Irradiation Behavior of Miniature Experimental Uranium Silicide Fuel Plates

Irradiation Behavior of Miniature Experimental Uranium Silicide Fuel Plates



Published: 1983

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Uranium silicides, because of their relatively high uranium density, were selected as candidate dispersion fuels for the higher fuel densities required in the Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor (RERTR) Program. Irradiation experience with this type of fuel, however, was limited to relatively modest fission densities in the bulk from, on the order of 7 x 102° cm−3, far short of the approximately 20 x 102° cm−3 goal established for the RERTR program. The purpose of the irradiation experiments on silicide fuels on the ORR, therefore, was to investigate the intrinsic irradiation behavior of uranium silicide as a dispersion fuel. Of particular interest was the interaction between the silicide particles and the aluminum matrix, the swelling behavior of the silicide particles, and the maximum volume fraction of silicide particles that could be contained in the aluminum matrix.

Postirradiation Analysis of Experimental Uranium-silicide Dispersion Fuel Plates

Postirradiation Analysis of Experimental Uranium-silicide Dispersion Fuel Plates



Published: 1985

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Low-enriched uranium silicide dispersion fuel plates were irradiated to maximum burnups of 96% of 235U. Fuel plates containing 33 v/o U3Si and U3Si2 behaved very well up to this burnup. Plates containing 33 v/o U3Si-Al pillowed between 90 and 96% burnup of the fissile atoms. More highly loaded U3Si-Al plates, up to 50 v/o were found to pillow at lower burnups. Plates containing 40 v/o U3Si showed an increase swelling rate around 85% burnup. 5 refs., 10 figs.

Evaluation of U10MO Fuel Plate Irradiation Behavior Via Numerical and Experimental Benchmarking

Evaluation of U10MO Fuel Plate Irradiation Behavior Via Numerical and Experimental Benchmarking



Published: 2012

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This article analyzes dimensional changes due to irradiation of monolithic plate-type nuclear fuel and compares results with finite element analysis of the plates during fabrication and irradiation. Monolithic fuel plates tested in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Lab (INL) are being used to benchmark proposed fuel performance for several high power research reactors. Post-irradiation metallographic images of plates sectioned at the midpoint were analyzed to determine dimensional changes of the fuel and the cladding response. A constitutive model of the fabrication process and irradiation behavior of the tested plates was developed using the general purpose commercial finite element analysis package, Abaqus. Using calculated burn-up profiles of irradiated plates to model the power distribution and including irradiation behaviors such as swelling and irradiation enhanced creep, model simulations allow analysis of plate parameters that are either impossible or infeasible in an experimental setting. The development and progression of fabrication induced stress concentrations at the plate edges was of primary interest, as these locations have a unique stress profile during irradiation. Additionally, comparison between 2D and 3D models was performed to optimize analysis methodology. In particular, the ability of 2D and 3D models account for out of plane stresses which result in 3-dimensional creep behavior that is a product of these components. Results show that assumptions made in 2D models for the out-of-plane stresses and strains cannot capture the 3-dimensional physics accurately and thus 2D approximations are not computationally accurate. Stress-strain fields are dependent on plate geometry and irradiation conditions, thus, if stress based criteria is used to predict plate behavior (as opposed to material impurities, fine micro-structural defects, or sharp power gradients), unique 3D finite element formulation for each plate is required.

Summary Report on the HFED (High-Uranium-Loaded Fuel Element Development) Miniplate Irradiations for the RERTR (Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor) Program

Summary Report on the HFED (High-Uranium-Loaded Fuel Element Development) Miniplate Irradiations for the RERTR (Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor) Program



Published: 1989

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An experiment to evaluate the irradiation characteristics of various candidate low-enriched, high-uranium content fuels for research and test reactors was performed for the US Department of Energy Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor Program. The experiment included the irradiation of 244 miniature fuel plates (miniplates) in a core position in the Oak Ridge Research Reactor. The miniplates were aluminum-based, dispersion-type plates 114.3 mm long by 50.8 mm wide with overall plate thicknesses of 1.27 or 1.52 mm. Fuel core dimensions varied according to the overall plate thicknesses with a minimum clad thickness of 0.20 mm. Tested fuels included UAl(subscript x), UAl2, U3O, U3SiAl, U3Si, U3Si/sub 1.5/, U3Si2, U3SiCu, USi, U6Fe, and U6Mn/sub 1.3/ materials. Although most miniplates were made with low-enriched uranium (19.9%), some with medium-enriched uranium (40 to 45%), a few with high-enriched uranium (93%), and a few with depleted uranium (0.2 to 0.4%) were tested for comparison. These fuel materials were irradiated to burnups ranging from (approximately)27 to 98 at. % 235U depletion. Operation of the experiment, measurement of miniplate thickness as the irradiation progressed, ultimate shipment of the irradiated miniplates to various hot cells, and preliminary results are reported here. 18 refs., 12 figs., 7 tabs.

Comparison of Irradiation Behavior of Different Uranium Silicide Dispersion Fuel Element Designs

Comparison of Irradiation Behavior of Different Uranium Silicide Dispersion Fuel Element Designs



Published: 1995

Total Pages: 12



Calculations of fuel swelling of U3SiAl-Al and U3Si2 were performed for various dispersion fuel element designs. Breakaway swelling criteria in the form of critical fuel volume fractions were derived with data obtained from U3SiAl-Al plate irradiations. The results of the analysis show that rod-type elements remain well below the pillowing threshold. However, tubular fuel elements, which behave essentially like plates, will likely develop pillows or blisters at around 90% 235U burnup. The U3Si2-Al compounds demonstrate stable swelling behavior throughout the entire burnup range for all fuel element designs.

The Effect of Fabrication Variables on the Irradiation Performance of Uranium Silicide Dispersion Fuel Plates

The Effect of Fabrication Variables on the Irradiation Performance of Uranium Silicide Dispersion Fuel Plates



Published: 1986

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The effect of fabrication variables on the irradiation behavior of uranium silicide-aluminum dispersion fuel plates is examined. The presence of minor amounts of metallic uranium-silicon was found to have no detrimental effect, so that extensive annealing to remove this phase appears unnecessary. Uniform fuel dispersant loading, low temperature during plate rolling, and cold-worked metallurgical condition of the fuel plates all result in a higher burnup threshold for breakaway swelling in highly-loaded U3Si fueled plates.