Workplace injuries happen every day and can profoundly affect workers, their families, and the communities in which they live. This textbook is for workers and students looking for an introduction to injury prevention on the job. Foster and Barnetson bring the field into the twenty-first century by including discussions of how precarious employment, gender, and ill-health can be better handled in Canadian OHS.
Workplace injuries are common, avoidable, and unacceptable. The Political Economy of Workplace Injury in Canada reveals how employers and governments engage in ineffective injury prevention efforts, intervening only when necessary to maintain standard legitimacy. Barnetson sheds light on this faulty system, highlighting the way in which employers create dangerous work environments yet pour billions of dollars into compensation and treatment. Examining this dynamic clarifies the way in which production costs are passed on to workers in the form of workplace injuries.
Despite many advances, 20 American workers die each day as a result of occupational injuries. And occupational safety and health (OSH) is becoming even more complex as workers move away from the long-term, fixed-site, employer relationship. This book looks at worker safety in the changing workplace and the challenge of ensuring a supply of top-notch OSH professionals. Recommendations are addressed to federal and state agencies, OSH organizations, educational institutions, employers, unions, and other stakeholders. The committee reviews trends in workforce demographics, the nature of work in the information age, globalization of work, and the revolution in health care deliveryâ€"exploring the implications for OSH education and training in the decade ahead. The core professions of OSH (occupational safety, industrial hygiene, and occupational medicine and nursing) and key related roles (employee assistance professional, ergonomist, and occupational health psychologist) are profiled-how many people are in the field, where they work, and what they do. The book reviews in detail the education, training, and education grants available to OSH professionals from public and private sources.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that every year there are 2.2 million fatal and 270 million non-fatal accidents or occupational diseases worldwide. Occupational Health and Safety looks at the research into what causes accidents and errors in the workplace. Emphasizing the psychological and behavioural aspects of risk in organizations, it includes case studies and best practices. The contributors to this volume come from various countries, reflecting unique interest and knowledge in particular areas.
How does the current labour market training system function and whose interests does it serve? In this introductory textbook, Bob Barnetson wades into the debate between workers and employers, and governments and economists to investigate the ways in which labour power is produced and reproduced in Canadian society. After sifting through the facts and interpretations of social scientists and government policymakers, Barnetson interrogates the training system through analysis of the political and economic forces that constitute modern Canada. This book not only provides students of Canada’s division of labour with a general introduction to the main facets of labour-market training—including skills development, post-secondary and community education, and workplace training—but also encourages students to think critically about the relationship between training systems and the ideologies that support them.
Worldwide, skin cancer is the most diagnosed cancer, with one in three cancers being a skin cancer. For outdoor workers, prolonged sun exposure is an important workplace hazard that can cause skin cancer and heat stress, both of which are largely preventable. However, outdoor workers are regularly over-exposed to the sun, often exceeding the recognized exposure limits by many times. They are also often not well protected. As implementing effective sun safety measures is challenging, this Guide, along with its supporting resources, will help workplaces better protect their outdoor workers. This Guide provides a step-by-step process to develop a Sun Safety Program that is designed to complement existing safety practices and be embedded within a workplace's occupational health and safety management system.
Work more effectively with a complete understanding of Canadian public health! Shah's Public Health and Preventive Health Care in Canada, Sixth Edition examines health care policy in Canada and the issues and trends faced by today's health care professionals. It puts health promotion and prevention models into a historical perspective, with discussions including the evolution of national health insurance, determinants of health and disease, and approaches to achieving health for all. Written by educators Bonnie Fournier and Fareen Karachiwalla, and based on the work of noted author Dr. Chandrakant Shah, this text provides an excellent foundation in Canadian public health for nurses and other health care professionals. - Quintessentially Canadian content is designed especially for Canadian nursing and health care professionals. - Comprehensive coverage includes in-depth, current information on public health and preventive care topics. - End-of-chapter summaries reinforce your understanding of key health care concepts. - End-of-chapter references provide recommendations for further reading and research. - NEW! Full-colour design enhances illustrations and improves readability to better illustrate complex concepts. - NEW! Indigenous Health chapter. - NEW! Groups Experiencing Health Inequities chapter. - NEW! Pan-Canadian focus uses a community health perspective, discussing the social determinants of health, health equity, and health promotion in each chapter. - NEW! Learning tools include chapter outlines and learning objectives, key terms, practical exercises, critical thinking questions, and summary boxes such as Case Study, Research Perspective, In the News, Interprofessional Practice, Clinical Example, Real World Example, and Evidence-Informed Practice, plus key websites. - NEW! Evolve companion website. - NEW! Emerging infectious diseases (EID) and COVID-19 discussion and exercises on Evolve, offer insight into current and developing challenges facing public health.
These guidelines have been prepared by the International Labour Office in order to assist employers and national organisations with practical advice on implementing and improving occupational safety and health (OSH) management systems, in order to reduce work-related injuries, occupational ill health and diseases and unsafe working conditions. The guidelines may be applied on two levels: they provide a national OSH framework for legal and voluntary regulatory standards; and encourage the integration of OSH management principles with overall policy management at the organisational level.
Increasing Occupational Health and Safety in Workplaces argues for greater reporting of workplace accidents and injuries. It also incorporates stress as a factor in rates of accidents and injuries, and suggests ways in which workplace safety cultures can be fostered and improved. This book will be an invaluable tool for students of management, especially those with an interest in small businesses. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 10.0px Arial}