Pricing and Hedging Contingent Claims Using Variance and Higher-Order Moment Swaps

Pricing and Hedging Contingent Claims Using Variance and Higher-Order Moment Swaps

Author: Leonidas Rompolis


Published: 2017

Total Pages: 40



This paper suggests perfect hedging strategies of contingent claims under stochastic volatility and random jumps of the underlying asset price. This is done by enlarging the market with appropriate swaps whose payoffs depend on higher-order sample moments of the asset price process. Using European options and variance swaps, as well as barrier options written on the S&P 500 index, the paper provides clear cut evidence that hedging strategies employing variance and higher-order moment swaps considerably improves upon the performance of traditional delta hedging strategies. Inclusion of the third-order moment swap improves upon the performance of variance swap based strategies to hedge against random jumps. This result is more profound for short-term OTM put options.

Pricing and Hedging Contingent Claims with Liquidity Costs and Market Impact

Pricing and Hedging Contingent Claims with Liquidity Costs and Market Impact

Author: Frederic Abergel


Published: 2013

Total Pages: 13



We study the influence of taking liquidity costs and market impact into account when hedging a contingent claim, first in the discrete time setting, then in continuous time. In the latter case and in a complete market, we derive a fully non-linear pricing partial differential equation, and characterizes its parabolic nature according to the value of a numerical parameter naturally interpreted as a relaxation coefficient for market impact. We then investigate the more challenging case of stochastic volatility models, and prove the parabolicity of the pricing equation in a particular case.

Hedging Contingent Claims with Constrained Portfolios and Nonlinear Wealth Dynamics

Hedging Contingent Claims with Constrained Portfolios and Nonlinear Wealth Dynamics

Author: Dirk Ebmeyer


Published: 2007

Total Pages: 23



The purpose of this paper is to characterize the cost of super-replicating a contingent claim in a dynamic stochastic securities market under constraints. The dynamic market under consideration will allow for two different types of trading frictions: convex constraints on the portfolio processes describing the amount of money invested in the securities as well as nonlinearities in the stochastic differential equation which drives the evolution of the investors wealth. Besides a characterization of the upper hedging price of a contingent claim using stochastic control theory, the main result of this paper is an existence result for a hedging strategy for a given contingent claim in case agents only face nonlinearities in their wealth process.

A Simplified Method for Hedging Jump Diffusions

A Simplified Method for Hedging Jump Diffusions

Author: Wenjie Xiao


Published: 2010

Total Pages: 60



Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) and has been widely used in the Black Scholes option-pricing framework to model the return of assets. However, many empirical investigations show that market returns have higher peaks and fatter tails than GBM. Contrary to the Black Scholes model, an option-pricing model which contains jumps reflects the evolution of stock prices more accurately. Therefore, hedging a model under jump diffusion would be desirable. This thesis develops a simplified method for hedging jump diffusions. In order to hedge the jump risk, other instruments besides the underlying asset must be used in the hedging procedure. We start with a the Partial Integro Differential Equation (PIDE) that models contingent claims with jumps and consider a dynamic hedging strategy that uses a hedging portfolio with the underlying asset and liquidly traded options. We introduce a simple hedging method, where, at each rebalance time, we minimize the instantaneous jump risk by finding proper weights for the underlying asset and instruments. We use a simulation method to test our approach using a Truncated SVD method to solve the linear system of equations resulting from our minimization procedure. Our results indicate that the proposed dynamic hedging strategy provides sufficient protection against diffusion and jump risk. The method also provides a firm theoretical basis for a method which is used in practice.