The first six chapters of the text examine four broad issues: the role of the Internet in fostering competition, its impact on price dispersion and on business-to-business transactions, and the importance of reputation and trust in the new economy. The last four chapters examine the impact of the Internet on the organization of firms, the efficiency of auctions in the Internet age, how consumers choose websites and acquire product information, and the growing problem of congestion on the Internet.
The Cal/OSHA Pocket Guide for the Construction Industry is a handy guide for workers, employers, supervisors, and safety personnel. This latest 2011 edition is a quick field reference that summarizes selected safety standards from the California Code of Regulations. The major subject headings are alphabetized and cross-referenced within the text, and it has a detailed index. Spiral bound, 8.5 x 5.5"
This book analyses the importance of the entrepreneurial university, specifically in relation to the creation of entrepreneurial ideas and attitudes in students and entrepreneurial initiatives in academic institutions. The aim of the editors and contributing authors is to provide the reader with a set of experiences illustrating the advantages of communicating and encouraging entrepreneurship among students, thereby highlighting the “third mission” of the university: the need to adopt entrepreneurial strategy without disrupting the quality of teaching and research. Featuring initiatives from institutions around the world, the authors argue that the increasing importance of knowledge in the technical and social dimensions of today’s world provides greater relevance to the entrepreneurial university. In this context, universities transcend their traditional focus on teaching and basic research to carry out technology transfers, marketing ideas, and patent registrations, and incorporate spin-off companies that contribute to industrial innovations, economic growth, and job creation. In the teaching dimension, the entrepreneurial university represents a focus on programs which train students in the applications and most advanced practices in knowledge-driven fields. The book addresses such questions as: Can marketing ideas deteriorate the quality of research in the long term? What importance does the cultural framework have for an entrepreneurial education? What circumstances and programs facilitate spin-offs in universities What are the key features of entrepreneurial universities? In reference to entrepreneurship education in its broadest sense, then, it corresponds to the framework of ideas and general features on which entrepreneurship is founded: in-depth knowledge of the projects or ventures which they wish to carry out, capacity to perceive the relevant characteristics of the environment, and the leadership and goal setting skills to achieve success.
bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown presents a much easier way to write books and technical publications than traditional tools such as LaTeX and Word. The bookdown package inherits the simplicity of syntax and flexibility for data analysis from R Markdown, and extends R Markdown for technical writing, so that you can make better use of document elements such as figures, tables, equations, theorems, citations, and references. Similar to LaTeX, you can number and cross-reference these elements with bookdown. Your document can even include live examples so readers can interact with them while reading the book. The book can be rendered to multiple output formats, including LaTeX/PDF, HTML, EPUB, and Word, thus making it easy to put your documents online. The style and theme of these output formats can be customized. We used books and R primarily for examples in this book, but bookdown is not only for books or R. Most features introduced in this book also apply to other types of publications: journal papers, reports, dissertations, course handouts, study notes, and even novels. You do not have to use R, either. Other choices of computing languages include Python, C, C++, SQL, Bash, Stan, JavaScript, and so on, although R is best supported. You can also leave out computing, for example, to write a fiction. This book itself is an example of publishing with bookdown and R Markdown, and its source is fully available on GitHub.
