Uno de los manuales más completos de la historia de la filosofía y de la ciencia. Se ofrece una visión exhaustiva del itinerario seguido por el pensamiento occidental, mostrando el peso decisivo que han tenido los pensadores y los sabios de Occidente en la progresiva formación del talante del hombre actual y su mundo. De gran utilidad didáctica son las tablas cronológicas, los índices de nombres y la extensa bibliografía que aparecen al final de cada tomo.
"El hombre ¿azar o diseño?" En esta obra se hace una exposición sucinta de fenómenos y elementos materiales que conforman el universo y, por tanto, también al ser humano, como un ser que tiene cuerpo y vida, y por ello sometido a leyes físicas y biológicas, pero que se desempeña trascendiendo esta clase de leyes. El hombre no puede tener su origen sólo en la materia bruta. Los acontecimientos del cosmos que le preceden, tampoco justifican suficientemente su existencia y su naturaleza, que desborda y trasciende la materia. Siendo el hombre un ser inteligente, su existencia demanda una causa inteligente, superior a él, causa que no se encuentra ni en el azar ni en la materia. En este entramado se conjugan la filosofía, la ciencia, el arte, la historia y la religión.
This collection provides an excellent introduction to three of the most important names in twentieth-century Spanish philosophy: Miguel de Unamuno (1864–1936), José Ortega y Gasset (1883–1955), and José Ferrater Mora (1912–1991). The thought-provoking work of these great contemporary philosophers offers a rich and penetrating insight into human existence. Originally written by Ferrater Mora in the middle of the last century, his interpretations of Unamuno and Ortega are considered classics, and the chapter on his own thought reflects his mature thinking about being and death. Each essay is introduced by noted Ferrater Mora scholar J. M. Terricabras and contains updated biographical and bibliographic information.
This book breaks new ground in the historiography of Mexico during the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz by subjecting to detailed analysis the traditional belief that the ideology of the intellectual/political elite known as ‘the scientists’ was grounded in the philosophical ideas of Herbert Spencer.
by Ivor Grattan-Guinness Until twenty years ago the outline history of logicism was well known. Frege had had the important ideas, until he was eclipsed by Wittgenstein. Russell was important in publicising the former and tutoring the latter, and also for working with Moore in the conversion of British philosophy from neo-Hegelianism to the new analytic tradition in the 1900s, but his own work on logic and especially logicism was very muddled. Around that time Russell, who was still alive, sold his manuscripts to McMaster University in Canada, and interest in his achievements in logic began to develop, especially after his death in 1970. Scholars found thousands of folios of unpublished holograph awaiting their attention, and also hundreds of pertinent letters (both in the Russell Archives and elsewhere in certain recipients' collections). Various facets of his work came to light for the first time, and others -which could have been gleaned from carefully reading of the published sources- gained new publicity from the evidence revealed in manuscripts. Even the technical passage work, which constitutes the unread majority of the Principia mathematica (1910-13) of Russell and Whitehead, began to receive a little respectful scrutiny. It turned out that Russell had done several pioneering things. While indeed often incoherent in reference and content, they comprised major forays into the new mathematical logic, of which he turned out to be a major founder: some are even of interest to modem studies.
FILOSOFÍA PARA POLICÍAS Todos los y las policías del mundo, deben tener un mínimo de conocimiento no sólo jurídico, político y criminal. La filosofía es una oportunidad para conocer desde una perspectiva más humanista el trabajo policial. En este contexto, encontramos la ética policial, la filosofía de la mente y las mentes criminales, entre otras ramas del conocimiento filosófico. Conforme nos conozcamos a nosotros mismos, nos volvemos más conscientes de nuestros objetivos en nuestra vida, más responsables y comprometidos con nuestro trabajo como defensores de los Derechos Humanos y Estados de Derecho Democráticos. En este libro, encontrarás algunas de las premisas más importantes de la filosofía y su aplicación en el trabajo policial, como podría ser: El darnos cuenta de nuestras potencialidades como seres humanos, el uso eficiente de nuestra inteligencia, racionalidad, voluntad, intuición y tendencias a la superación personal. Conforme te introduces en el mundo de la filosofía, te irás sintiendo más humano, más inquieto por el conocimiento, más seguro de ti mismo, de tus objetivos de vida y lo más importante, te irás convirtiendo, cada vez más, en un oficial de la policía responsable, profesional y con alta calidad humana.
Meta-Xenakis offers readers a comprehensive collection of insights into the history, works and legacy of Iannis Xenakis, one of the twentieth century’s most significant creative figures. It presents a transcontinental engagement with his life and output, focusing as much on the impact of the questions he posed as on the accomplishments of his body of work. This volume evolved out of the multi-modal, international Meta-Xenakis Consortium’s artistic and scholarly events commemorating his centenary. Informative and comprehensive, contributions span subjects including music composition, creative pedagogy, aesthetics, game theory, architecture, and the social and political contexts in which Xenakis operated. The book is organized in eight sections, centered on different facets of Xenakis’s work and reception. It includes a digital archive of audio and visual media from the events staged throughout 2022, as well as computer software. Bringing into conversation the diverse perspectives and insights of researchers, musicians and artists, this volume serves as a foundational resource for future research on the life and work of Xenakis. It will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners across a range of disciplines including music, architecture, cybernetics and computation, and the digital arts.
This book, the second of two volumes, explores the impact of Jesús Huerta de Soto and his role in the modern revival of the Austrian School of Economics. Through chapters discussing philosophy and political economy, the nature of capitalism and the foundations of economics are examined in relation to Austrian economics. These ideas and the work of Huerta de Soto are also contextualized within the broader history of economic thought to provide insight into their influence and development. This book highlights and builds upon the intellectual legacy of Jesús Huerta de Soto through its contribution to the Austrian School of Economics. It will be relevant to students and researchers interested in Austrian economics, philosophy, and political economy.