Israel's Holy Feast Days of the Most High

Israel's Holy Feast Days of the Most High

Author: Joanna Elisabeth Jones


Published: 2019-01-15

Total Pages: 31



The ancient children of Israel were commanded by the Most High YAHAWAH (or YAHWEH/YHWH)) through his servant Moses, to keep certain Holy Feast Days throughout all of their generations. As descendants of the Israelites, we are commanded by the Most High YAH to keep these feasts throughout all of our generations and dwellings (Exodus 12:14 KJV / Leviticus 23:21 KJV). This book scripturally outlines all of the commanded Holy Feast Days, giving the reader a better understanding of the purpose and how to keep Israel's Holy Feast Days of the Most High.

Fulfilling the Feasts of Israel

Fulfilling the Feasts of Israel

Author: Velda Stearns

Publisher: WestBow Press

Published: 2013-03

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781449786472


The seven Jewish feasts, which God gave to ancient Israel, help unlock the entire Bible. They were not feasts as we think of them but were structured around the sacrificial altar to worship God. The Jewish people have celebrated these feasts, in one form or another, for 3,500 years, totally unaware they are rehearsing future events that point to the Messiah. It is unfortunate that Christians rarely celebrate the feasts or understand their significance. The feasts reveal God's divine seven-thousand-year plan of salvation for mankind. Each feast is celebrated on the same day each year, to remind of a special time in the history of Israel. They reveal a record of atonement in the Old Testament and point to redemption in the New Testament. The seven feasts paint a beautiful picture of God's plan of salvation through Christ, His Son. They point to the soon return of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and the glorious future reign of the Messiah. Christians refer to Him as Jesus Christ, while messianic believers call Him Yeshua. Understanding the significance of the feasts encourages believers to share the good news of salvation with the lost. I pray you will be greatly blessed as you read Fulfilling the Feasts of Israel.

Hebrew Israelites Biblical Feast Days

Hebrew Israelites Biblical Feast Days

Author: Unknown Hebrew

Publisher: Unknown Hebrew

Published: 2019-07-16

Total Pages: 44

ISBN-13: 1951476441


What are the Biblical Feast days, and how we are to celebrate them? We have been commanded to keep the Feast days forever. We read in Leviticus 23:2 ELOHIM speaking to Moses; it says, “2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of YAHUAH, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts.” Did you notice that YAHUAH says, “ feast....” This is key; we must understand this; these Feasts are His; we are instructed to keep them in a particular way for a reason. Leviticus 23:4 reads, “4 These are the feasts of YAHUAH, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.” Read Leviticus 23:44, which states, “44 And Moses declared unto the children of Israel the feasts of YAHUAH.” We see, once again, these are YAHUAH feasts. These Feasts have to do with Seasons; why is that important? 1st Chronicles 23:31 states, “31 And to offer all burnt sacrifices unto YAHUAH in the sabbaths, in the new moons, and on the set feasts, by number, according to the order commanded unto them, continually before YAHUAH.” Read 2nd Chronicles 2:4, which tells us, “4 Behold, I build an house to the name of YAHUAH my ELOHIM, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of YAHUAH our ELOHIM. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel." These Feasts given by YAHUAH to the Israelites are prophetic Feast of events that would take place in the future, and some cases have already taken place. We can go even further back in the Scriptures to the book of Exodus 23:14-17, where ELOHIM tells us, “14 Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in the year. 15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread: (thou shalt eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded thee, in the time appointed of the month Abib; for in it thou camest out from Egypt: and none shall appear before me empty:) 16 And the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field: and the feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field. 17 Three times in the year all thy males shall appear before YAHUAH ELOHIM.” ELOHIM is telling us; we shall do this. Note that ELOHIM’s Feast can be found in the Old and the New Testaments; the Messiah and His disciples kept them. Matthew 26:17 states, “17 Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to YAHUSHUA, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?" YAHUSHUA is telling His disciples to go and find a place that He can eat a Passover with them. Paul connected YAHUSHUA with the sacrifice (the sacrifice of the Messiah) with the Passover. Read 1st Corinthians 5:7, which says, “7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Mashiach our passover is sacrificed for us.” We have just given a peek at what the Scriptures are saying about the importance of the Feast. It is equally important to know how we are to celebrate. This excellent book explains the what and the how aspects of the Feasts days that YAHUAH gave the Israelites. The book will explain how YAHUSHUA fulfilled the first 3 Feast and the 4th one was fulfilled on Pentecost - to the very day and hour! We are awaiting the Fall Feast. Consider scrolling up and clicking the “buy now” button.