En este libro de texto se afronta el aprendizaje delemprendimiento como actitud. Se trata de movilizar en los alumnos que cursan la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) todo un conjunto de competencias, actitudes y conocimientos que son propios del mismo hecho de emprender, pero que además son comunes y habituales en la vida personal y profesional de los individuos: la responsabilidad, la iniciativa, el trabajo en equipo, la comunicación, etcétera. La incorporación de esta asignatura por la LOMCE como materia específica y la posibilidad de ser elegida de un bloque de asignaturas en cada uno de los cursos de la ESO, ha sido tenida en cuenta por parte de los autores tanto en la versatilidad de los epígrafes como en los planteamientos didácticos de las actividades y las tareas propuestas. Bajo el subtítulo de La importancia de llamarse emprendedor,se han ido organizando los contenidos de la obra, estructurada en once unidades planteadas como un itinerario competencial de la persona desde la iniciativa y la inspiración (elementos que suponen el punto de partida de todo proyecto personal) hasta la autonomía y la autorrealización como propósito individual. Para ello, las unidades presentan una estructura en la que se parte de una lectura inicial introductoria para, a continuación, desarrollar los contenidos de forma clara. Se propone además un buen número de actividades motivadoras y esquemas, se acompaña la explicación con curiosidades a través de los cuadros de Recuerda y Sabías que..., se aclaran los conceptos más complejos a través de los cuadros deVocabulario y se ofrecen citas que aportan el punto de vista de algún emprendedor sobre el tema trabajado en los apartados de La frase. Asimismo, al final de cada unidad, se incluye una actividad titulada La importancia de llamarse...,en la que los alumnos tendrán que descubrir de qué emprendedor se habla a partir de una imagen y una pista para seguir trabajando los contenidos de manera lúdica. Por su parte, el mapa conceptual final de cada unidad permitirá repasar y reforzar los conceptos estudiados, mientras que los test de repaso, la actividad dedicada a la dinámica de grupo y el apartado denominado Emprende, que ofrece un crucigrama sobre aspectos tratados en la unidad y propone la visualización de películas o fragmentos de ellas para reflexionar sobre lo estudiado, permitirán evaluar, practicar y reflexionar sobre lo aprendido de manera efectiva, amena y práctica. Además, se pone a disposición de los usuarios un aula virtual que ofrece un conjunto de útiles recursos digitales (archivos, documentos, presentaciones, vídeos e infografías) y desde la que se podrá acceder a eventuales actualizaciones de los contenidos. También ofrece la posibilidad a profesores y alumnos de generar un cuaderno de trabajo con actividades evaluadas con trazabilidad. El acceso a esta es posible enviando una solicitud a [email protected].
A Deleuzian reading of Whitehead and a Whiteheadian reading of Deleuze open the possibility of a critical aesthetics of contemporary culture. In Without Criteria, Steven Shaviro proposes and explores a philosophical fantasy: imagine a world in which Alfred North Whitehead takes the place of Martin Heidegger. What if Whitehead, instead of Heidegger, had set the agenda for postmodern thought? Heidegger asks, “Why is there something, rather than nothing?” Whitehead asks, “How is it that there is always something new?” In a world where everything from popular music to DNA is being sampled and recombined, argues Shaviro, Whitehead's question is the truly urgent one. Without Criteria is Shaviro's experiment in rethinking postmodern theory, especially the theory of aesthetics, from a point of view that hearkens back to Whitehead rather than Heidegger. In working through the ideas of Whitehead and Deleuze, Shaviro also appeals to Kant, arguing that certain aspects of Kant's thought pave the way for the philosophical “constructivism” embraced by both Whitehead and Deleuze. Kant, Whitehead, and Deleuze are not commonly grouped together, but the juxtaposition of them in Without Criteria helps to shed light on a variety of issues that are of concern to contemporary art and media practices.
Types of economic deforestation models. Household and firm-level models. Regional-level models. National and macro-level models. Priority areas for future research.
Behavior analysis, a rapidly growing profession, began with the use and application of conditioning and learning techniques to modify the behavior of children or adults presenting severe management problems, often because of developmental disabilities. Now behavior analysts work in a variety of settings, from clinics and schools to workplaces. Especially since their practice often involves aversive stimuli or punishment, they confront many special ethical challenges. Recently, the Behavior Analysis Certification Board codified a set of ten fundamental ethical guidelines to be followed by all behavior analysts and understood by all students and trainees seeking certification. This book shows readers how to follow the BACB guidelines in action. The authors first describe core ethical principles and then explain each guideline in detail, in easily comprehensible, everyday language. The text is richly illuminated by more than a hundred vivid case scenarios about which the authors pose, and later answer questions for readers. Useful appendices include the BACB Guidelines, an index to them, practice scenarios, and suggested further reading. Practitioners, instructors, supervisors, students, and trainees alike will welcome this invaluable new aid to professional development.