Homodyne High-harmonic Spectroscopy

Homodyne High-harmonic Spectroscopy

Author: Julien Beaudoin Bertrand


Published: 2012

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At the heart of high harmonic generation lies a combination of optical and collision physics entwined by a strong laser field. An electron, initially tunnel-ionized by the field, driven away then back in the continuum, finally recombines back to rest in its initial ground state via a radiative transition. The emitted attosecond (atto=10-̂18) XUV light pulse carries all the information (polarization, amplitude and phase) about the photorecombination continuum-to-ground transition dipolar field. Photorecombination is related to the time-reversed photoionization process. In this perspective, high-harmonic spectroscopy extends well-established photoelectron spectroscopy, based on charged particle detection, to a fully coherent one, based on light characterization. The main achievement presented in this thesis is to use high harmonic generation to probe femtosecond (femto=10-̂15) chemical dynamics for the first time. Thanks to the coherence imposed by the strong driving laser field, homodyne detection of attosecond pulses from excited molecules undergoing dynamics is achieved, the signal from unexcited molecules acting as the reference local oscillator. First, applying time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy to the photodissociation of a diatomic molecule, Br2 to Br + Br, allows us to follow the break of a chemical bond occurring in a few hundreds of femtoseconds. Second, extending it to a triatomic (NO2) lets us observe both the previously unseen (but predicted) early femtosecond conical intersection dynamics followed by the late picosecond statistical photodissociation taking place in the reaction NO2 to NO + O. Another important realization of this thesis is the development of a complementary technique to time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy called LAPIN, for Linked Attosecond Phase INterferometry. When combined together, time-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy and LAPIN give access to the complex photorecombination dipole of aligned excited molecules. These achievements lay the basis for electron recollision tomographic imaging of a chemical reaction with unprecedented angstrom (1 angstrom= 0.1 nanometer) spatial resolution. Other contributions dedicated to the development of attosecond science and the generalization of high-harmonic spectroscopy as a novel, fully coherent molecular spectroscopy will also be presented in this thesis.

High Harmonic Spectroscopy of Complex Molecules

High Harmonic Spectroscopy of Complex Molecules

Author: Michael C. H. Wong


Published: 2014

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Advancements in spectroscopy rely on the improvement of two fundamental characteristics: spatial and temporal resolutions. High harmonic spectroscopy (HHS) is an emerging technology that promises the capability of studying the fastest processes that exist today: electronic motion with angstrom spatial and attosecond temporal resolution. HHS is based on the process of high harmonic generation (HHG) which arises from the nonlinear interaction between an intense, infrared laser pulse and an atomic or molecular gaseous medium, producing coherent, attosecond-duration bursts of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light. In order to utilize the attosecond pulses for spectroscopic measurements, it is necessary to improve the conversion efficiency of HHG. Chapter 2 of this thesis describes the improvements we make to the HHG source in order to obtain high XUV photon flux and we report on the nonlinear ionization of atomic systems using these pulses in Chapter 6. In Chapters 3 - 5, we describe several HHG experiments in complex, polyatomic molecules in order to promote the use of HHS as a general spectroscopic tool. Amplitude modulations in high harmonic spectra of complex molecules can be attributed to several types of interference conditions that depend on a system's molecular or electronic structure such as recombination with multiple centres or dynamical interference from multi-orbital contributions to ionization. Our results demonstrate the capability of HHS to extract useful information on molecular and electronic structure from large, polyatomic molecules directly from their high harmonic spectra. Furthermore, we use HHS to investigate the suppression of ionization in complex molecules due to quantum destructive interference during ionization as well as the distinguishability of emitted harmonic spectra from molecular isomers. Chapter 6 explores the study of multi-electron dynamics in complex molecules using XUV multiphoton ionization of atoms and molecules as well as the ionization and fragmentation of C60 which has hundreds of delocalized valence electrons. This thesis also describes the author's role in the design and fabrication of a time-of- flight mass spectrometer (Section 6.1) as well as an HHG detector system (Appendix A).

Generation and Control of Solid-state High Harmonics at the Nanoscale

Generation and Control of Solid-state High Harmonics at the Nanoscale

Author: Hanzhe Liu


Published: 2019

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High-harmonic generation (HHG) lies at the heart of attosecond science. Since the first experimental observation of HHG in noble gases, extensive theoretical and experimental studies have been performed on HHG from gas phase medium including both noble gases as well as small molecues for the past 30 years, making HHG a valuable tool to probe attosecond dynamics in various physical and chemical systems. A recent new progress in this field is the observation of high harmonics in a crystalline bulk solid reported in the year of 2011. Fundamentally, high-harmonic generation from solids is a spectroscopy technique and understanding the mechanism will allow us to study the fundamental strong light-matter interaction processes happen at femto- and attosecond time scale in the condensed matter phase. In terms of application, observation of high-harmonics in solids such as semiconductors makes it possible to engineer and control the ultrafast strong light-matter interaction at nanoscales by patterning the solids target with subwavelength nanostructures, which could eventually lead to novel compact ultrafast photonic devices operating at extremely short wavelengths. In this thesis, we report a few experiments that reveal the fundamental mechanism responsible for solid-state high-harmonic generation as well as the control of the process at subwavelength scale by applying nanofabrication technology. The first experiment is an optical pump-probe study on HHG from a ZnO bulk crystal. The behavior of the high-harmonics signal generated from a strong probe pulse under a direct band gap linear excitation suggests that a Rabi-type of interband transition plays an important role in high-harmonic generation in solids under the experiment condition. A second experiment is the first demonstration of high-harmonic generation in a two-dimensional material (in this case, monolayer MoS$_{2}$). Based on the measured high-harmonic spectra we suggest that the Berry curvature of the material has important effects when electrons are strongly driven by the excitation field. We further find that the generation process is more efficient from monolayer compared to an equivalent layer in bulk, revealing hints of the correlation effects on the high-harmonic generation process. A third experiment covered in this thesis is to enhance and control high-harmonic generation from an all-dielectric metasurface. The enhancement of high harmonics is a direct result of the enhanced pump field in the metasurface when the device is resonantly excited. The overall harmonic yield from field-enhancing nanostructures is ultimately limited by the laser induced damage of the sample, and this motivates the last work in this thesis. In this work, we demonstrate the guiding of above-gap high harmonics in a slotted waveguide geometry by allowing high harmonics propagating in the vacuum channel with a greatly reduced absorption. Coherent propagation effects are observed, which is otherwise absent in bulk due to strong absorption. With the reduced absorption, we further demonstrate the enhanced high harmonics at high excitation intensities up to the damage threshold of the bulk.

Symmetry and High Harmonic Spectroscopy in Solids

Symmetry and High Harmonic Spectroscopy in Solids

Author: Shima Gholam Mirzaeimoghadar


Published: 2020

Total Pages: 137



Due to their unique temporal resolution, high harmonic pulses are capable of probing rapidly occurring phenomena such as carrier interactions and phase transition dynamics. For this reason, it is desirable to develop harmonic sources with few-femtosecond to attosecond pulse durations. I take advantage of nonlinear compression in a bulk crystal to compress the mid-infrared laser pulse to