Holy Bible Aionian Edition: American Standard Version 1901 - New Testament

Holy Bible Aionian Edition: American Standard Version 1901 - New Testament

Author: Nainoia Nainoia Inc


Published: 2017-11-21

Total Pages: 214

ISBN-13: 9781979477048


The Holy Bible Aionian Edition is the world's first Bibleun-translation! (free at AionianBible.org and Google Playstore) What is an un-translation? Bibles are translated into each of ourlanguages from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. Occasionally,the best word translation cannot be found and these words are transliteratedletter by letter. Four well-known transliterations are Christ,baptism, angel, and apostle. The meaning is thenpreserved more accurately through context and a lexicon. The Aionian Bibleun-translates and instead transliterates ten additional Aionian Glossarywords to help us better understand God's love for individuals and allmankind, and the nature of after-life destinies. The key Greek word un-translated in the Aionian Bible is aionios,typically translated as eternal and also world or age.However, aionios means something much more wonderful thaneternal! Ancient Greeks used the adjective aionios to meanentirety and completeness, such as the complete amount from the beginning to the end of the aion, but never eternal time. Soaionios is the perfect description of God's Word which has everythingwe need for life and godliness! And the aionios life promised in John3:16 is not a simple ticket to eternal life in the future, but theinvitation through faith to a complete life now! VisitAionianBible.org/Preface for further explanation. The un-translation helps us to see aionios and the additional AionianGlossary words in context. The original translation is not changed at alland an inline note is inserted in sixty-three Old Testament and two hundredthree New Testament verses. Also to facilitate parallel study and use ofStrong's Concordance, apocryphal text is removed and most variant versenumbering is mapped to the English standard. The Aionian Bible republishes public domain Bible texts. We thank our sources at ebible.org, unbound.biola.edu, and dbs.org. The Holy Bible Aionian Edition is copyrighted with the Creative Commons No Derivative Works license allowing 100% freedom to copy and print, but further editorial and translation work must begin with the sources. Why purple? King Jesus' word is royal... and purple is our favorite color!

Holy Bible Aionian Edition: American Standard Version 1901

Holy Bible Aionian Edition: American Standard Version 1901

Author: Nainoia Nainoia Inc.


Published: 2017-11-21

Total Pages: 828

ISBN-13: 9781975924867


The Holy Bible Aionian Edition is the world's first Bibleun-translation! (free at AionianBible.org and Google Playstore) What is an un-translation? Bibles are translated into each of ourlanguages from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. Occasionally,the best word translation cannot be found and these words are transliteratedletter by letter. Four well-known transliterations are Christ,baptism, angel, and apostle. The meaning is thenpreserved more accurately through context and a lexicon. The Aionian Bibleun-translates and instead transliterates ten additional Aionian Glossarywords to help us better understand God's love for individuals and allmankind, and the nature of after-life destinies. The key Greek word un-translated in the Aionian Bible is aionios,typically translated as eternal and also world or age.However, aionios means something much more wonderful thaneternal! Ancient Greeks used the adjective aionios to meanentirety and completeness, such as the complete amount from the beginning to the end of the aion, but never eternal time. Soaionios is the perfect description of God's Word which has everythingwe need for life and godliness! And the aionios life promised in John3:16 is not a simple ticket to eternal life in the future, but theinvitation through faith to a complete life now! VisitAionianBible.org/Preface for further explanation. The un-translation helps us to see aionios and the additional AionianGlossary words in context. The original translation is not changed at alland an inline note is inserted in sixty-three Old Testament and two hundredthree New Testament verses. Also to facilitate parallel study and use ofStrong's Concordance, apocryphal text is removed and most variant versenumbering is mapped to the English standard. The Aionian Bible republishes public domain Bible texts. We thank our sources at ebible.org, unbound.biola.edu, and dbs.org. The Holy Bible Aionian Edition is copyrighted with the Creative Commons No Derivative Works license allowing 100% freedom to copy and print, but further editorial and translation work must begin with the sources. Why purple? King Jesus' word is royal... and purple is our favorite color!

The Holy Bible / American Standard Version (1901)

The Holy Bible / American Standard Version (1901)

Author: God

Publisher: Milan Vilimek Jihlavsky


Total Pages: 2953

ISBN-13: 8085811308


The Holy Bible is a collection of books and letters written by many people who were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. The Revised Version, Standard American Edition of the Bible, more commonly known as the American Standard Version (ASV), is a version of the Bible that was first released in 1900. The Holy Bible consists of two main sections: the Old Testament (including Psalms and Proverbs) and the New Testament (Matthew through Revelation). The Old Testament records God’s interaction with mankind before He sent His son to redeem us, while recording prophesy predicting that coming.



Author: Helfen aus Dank

Publisher: BookRix

Published: 2018-12-19

Total Pages: 2968

ISBN-13: 373094858X


This project on the book community "BookRix" shall contribute to spread the message of Jesus Christ in a very original way. God's Word - the Bible - will be made available for reading and downloading as licence free e-books in as many languages and translations as possible. The aim and vision of the foundation “Helfen aus Dank” ("Helping out of gratitude") is to offer an own translation of the Bible, also to people who speak only a very rare language, so that they understand the message and can read it, for example, on their mobile phone.

