Algorithms are now widely employed to make decisions that have increasingly far-reaching impacts on individuals and society as a whole (“algorithmic governance”), which could potentially lead to manipulation, biases, censorship, social discrimination, violations of privacy, property rights, and more. This has sparked a global debate on how to regulate AI and robotics (“governance of algorithms”). This book discusses both of these key aspects: the impact of algorithms, and the possibilities for future regulation.
The latest developments in computer science, theoretical software engineering, cognitive science, cognitive informatics, intelligence science, and the crystallization of accumulated knowledge by the fertilization of these areas, have led to the emergence of a transdisciplinary and convergence field known as software and intelligence sciences International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence (IJSSCI) is a transdisciplinary, archived, and rigorously refereed journal that publishes and disseminates cutting-edge research findings and technological developments in the emerging fields of software science and computational intelligence, as well as their engineering applications.
"This book provides a valuable resource by addressing the most pressing issues facing cyber-security from both a national and global perspective"--Provided by publisher.
Multimedia over IP and Wireless Networks is an indispensable guide for professionals or researchers working in areas such as networking, communications, data compression, multimedia processing, streaming architectures, and computer graphics. Beginning with a concise overview of the fundamental principles and challenges of multimedia communication and networking, this book then branches off organically to tackle compression and networking next before moving on to systems, wireless multimedia and more advanced topics. The Compression section advises on the best means and methodology to ensure multimedia signal (images, text, audio and data) integrity for transmissions on wireless and wired systems. The Networking section addresses channel protection and performance. In the Systems section, the focus is on streaming media on demand, live broadcast and video and voice's role in real-time communication. Wireless multimedia transmission and Quality of Service issues are discussed in the Wireless Multimedia section. An Advanced Topics section concludes the book with an assortment of topics including Peer-to-Peer multimedia communication and multipath networks. Up-to-date coverage of existing standards for multimedia networking Synergistic tutorial approach reinforces knowledge gained in previous chapters Balanced treatment of audio and video with coverage of end-to-end systems
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 2e, is ideal for courses in Computer/Network Security. In recent years, the need for education in computer security and related topics has grown dramatically – and is essential for anyone studying Computer Science or Computer Engineering. This is the only text available to provide integrated, comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of the broad range of topics in this subject. In addition to an extensive pedagogical program, the book provides unparalleled support for both research and modeling projects, giving students a broader perspective. The Text and Academic Authors Association named Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 1e, the winner of the Textbook Excellence Award for the best Computer Science textbook of 2008.
This book offers an introduction to Information Technology with regard to peace, conflict, and security research, a topic that it approaches from natural science, technical and computer science perspectives. Following an initial review of the fundamental roles of IT in connection with peace, conflict and security, the contributing authors address the rise of cyber conflicts via information warfare, cyber espionage, cyber defence and Darknets. The book subsequently explores recent examples of cyber warfare, including: • The Stuxnet attack on Iran’s uranium refining capability • The hacking of the German Federal Parliament’s internal communication system • The Wannacry malware campaign, which used software stolen from a US security agency to launch ransomware attacks worldwide The book then introduces readers to the concept of cyber peace, including a discussion of confidence and security-building measures. A section on Cyber Arms Control draws comparisons to global efforts to control chemical warfare, to reduce the risk of nuclear war, and to prevent the militarization of space. Additional topics include the security of critical information infrastructures, and cultural violence and peace in social media. The book concludes with an outlook on the future role of IT in peace and security. Information Technology for Peace and Security breaks new ground in a largely unexplored field of study, and offers a valuable asset for a broad readership including students, educators and working professionals in computer science, IT security, peace and conflict studies, and political science.
This volume contains 88 papers presented at CSI 2013: 48th Annual Convention of Computer Society of India with the theme “ICT and Critical Infrastructure”. The convention was held during 13th –15th December 2013 at Hotel Novotel Varun Beach, Visakhapatnam and hosted by Computer Society of India, Vishakhapatnam Chapter in association with Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant, the flagship company of RINL, India. This volume contains papers mainly focused on Computational Intelligence and its applications, Mobile Communications and social Networking, Grid Computing, Cloud Computing, Virtual and Scalable Applications, Project Management and Quality Systems and Emerging Technologies in hardware and Software.