The Feasts of Israel

The Feasts of Israel

Author: Andrea C. Paterson

Publisher: Word Alive Press

Published: 1997

Total Pages: 120

ISBN-13: 1770696482


This book is a synopsis of the Hebrew Sabbath and the seven major Feasts of Israel- Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of First Fruits, Shavuot (Pentecost), Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Do they have relevancy to the Christian Church? This book will help Christians, and others, expand and grow both in their faith and in the knowledge of the faith of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son.

The Feasts of Israel and the Third Day

The Feasts of Israel and the Third Day

Author: Raymond Paul Hotakainen

Publisher: Xulon Press

Published: 2008-08

Total Pages: 182

ISBN-13: 1606472925


The Feasts of Israel are keys to understanding the Old Testament and the Tabernacle of Moses. They are also a type and shadow of our progressive journey back to the Father. In this easy to read, illuminating book, Ray weaves the Word of God and personal experience to encourage all believers to press into their destiny in Christ. You will not only see the future more clearly, but you will understand your past experiences and realize they have all been for the high purposes of God. The Feasts of Israel and The Third Day is a now read! Ray Hotakainen has been a believer for thirty years and studied eschatology extensively. He has a Master's of Theology Degree from Minnesota Graduate School of Theology. Together Ray and his wife April pastor Pioneer Christian Fellowship, in Embarrass, Minnesota, established in 1999.

The Prophetic Feasts of Israel

The Prophetic Feasts of Israel

Author: James C. Taylor


Published: 2014-08-18

Total Pages: 105

ISBN-13: 1312444886


In the Hebrew language, the word "feasts" literally means "appointed times." God appointed Seven Feasts for the Hebrew people to celebrate and to remember until the end of time. Through those Seven Feasts, God not only spoke directly of his plan for mankind, but he also gave us some beautiful historical - and future - pictures of his plan of redemption and provision embedded within the precepts of the ancient Mosaic Law. As we look at each of these Seven Feasts, we should not only be amazed and astonished at God's consistency and perfection in all that he does; but we should also realize that each event prophesied in the Seven Feasts has, thus far, unfolded perfectly and will continue to do so in the time to come. The first Four Feasts were fulfilled in the days of Christ and the Early Church; but the last three await God's perfect timing for their fulfillment in the End Time.

God's Timetable According to the 7 Feasts of Israel

God's Timetable According to the 7 Feasts of Israel

Author: Barbara Wehman

Publisher: AuthorHouse

Published: 2021-02-03

Total Pages: 135

ISBN-13: 1665504552


In the beginning... In the beginning was God... In the beginning was love... There was always love, because there was always God. In the beginning was the Holy Trinity... There has always been love – passionate love among the three Persons of the Godhead – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is nothing love wants more than to confer that love on someone else. God is also a God of order. The universe – the multitude of galaxies – does not fly off into space. God has set them in orbits – gravitational pull.

Feasts of the Bible

Feasts of the Bible

Author: Sam Nadler

Publisher: Rose Publishing Inc

Published: 2007-07-20

Total Pages: 99

ISBN-13: 1596364661


God redemptive plan is unveiled through the feasts of Israel. The feasts are still relevant for lives today because they- Show how Messiah Jesus is the fulfillment of the feasts and holidays. Illustrate the Jewish roots of Christianity. Explain history and symbolism in the Old Testament. Open our eyes to the Lord's provision, love, and care for us. Inspire us to worship God. Point to our glorious future with Messiah. You don't have to be an expert to lead this 6-session study. Perfect for small groups, Bible studies, or personal use. Ages: Young adult to adult. The sessions: (1) Sabbath Rest: God's Redemptive Program (2) Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, (3) Pentecost, (4) Feast of Trumpets, (5) Day of Atonement, (6) Feast of Tabernacles. Book jacket.

Feasts of Jehovah

Feasts of Jehovah

Author: John Ritchie

Publisher: Kregel Publications


Total Pages: 84

ISBN-13: 9780825495403


The seven Old Testament feasts given to Israel are carefully examined to demonstrate how God deals with men and women in grace.

The Fall Feasts Of Israel

The Fall Feasts Of Israel

Author: Mitch Glaser

Publisher: Moody Publishers

Published: 1987-08-08

Total Pages: 257

ISBN-13: 1575678160


Understanding the purpose and traditions of the Jewish feasts will give you a deeper appreciation for your God, your heritage, and the gift of redemption provided by the sacrificial death of Christ. The Fall Feasts of Israel will help you understand three of Israel's most significant festivals: Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. A complete examination of each feast includes a look at its biblical institution, its celebration in the time of Christ, and its observances by Jews today. "The feasts and laws of the Lord were a tutor to lead the Israelites to the Savior...the festivals find their fulfillment in Christ and His New Covenant." This book will give you insight into what God originally intended for the sacrificial offerings.