Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Heterojunctions

Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Heterojunctions

Author: Giorgio Margaritondo

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 348

ISBN-13: 9400930739


E se non che di cid son vere prove A nd were it not for the true evidence Per piti e piti autori, che sa, ra. nno Of many authors who will be Per i miei versi nominati altrove, Mentioned elsewhere in my rhyme Non presterei alla penna 10. mana I would not lend my hand to the pen Per nota1' cid ch'io vidi, can temenza And describe my observations, for fear ehe non fosse do. altri casso e van 0; That they would be rejected and in vane; Mala lor chiara. e vera. esperienza But these authors' clear and true experience Mi assicura. nel dir, come persone Encourages me to report, since they Degne di fede ad ogni gra. n sentenza. Should always be trusted for their word. [From" Dittamondo", by Fazio degli UbertiJ Heterojunction interfaces, the interfaces between different semiconducting materi als, have been extensively explored for over a quarter of a century. The justifica tion for this effort is clear - these interfaces could become the building blocks of lllany novel solid-state devices. Other interfaces involving semiconductors are al ready widely used in technology, These are, for example, metal-semiconductor and insulator-semiconductor junctions and hOll1ojunctions. In comparison, the present applications of heterojunction int. erfaces are limited, but they could potentially becOlne lnuch lllore ext. ensive in the neal' future. The path towards the widespread use of heterojunctions is obstructed by several obstacles

5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam

5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam

Author: Vo Van Toi

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2014-11-18

Total Pages: 538

ISBN-13: 3319117769


This volume presents the proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam which was held from June 16-18, 2014 in Ho Chi Minh City. The volume reflects the progress of Biomedical Engineering and discusses problems and solutions. I aims identifying new challenges, and shaping future directions for research in biomedical engineering fields including medical instrumentation, bioinformatics, biomechanics, medical imaging, drug delivery therapy, regenerative medicine and entrepreneurship in medical devices.

ACS Style Guide

ACS Style Guide

Author: Anne M. Coghill

Publisher: American Chemical Society

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9780841239494


In the time since the second edition of The ACS Style Guide was published, the rapid growth of electronic communication has dramatically changed the scientific, technical, and medical (STM) publication world. This dynamic mode of dissemination is enabling scientists, engineers, and medicalpractitioners all over the world to obtain and transmit information quickly and easily. An essential constant in this changing environment is the requirement that information remain accurate, clear, unambiguous, and ethically sound.This extensive revision of The ACS Style Guide thoroughly examines electronic tools now available to assist STM writers in preparing manuscripts and communicating with publishers. Valuable updates include discussions of markup languages, citation of electronic sources, online submission ofmanuscripts, and preparation of figures, tables, and structures. In keeping current with the changing environment, this edition also contains references to many resources on the internet.With this wealth of new information, The ACS Style Guide's Third Edition continues its long tradition of providing invaluable insight on ethics in scientific communication, the editorial process, copyright, conventions in chemistry, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and writing style for any STMauthor, reviewer, or editor. The Third Edition is the definitive source for all information needed to write, review, submit, and edit scholarly and scientific manuscripts.