In The Beginning God Created a Hologram

In The Beginning God Created a Hologram

Author: Frederick Guttmann

Publisher: Frederick Guttmann


Total Pages: 162



Unlike animals, we can consider that human beings attach great importance to our personal reality. Certainly, other forms of life that we know of on this planet do not have a sufficient level of consciousness to carry out this type of reasoning. Thinking about who we are, we cannot exclude another existential doubt: 'where do we come from?' Empirical science from the 16th to the 20th centuries would tell us that "simply" we proceed from certain "casual" processes in "particular" environments that resulted in various changes in life forms, which were changing psychically, morphologically and biologically, to go becoming completely different, and that thousands and millions of years later would become what we can now say that we are. Do you wonder what the mind has to do with the origin of the cosmos? Everything. I'm not going to address data that I covered half a decade ago in the initial Sakla Rebellion trilogy, but I do have to remind you, if you've read it, that mythology plays an important role in our understanding of the perceivable universe - as long as they're understood. their symbols and know how to adapt to the principles of the mind -. As a point of reference I use the story that we have received by transmission from the Hebrew prophet Moses (or Mashah, if we read it literally from the Hebrew language, or Moshe, as the Jews call him). Why? Well, I am Jewish by descent, an Israeli citizen and I speak Hebrew, so what better than to give my opinion from a more scholarly angle on this field? And if you ask me, why Moses? Although, I can take some isolated source as a skeleton to build the body of this book, but what happens is that the circumstances have occurred in such a way that these writings – which To the speculative and superstitious mind, man, and the rest of existing things, were created by one or more supernatural beings from some other state of abstract reality, while others would attribute this fact to a source in other dimensions, or other planets. Mythologies are a clear example of these phenomenal and acheetypal reasoning. Although, it was only until the consolidation of ideas about the mind that exploded with individuals like Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung - among many others - that mythology and its archetypes, and the idea of a Collective Mind, began to be understood. Already Plato and a few before him, even Freud and Jung, had commented on this, and had indicated the reality of Mind over the "world" of phenomena. However, the ability to deeply understand the apparent inscrutability of the Mind was not yet fully plausible until less than two centuries ago.

The Bible and the Holographic Universe

The Bible and the Holographic Universe

Author: Cynthia C. Polsley

Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers

Published: 2022-04-13

Total Pages: 174

ISBN-13: 1666735582


From holographic illusions, simulated worlds, and parallel universes to the multiverse, from The Matrix, Star Trek, Marvel and DC Comics to Netflix and mobile games, today’s popular imagination is caught up with realities beyond our own. Decades ago, cosmologists speculated that our universe might be a gigantic holographic image. Since then, the “holographic principle” has only gained traction. What is the holographic universe, and how does it align with the Bible’s picture of reality and Jesus Christ? Are we a computer simulation? Did aliens spark human life? Is a multiverse a problem for God? Do “time” and “free will” exist? What does it all mean for Christians? Introducing the holographic principle and exploring implications of other worlds through a Christian lens, this basic guide gives individuals and small groups a perspective of eternal investment, prayer, study, and intentional living that focuses on the Bible as the unchanging source of truth, presenting practical information for sorting fact from fiction, engaging with modern culture, and finding a firmer worldview in Christ. Not only is a holographic universe no threat to the Gospel, but the Bible points to a higher reality—hinting at the fingerprints of God in holographic theory.

The Cosmic Hologram

The Cosmic Hologram

Author: Jude Currivan

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2017-02-16

Total Pages: 332

ISBN-13: 1620556618


How holographic patterns of information underlie our physical reality • 2017 Nautilus Silver Award • Includes myriad evidence from a wide range of cutting-edge scientific discoveries showing our Universe is an interconnected hologram of information • Explains how consciousness is a major component of the cosmic hologram of information, making us both manifestations and co-creators of our reality • Reconciles Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by showing that energy-matter and space-time are complementary expressions of information Our understanding of the Universe is about to transform at all levels, from the tiniest Planck scale to the vast reaches of space. Recent scientific discoveries show that the information that upholds all of our modern technologies is exactly the same as the universal in-formation that underpins, pervades, and is all we call physical reality. Exploring how information is more fundamental than energy, matter, space, or time, Jude Currivan, Ph.D., examines the latest research across many fields of study and many scales of existence to show how our Universe is in-formed and holographically manifested. She explains how the fractal in-formational patterns that guide behavior at the atomic level also guide the structure of galactic clusters in space. She demonstrates how the in-formational relationships that underlie earthquakes are the same as those that play out during human conflicts. She shows how cities grow in the same in-formational ways that galaxies evolve and how the dynamic in-formational forms that pervade ecosystems are identical to the informational structures of the Internet and our social behaviors. Demonstrating how information is physically real, the author explores how consciousness connects us to the many interconnected layers of universal in-formation, making us both manifestations and co-creators of the cosmic hologram of reality. She explains how Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity can at last be reconciled if we consider energy-matter and space-time as complementary expressions of information, and she explores how the cosmic hologram underlies the true origin of species and our own evolution. Concurring too with ancient spiritual wisdom, the author offers solid evidence that consciousness is not something we “have” but the fundamental nature of what we and the entire Universe are. With this understanding, we can each transform our own lives and help co-create and in-form the world around us.

