Predicted Irradiation Behavior of U Sub 3 O Sub 8 -Al Dispersion Fuels for Production Reactor Applications

Predicted Irradiation Behavior of U Sub 3 O Sub 8 -Al Dispersion Fuels for Production Reactor Applications



Published: 1990

Total Pages: 7



Candidate fuels for the new heavy-water production reactor include uranium/aluminum alloy and U3O--Al dispersion fuels. The U3O--Al dispersion fuel would make possible higher uranium loadings and would facilitate uranium recycle. Research efforts on U3O8--Al fuel include in-pile irradiation studies and development of analytical tools to characterize the behavior of dispersion fuels at high-burnup. In this paper the irradiation performance of U3O8--Al is assessed using the mechanistic Dispersion Analysis Research Tool (DART) code. Predictions of fuel swelling and alteration of thermal conductivity are presented and compared with experimental data. Calculational results indicate good agreement with available data where the effects of as-fabricated porosity and U3O8--Al oxygen exchange reactions are shown to exert a controlling influence on irradiation behavior. The DART code is judged to be a useful tool for assessing U3O8--Al performance over a wide range of irradiation conditions. 8 refs., 8 figs., 1 tab.

A General Evaluation of the Irradiation Behavior of Dispersion Fuels

A General Evaluation of the Irradiation Behavior of Dispersion Fuels



Published: 1991

Total Pages: 15



This document discusses the irradiation behavior of aluminum-based dispersion fuels and evaluates metallurgical processes that control the dispersion behavior. Phase transformations and microstructural changes resulting from fuel-matrix interactions and the effect of fissioning in fuel are discussed.

Correlation Between Annealing and Irradiation Behavior of Dispersion Fuels

Correlation Between Annealing and Irradiation Behavior of Dispersion Fuels



Published: 1987

Total Pages:



Studying the effects of annealing of scaled-down dispersion fuel plates is an important part of the data base for fuel performance. One of the most critical aspects of fuel performance is the stability of a fuel/matrix dispersion which is usually measured by volumetric changes of the fuel zone. A correlation has been proposed that fission-induced amorphization is responsible for the instability of the fuel and that such transformations can be predicted by the thermodynamic properties of the fuel. It is proposed that annealing studies may be used as a screening test for new fuels for which no thermodynamic properties have been measured and/or no irradiation data are available. Estimations of irradiation performance could be obtained faster and without the expense of irradiating the fuels under investigation. Miniature fuel plates were fabricated by standard procedures and annealed at 400°C for up to 1981 hrs in a resistance wound furnace. At periodic intervals the plates were removed and the fuel zone volumes were calculated based on immersion density measurement data. 7 refs., 1 tab.

Irradiation Behavior of Uranium Oxide-aluminum Dispersion Fuel

Irradiation Behavior of Uranium Oxide-aluminum Dispersion Fuel



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 29



An oxide version of the DART code has been generated in order to assess the irradiation behavior of UO2-Al dispersion fuel. The aluminum-fuel interaction models were developed based on U3O-Al irradiation data. Deformation of the fuel element occurs due to fuel particle swelling driven by both solid and gaseous fission products, as well as a consequence of the interaction between the fuel particles and the aluminum matrix. The calculations show, that with the assumption that the correlations derived from U3O are valid for UO2, the LEU UO2-Al with a 42% fuel volume loading (4 gm/cc) irradiated at fuel temperatures greater than 413 K should undergo breakaway swelling at core burnups greater than about 1.12 x 1027 fissions m−3 ((approximately) 63% 235U burnup).

Irradiation Behavior of Miniature Experimental Uranium Silicide Fuel Plates

Irradiation Behavior of Miniature Experimental Uranium Silicide Fuel Plates



Published: 1983

Total Pages:



Uranium silicides, because of their relatively high uranium density, were selected as candidate dispersion fuels for the higher fuel densities required in the Reduced Enrichment Research and Test Reactor (RERTR) Program. Irradiation experience with this type of fuel, however, was limited to relatively modest fission densities in the bulk from, on the order of 7 x 102° cm−3, far short of the approximately 20 x 102° cm−3 goal established for the RERTR program. The purpose of the irradiation experiments on silicide fuels on the ORR, therefore, was to investigate the intrinsic irradiation behavior of uranium silicide as a dispersion fuel. Of particular interest was the interaction between the silicide particles and the aluminum matrix, the swelling behavior of the silicide particles, and the maximum volume fraction of silicide particles that could be contained in the aluminum matrix.