ITU y el Templo de Paysandú

ITU y el Templo de Paysandú

Author: Dario Lisiero


Published: 2012-07-01

Total Pages: 176

ISBN-13: 1105986071


El primer estudio, titulado ITU (Instituto Teol gico del Uruguay) relata con una visi n inmediata de autocomprensi n, el nacimiento jur dico y los primeros pasos de dicha instituci n. Se basa fundamentalmente en la documentaci n official y en la vivencia del autor. El segundo estudio, titulado templo de Paysand, celebra el centenario del Templo San Benito en la gloriosa ciudad norte a de Paysand . En esta charla, para la familia salesiana, m s que delinear los desarrollos materiales de ese edificio sagrado, se bosquejan los lineamientos humanos y religiosos de sus jefes militares y eclesi sticos, proyectando una imagen pol tica y sacerdotal, que no se conforma totalmente a la vision tradicional.

Bedtime Stories

Bedtime Stories

Author: Dario Lisiero


Published: 2012-12-01

Total Pages: 155

ISBN-13: 1300378948


This book is a collection of short fictional stories, written with the only purpose of entertaining and stimulating our human curious imagination. If at bedtime it helps to sleep, that is surely an added bonus.

The Ultimate Encounter

The Ultimate Encounter

Author: Dario Lisiero


Published: 2015-06-13

Total Pages: 162

ISBN-13: 1329212525


The general title "Ultimate Encounter" refers to man's inevitable and unique experience of meeting with God, first after his death (end of his time on earth) and second at the Universal Judgment after the Great Tribulation and the End of Times. Finally the human creature will face his Maker. As man was born alone, and died alone, so he will interact for the first time alone with the most awesome Personality ever. No one could ever capture the feelings and atmosphere of similar encounter, because nobody was ever allowed to come back from the grave and tell the story. This private and personal encounter (particular judgment), according to Christian doctrine, will determine his eternal destiny, which consists of either eternal salvation or eternal damnation. In conclusion, this is the meager knowledge we possess of the most defining moment in the existence of a human being.

The Winner

The Winner

Author: Dario Lisiero


Published: 2017-11-07

Total Pages: 67

ISBN-13: 1387168878


Trump, the winner of the presidential election (2016), boosting his success as the greatest achievement in politics, is in reality a looser not only in regards to the real numbers (three millions votes less than Hilary Clinton), but mainly in regards to the values he is flaunting around and the image of America he is imposing at home and abroad. In this quagmire, where uncertainty, instability and untrustworthiness reign supreme, one thing is sure, when it comes to Trump it can always get worse. The closest definition of this man cannot be other than "Fake President" and certified psychopath. Which parent would tolerate a Trump like behavior (erratic, unreliable, untrustworthy, mendacious, dishonest, narcissistic and self-centered...) in his son or daughter? However, a whole nation is putting up daily with such damaging and destructive behavior. How can this be possible? How can this be tolerable? Have we all gone insane?

Papal Apology

Papal Apology

Author: Dario Lisiero


Published: 2015-11-04

Total Pages: 172

ISBN-13: 1329668065


According to Pope Francis, the conduct of the Church in regard to the Waldenses has been not only non-Christian, but also non-human; in other words inhumane. For this reason he feels it necessary and urgent to apologize from the bottom of his heart. In so doing, however, he is creating a huge rift (with his Church past) and a double antagonistic effect (with his Church past and present), because while trying to befriend the Waldenses, he antagonizes and infuriates his predecessors-starting with Innocent III (one of those responsible for the Waldenses' excommunication) to Pius IX excommunicating the entire modern world, not to mention his own founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola, whose principal aim in founding the Jesuit Order was to combat the Protestant Reformation.

America's Many Faces

America's Many Faces

Author: Dario Lisiero


Published: 2014-09-21

Total Pages: 230

ISBN-13: 1312323655


America is an awesome reality that deserves to be studied in depth in order to discover its most relevant aspects whether they might be thrilling or chilling, energizing or depressing, inspiring or horrifying. Like any other reality under the sky, America is a very complex, intriguing and contradictory entity that cannot be easily encapsulate in a simple definition or seen through common stereotypes. More often than not, the core essence of a nation does not coincide exactly with the perception of its citizens and much less with the image foreigners have formed in their minds. One thing is what a nation proclaims to be and stand for, and another how it operates at home and abroad. One thing is how a nation is depicted and perceived by observers, foreign or domestic, and another how it is in its laws, government and justice system.

Automotive Ethernet

Automotive Ethernet

Author: Kirsten Matheus

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2015

Total Pages: 237

ISBN-13: 1107057280


Learn how automotive Ethernet is revolutionizing in-car networking from the experts at the core of its development. Providing an in-depth account of automotive Ethernet, from its background and development, to its future prospects, this book is ideal for industry professionals and academics alike.