The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible

Author: Zeiset

Publisher: Zeiset

Published: 2020-12-10

Total Pages: 2010

ISBN-13: 1622457137


American Standard Version (ASV). Old and New Testament. In this edition, "Jehovah" has been updated to "the Lord." Based on the 1901 edition by the American Revision Team, which is now in the public domain. For easy navigation, the table of contents links to books and chapters, and back again. Sample Scripture John 15 1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh it away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he cleanseth it, that it may bear more fruit. 3 Already ye are clean because of the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; so neither can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for apart from me ye can do nothing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; and so shall ye be my disciples. 9 Even as the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you: abide ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. 11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. Published by Zeiset. Our mission is basic but fundamental - that people read the Holy Bible for what it is and for what it says.

Holy Bible

Holy Bible

Author: RJ&WC RJ&WC Press

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2017-10-07

Total Pages: 754

ISBN-13: 9781977803948


The American Standard Version is a classic text for digging into the depths of God's Word. The complete Bible, first published in 1901, has been used since that time to seek a full understanding of Scripture. The Version sought-and greatly achieved-a literal translation of the original languages into American English. Because the translation is so literal, it has been treasured as a tool for understanding God's original intent by those who do not read Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

Holy Bible Aionian Edition: Revised Version 1895

Holy Bible Aionian Edition: Revised Version 1895

Author: Nainoia Nainoia Inc.


Published: 2018-03-05

Total Pages: 828

ISBN-13: 9781976153006


The Holy Bible Aionian Edition is the world's first Bibleun-translation! (free at AionianBible.org and Google Playstore) What is an un-translation? Bibles are translated into each of ourlanguages from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. Occasionally,the best word translation cannot be found and these words are transliteratedletter by letter. Four well-known transliterations are Christ,baptism, angel, and apostle. The meaning is thenpreserved more accurately through context and a lexicon. The Aionian Bibleun-translates and instead transliterates ten additional Aionian Glossarywords to help us better understand God's love for individuals and allmankind, and the nature of after-life destinies. The key Greek word un-translated in the Aionian Bible is aionios,typically translated as eternal and also world or age.However, aionios means something much more wonderful thaneternal! Ancient Greeks used the adjective aionios to meanentirety and completeness, such as the complete amount from the beginning to the end of the aion, but never eternal time. Soaionios is the perfect description of God's Word which has everythingwe need for life and godliness! And the aionios life promised in John3:16 is not a simple ticket to eternal life in the future, but theinvitation through faith to a complete life now! VisitAionianBible.org/Preface for further explanation. The un-translation helps us to see aionios and the additional AionianGlossary words in context. The original translation is not changed at alland an inline note is inserted in sixty-three Old Testament and two hundredthree New Testament verses. Also to facilitate parallel study and use ofStrong's Concordance, apocryphal text is removed and most variant versenumbering is mapped to the English standard. The Aionian Bible republishes public domain Bible texts. We thank our sources at ebible.org, unbound.biola.edu, and dbs.org. The Holy Bible Aionian Edition is copyrighted with the Creative Commons No Derivative Works license allowing 100% freedom to copy and print, but further editorial and translation work must begin with the sources. Why purple? King Jesus' word is royal... and purple is our favorite color!

Holy Bible Aionian Edition: King James Version

Holy Bible Aionian Edition: King James Version

Author: Nainoia Nainoia Inc.


Published: 2018-03-05

Total Pages: 828

ISBN-13: 9781975925222


The Holy Bible Aionian Edition is the world's first Bibleun-translation! (free at AionianBible.org and Google Playstore) What is an un-translation? Bibles are translated into each of ourlanguages from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. Occasionally,the best word translation cannot be found and these words are transliteratedletter by letter. Four well-known transliterations are Christ,baptism, angel, and apostle. The meaning is thenpreserved more accurately through context and a lexicon. The Aionian Bibleun-translates and instead transliterates ten additional Aionian Glossarywords to help us better understand God's love for individuals and allmankind, and the nature of after-life destinies. The key Greek word un-translated in the Aionian Bible is aionios,typically translated as eternal and also world or age.However, aionios means something much more wonderful thaneternal! Ancient Greeks used the adjective aionios to meanentirety and completeness, such as the complete amount from the beginning to the end of the aion, but never eternal time. Soaionios is the perfect description of God's Word which has everythingwe need for life and godliness! And the aionios life promised in John3:16 is not a simple ticket to eternal life in the future, but theinvitation through faith to a complete life now! VisitAionianBible.org/Preface for further explanation. The un-translation helps us to see aionios and the additional AionianGlossary words in context. The original translation is not changed at alland an inline note is inserted in sixty-three Old Testament and two hundredthree New Testament verses. Also to facilitate parallel study and use ofStrong's Concordance, apocryphal text is removed and most variant versenumbering is mapped to the English standard. The Aionian Bible republishes public domain Bible texts. We thank our sources at ebible.org, unbound.biola.edu, and dbs.org. The Holy Bible Aionian Edition is copyrighted with the Creative Commons No Derivative Works license allowing 100% freedom to copy and print, but further editorial and translation work must begin with the sources. Why purple? King Jesus' word is royal... and purple is our favorite color!