Drawing on the author's wide experience, this book gives a comprehensive review of the state of the art in gyrotron technology, covering the theory, design and applications. The book includes an extensive references list which provides an excellent guide to the related literature.
As unique sources of coherent high-power, microwave, and millimeter-wave radiation, gyrotrons are an essential part of the hunt for controlled fusion. Presently, gyrotrons are actively used for electron cyclotron resonance plasma heating and current drive in various controlled fusion reactors. These sources have been under development in many countries for more than forty years. In spite of their widespread use, however, there is as yet no single book to introduce non-specialists to this vital field. Now Gregory S. Nusinovich, an early pioneer of the gyrotron and widely regarded today as the world's leading authority on the subject, explains the fundamental physical principles upon which gyrotrons and related devices operate. Nusinovich first sets forth some "rules of thumb" that allow readers to understand gyrotron operation in simple terms. He then explores the fundamentals of the general theory of gyrotrons and offers an overview of the various types of gyro-devices, including gyromonotrons, gyroklystrons, gyro-traveling-wave tubes, and gyrotwystrons. He explains not only the theory, linear and nonlinear, but also the practical challenges that users of such devices face. This book will be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students as well as to those who develop gyrotrons or who use them in various applications. It should also appeal to plasma physicists interested in charged-particle dynamics, as well as to applied physicists needing to know more about micro- and millimeter-wave technologies.
Magnetic confinement fusion relies on plasma heating and plasma control using gyrotron oscillators providing at megawatt power levels. The operational reliability decreases when operating at the performance limits due to increasing parasitic mode activity. This work demonstrates for the first time the automated, fast recovery of nominal gyrotron operation during a pulse by exploiting the hysteretic gyrotron behaviour after a mode switch being in use at the Wendelstein 7-X ECRH facility.
This book highlights the emission, transmission, and launching of an electron beam. It presents an overview and recent advances in order to enhance knowledge in the field of gyrotron in general and electron gun in particular. The book is presented in seven chapters starting with the introduction and ending with future possible directions in the field of electron beams and gyrotrons.
Microwave tubes are vacuum electron devices used for the generation and amplification of radio frequencies in the microwave range. An established technology area, the use of tubes remains essential in the field today for high-power applications. The culmination of the authorOCOs 50 years of industry experience, this authoritative resource offers you a thorough understanding of the operations and major classes of microwave tubes.Minimizing the use of advanced mathematics, the book places emphasis on clear qualitative explanations of phenomena. This practical reference serves as an excellent introduction for newcomers to the field and offers established tube engineers a comprehensive refresher. Professionals find coverage of all major tube classifications, including klystrons, traveling wave tubes (TWTs), magnetrons, cross field amplifiers, and gyrotrons."
Dynamic after-cavity interaction (ACI) in megawatt-class gyrotrons is investigated that could lead to lower output mode purity and increased level of internal stray radiation. The self-consistent KIT-IHM multi-mode-code SELFT has been modified to extend the simulation domain into the radius up-taper section of the gyrotron cavity where the probability of ACI exists. Studies on four different gyrotron configurations confirm that undesired interactions in the up-taper region can result in additional parasitic oscillations with relative power in the 1%-range.
The physical design of cavity and magnetron injection gun (MIG) for a realistic, DEMO-compatible, coaxial-cavity 238 GHz 2 MW CW fusion gyrotron is developed in this work, having auxiliary frequencies at 170 GHz and 204 GHz. Novel systematic approaches towards multi-frequency mode selection, magnet requirements, and MIG design are presented. Mode deterioration and voltage depression variation due to insert misalignment versus cavity wall and/or versus electron beam are studied.
Ein Gyrotron wird in magnetisch eingeschlossenen Plasmaexperimenten für Heizung, Stromtrieb, Plasmastabilisierung und Plasmadiagnostik verwendet. In dieser Arbeit wird der erste Entwurf und Bau eines Mehrfrequenz-/Mehrzweck Pre-Prototyp Gyrotrons in koaxialer Technologie vorgestellt, das bei (136)/170/204 GHz mit einer Ausgangsleistung von 2 MW arbeitet. Dies ist der erste Schritt zum Betrieb bei Frequenzen bis zu 240 GHz unter Verwendung der Koaxialhohlraum-Gyrotrontechnologie. - A gyrotron is used in magnetically confined plasma experiments for heating, current drive, plasma stabilization and plasma diagnostics. This work presents the first design and construction of a multi-frequency / multi-purpose coaxial-cavity pre-prototype gyrotron operating at (136)/170/204 GHz with an output power of 2 MW. It is the first step towards operating frequencies up to 240 GHz using the coaxial-cavity gyrotron technology.
The performance of gyrotrons has developed rapidly during recent years and they now form very powerful sources of microwave energy at millimetric wavelengths. Much development, both of the detailed theory including multi-mode interaction and of practical devices, has taken place in the major European laboratories. This book is a collection of surve