Tranceformers Shamans of the 21st Century

Tranceformers Shamans of the 21st Century

Author: John Jay Harper

Publisher: Reality Press

Published: 2009

Total Pages: 226

ISBN-13: 1934588407


Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century is the true story of this author's contact with a "dead" optics physicist colleague and the telepathic communication that sent him searching for scientific answrs to his spiritual questions. Harper draws from this deep well of wisdom: astrology, biology, near-death experiences, paranormal psycholgy, quantum physics as well as Egyptian and Mayan cosmology overall. He does an excellent job of synthesizing massive amounts of information, making this shift of the ages comprehensible to the general reader. Clearly this is a necessary primer to understand the coming apocalypse of biblical proportions in consciousness, climate, culture, and civilization. However, the theme of this book is that by learning to use trance- the techniques employed by mystics, prophets, and shamans- one can unlock the mysteries of existence for themselves. Indeed this is the big idea behind the Eternal Return of the Sun of God in 2012: Self-Empowerment.

The Unbroken Wholeness Power of God

The Unbroken Wholeness Power of God

Author: Don Christie

Publisher: Xulon Press

Published: 2002-09

Total Pages: 214

ISBN-13: 1591602432


This book is all about experiencing the awesome WHOLENESS power of God through a life of discipleship and prayer. The book is a call to get back to the simple basics of the Bible using the wholeness and oneness principles as a guide. In a few of the later chapters the book explores some simple, but remarkable number patterns such as the mathematical constants for light, time, gravity, creation fire, and many more, all of which were encoded in the Psalms 3000 years ago, about 2,900 years before they were known. These simple number patterns such as 19 for electricity, 27 for light, 29 for creation fire, and 38 for gravity, all have 'key words' in the first few verses of the Psalm number that is the same exact number of the math constant. The book also explores a few (ELS) or what is called Equidistant Lette! r Sequences to show hidden codes in the Bible. There also is a unique matrix code for the World Trade Center attack included. Many more interesting Bible numbers that equal modern day scientific theory and fact are found in the Tabernacle of Moses and other places in the Bible. The book brings out the wholeness principles contained in the Bible and how to apply them to your life. The book also validates the fact that the Bible contains the simple mathematical evidence for the existence of God with patterns of numbers that are way beyond chance.

The Nine Waves of Creation

The Nine Waves of Creation

Author: Carl Johan Calleman

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2016-11-15

Total Pages: 406

ISBN-13: 1591432782


A guide to aligning your life with the frequencies of the Nine Waves of Creation • Explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how their holograms shape the human mind • Shows how throughout history each revolution in human consciousness has been driven by the activation of one of the Nine Waves of Creation • Reveals how we can consciously work to deactivate the negative patterns of the Sixth Wave and manifest the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave In the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden development the ruling scientific paradigm has not been able to explain. These changes correspond with the activation of new Waves of Creation emanating from the center of the universe that influence human thinking. From the Big Bang to the present, these Waves guide the evolution of the universe and, through their holographic resonance with the human mind, profoundly shape revolutions in religion, technology, economy, and social consciousness. Presenting a quantum-holographic perspective on world history and human consciousness, Carl Calleman explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how these Waves allow us to understand the shifting eras on Earth as well as the possibilities of the future. He describes how, prior to the activation of the 6th Wave in 3115 BCE, our social systems were based on a unified cosmic order, but the hologram of this Wave shifted society to an all-consuming focus on Good and Evil, leading to the rise of patriarchal religious structures, slavery, and warfare. He explores how later Waves and their new holograms helped humanity survive the negative effects of the 6th Wave, such as the Industrial Revolution of the 7th Wave and the Digital Revolution of the 8th Wave. In 2011, the 9th Wave was activated, bringing with it an accelerated push for a more egalitarian world, a rising awareness of unity consciousness, and access to the full power of all Nine Waves of Creation. Calleman explains how our individual resonance with each Wave plays a role in the quality of our lives and how we must consciously work to resonate with the higher Waves. Revealing how we can become quantum activists in a holographic world by aligning with the 9th Wave, the author shows how we each can help manifest the destiny of humanity hinted at in ancient texts.

