong dominant men and sexy females who know how to hold their own. It's gritty, confrontational and stream will be coming out of your ears. If you're looking for something to get those juices flowing, you just found it. Enjoy!This novel is written mainly in British English, with Americanism's and slang from both.Mackensie Navarelli knew all about life. She'd had it thrown at her more than once. A child prodigy orphaned, who had been pushed and pulled all her life. Love. Who needed it? They used it to get what they wanted. And men were worse. No sex without love, that was her rule. And still it had fucked her every single time and not in a good way. WTF! It all led to pain and disaster. Trusting someone only ended up one way in her experience. With her, In the shit. The last one cost her her dream job and her savings. Well no more. She'd had it. No more being led down a path. No more miss nice. She was good at her job, dam good. No more being miss nice. She'd had it.The bastard! The last of a long list of broken trusts. If she stayed she'd kill him. Just thinking about it made her want to break every oath she'd ever taken. She was 28 and still as naive as ever. Would she never learn? She needed to get out of here. A fresh start to a new out post was just what the doctor ordered. They needed a specialist urgently. She could do celibacy, It couldn't be any worse. Could it? Frying pan or fire? No. She would be the master of her life ....Dark. His chosen name for good reason. His unique Cyborg abilities allowed him to go unseen. Unheard. Deadly. He had accomplished the worst that had been asked of him without question. He'd been a life taker and a heart breaker. Females liked his size in every aspect. He'd enjoyed servicing them but felt nothing for them. No connection. No need. He was a soldier. He followed orders. From his first kill 14 years into his creation, to the last, 57 years later. His Cyborg cybernetics preventing him from ageing beyond optimal performance, 34 years. He was just as strong, just as deadly as the first day he breathed on his own. Now, he was free. Free to choose. Free to live. He and his brothers searched for others of their kind. Lost and broken soldiers throughout the Universe. A chance encounter for their leader led them in a direction they thought impossible. It gave them hope for a future they'd never expected. A connection to the world not have thought possible. Mates. Dark knew he would never find one. He did not understand females. Did not need them. He could pleasure them, give then what they needed and leave. He understood duty.A raid by Pirates in their part of the Universe on a Space Station outpost of civilians, while helping the boss's new mate, had ended with the Cyborg Empire declaring itself. Bringing the power of the Cyborg Nation to their aid and the notice of the Multi-World coalition and Earth Corp. It had been bloody and deadly. The Pirates severely out numbered and over powered. They saved what was left of the people on the Space Station and brought it into their domain. Under their protection. The people manning it decimated and those females that survived, were traumatised and damaged from days in their controlIt would take years to re-build and heal, the people would need help. The Empire would make sure they got it and kill anyone who got in their way. Mackensie, Mac to her friends, opened the door of her cabin looking for the liaison she'd expected. A mass of tall dark and deadly stood in her way. She looked up and kept going. Her body heated, her mouth dry. "Holy shit your big." Slipped out .But time was nothing to Cyborgs. They had time ....... a lot of it. And now they intended to have it all ....

Unbearable Splendor

Unbearable Splendor

Author: Sun Yung Shin

Publisher: Coffee House Press

Published: 2016-09-19

Total Pages: 104

ISBN-13: 1566894522


Praise for Sun Yung Shin: Finalist for the Believer Poetry Award "[her] work reads like redactions, offering fragments to be explored, investigated and interrogated, making her reader equal partner in the creation of meaning."—Star Tribune Sun Yung Shin moves ideas—of identity (Korean, American, adoptee, mother, Catholic, Buddhist) and interest (mythology, science fiction, Sophocles)— around like building blocks, forming and reforming new constructions of what it means to be at home. What is a cyborg but a hybrid creature of excess? A thing that exceeds the sum of its parts. A thing that has extended its powers, enhanced, even superpowered.