Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with Applications and Visualization

Beginning and Intermediate Algebra with Applications and Visualization

Author: Gary K. Rockswold

Publisher: Pearson Higher Ed

Published: 2012-02-28

Total Pages: 1092

ISBN-13: 0321849345


This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The Rockswold/Krieger algebra series fosters conceptual understanding by using relevant applications and visualization to show students why math matters. It answers the common question “When will I ever use this?” Rockswold teaches students the math in context, rather than including the applications at the end of the presentation. By seamlessly integrating meaningful applications that include real data and supporting visuals (graphs, tables, charts, colors, and diagrams), students are able to see how math impacts their lives as they learn the concepts. The authors believe this approach deepens conceptual understanding and better prepares students for future math courses and life.

Intermediate Algebra

Intermediate Algebra

Author: Jay Lehmann


Published: 1998

Total Pages: 708

ISBN-13: 9780132731867


Designed to prepare students for college algebra and some "service" math courses. Written to develop students' critical thinking and problem solving capabilities and make the math they learn in this course relevant to decision-making in real life. Topics are presented in an interesting and inviting format incorporating real world sourced data and modeling. Unique, enthusiastic approach, this text requires students to take an active role in studying mathematics. Focusing more on the mathematical process, students have abundant opportunities to make intuitive leaps to discover patterns helping them develop critical thinking skills as well as mathematical confidence. Placing an emphasis on the usefulness of algebra throughout, students discover mathematical concepts while en route to solving true-to-life problems.

Beginning and Intermediate Algebra

Beginning and Intermediate Algebra

Author: Tyler Wallace

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2018-02-13

Total Pages: 490

ISBN-13: 9781985432611


Get Better Results with high quality content, exercise sets, and step-by-step pedagogy! Tyler Wallace continues to offer an enlightened approach grounded in the fundamentals of classroom experience in Beginning and Intermediate Algebra. The text reflects the compassion and insight of its experienced author with features developed to address the specific needs of developmental level students. Throughout the text, the author communicates to students the very points their instructors are likely to make during lecture, and this helps to reinforce the concepts and provide instruction that leads students to mastery and success. The exercises, along with the number of practice problems and group activities available, permit instructors to choose from a wealth of problems, allowing ample opportunity for students to practice what they learn in lecture to hone their skills. In this way, the book perfectly complements any learning platform, whether traditional lecture or distance-learning; its instruction is so reflective of what comes from lecture, that students will feel as comfortable outside of class as they do inside class with their instructor.



Author: James Millikin University


Published: 1905

Total Pages: 468