In the Beginning ... God Created

In the Beginning ... God Created

Author: Henry DuBose


Published: 2014-08-03

Total Pages: 178

ISBN-13: 1312361999


This book on the first chapters of Genesis is not concerning the literal creation of the universe. There is more than an ample supply of commentaries on how God created the earth and the heavens. Genesis is the book of beginnings. The first chapter of Genesis is about the mystical creation of the Body of Christ. In what way was Jesus the Beginning of the creation of God? Enjoy the study.

The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic

The Cure for GOD'S Epidemic

Author: Roshi Bharat


Published: 2014-09-15

Total Pages: 264

ISBN-13: 1456622846


THE CURE FOR GOD'S EPIDEMIC is a revolutionary book dedicated to last reformer of India who wanted to create a worldwide religious revolution. He was a saint and an intellectual warrior. By his name the minds of Priests, Acharyas, Pundits, and Mullahs tremble with fear. This book is based on logic and reasoning -a book which opens up Hinduism and sheds light on Islam and Christianity. This book will make you to think who you are and why you are on this planet. For Hindus it will be an eye opener as what they have been practicing so far and even practice today is not what Hindu Dharma is? This book is bound to touch your inner soul and mind. The Book focuses for the first time in the History of religions on the following topics. Is Ram, Krishna, Jesus, Allah, etc. a GOD or not? Who is the True GOD and does GOD exists -a scientific approach? Concept of GOD, Matter and Prana -i.e., the Life Force What is True Spirituality? How can all religions live in peace? Theory of Karma from Scientific angle How is the universe created? How was the human created first? What happens after death? Why one should NOT marry with cousins or direct blood? What the Universe is made up of? Demolishing Big Bang Theory! Unified Theory of Creation Concept of Prana What is Space?

Stephen Hawking and the Divine Author

Stephen Hawking and the Divine Author

Author: Fred Harding

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2016-11-01

Total Pages: 246

ISBN-13: 9781539866268


2nd Edition with over 150 illustrations How can we have freewill when it seems that our lives are already predetermined by God? "For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish." (ISAIAH 46:10) One of Stephen Hawking's theories makes it possible for us to have freewill while at the same time it enables God to know the future before it happens. The explanation is simply amazing! This is the story how Hawking ducked and weaved to avoid the evidence that his theories kept leading him to, namely that God created the Universe. However, in the end he came face to face with the Divine Author and ironically, it was one of his theories that made that fateful confrontation possible. But he could not bring himself to overcome his religious paradigm and acknowledge what his eyes had clearly been revealing to him. By reading this book not only will you learn about Hawking's brush with the Divine Author on a number of occasions, but you will also gain a good grounding on Black Holes, the Steady State Theory of Fred Hoyle, the Big Bang, Hawking Radiation, Einstein's theory of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Imaginary Time, String theory and more. This will enable you to make an an informed judgement as to the premise of this book, that, "In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth." As for Hawking, having been unable to contradict his own theories any more and in a final act of frustration and self-betrayal he adopted a theory that was not even one of his own - M-theory. Now here is the irony of it. By all accounts M-theory is not a genuine theory but rather it is philosophical speculation disguised as science. Sir Roger Penrose, who shared the Wolf Prize for physics with Hawking in 1988 said on a radio show in 2010, ..". M-Theory isn't even a theory. It's a collection of ideas, hopes, aspirations. It's not even a theory." For any scientist, let alone a science superstar like Hawking, to disparage philosophy on the one hand, and then proceed to engage in it by adopting a self contradictory philosophical stance on the other, with M-theory, is really scraping the bottom of the barrel. What a sad end to such a remarkable man, who has captured the hearts and minds of so many people. But is it the end? Hawking's story is not finished yet. He once said: "Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Thus, it is in the realm of possibility that he may read this book, which goes over his theories that often point to God and change his mind. Stephen, if you are reading this, it is not too late to change your mind and believe what your eyes have been telling you all along. The question is will you? The world waits with bated breath upon your decision.

The Physics of God

The Physics of God

Author: Joseph Selbie

Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser

Published: 2021-10-01

Total Pages: 242

ISBN-13: 1632657384


“An impressive and thought-provoking work . . . regarding the metaphysical mysteries of life, physical reality, and human consciousness. Highly recommended!” —Spirituality Today Science and religion are often thought to be in conflict. But the contemporary fields of relativity, quantum physics, neuroscience, and more are in agreement with the transcendent phenomena described by saints, sages, and near-death experiencers. Today’s science actually provides profound insight into miracles, immortality, heaven, God, and transcendent awareness. The Physics of God describes the intersections of science and religion with colorful, easy-to-understand metaphors, making abstruse subjects within both science and religion easily accessible to the layman. This intriguing book: Pulls back the curtain on the light-show illusion we call matter. Connects string theory to religion’s transcendent heavens. Reveals the scientific secret of life and immortality. Demonstrates the miracle-making power of our minds to effect instantaneous physiological changes. Included in this revised edition is a new chapter on the physics of meditation and other updates.