The Bible-it's the worldÆs best-known and best-selling book. But itÆs not always the best-understood. To learn more about the Bible, you could refer to a big, thick commentary. . .or check out the easy-to-read Ultimate Guide to the Bible. Theologically sound, but written in approachable layman's terms, The Ultimate Guide to the Bible offers overviews of the whole Bible and its individual books, explanations of confusing terms, a Bible timeline, and introductions to the important people, places, and events of Bible times. ItÆs a perfect resource for new Christians, or an enjoyable refresher course for long-time saints.
John Piper pretende mostrarnos cómo Dios trabaja a través de su palabra escrita cuando buscamos el acto natural de leer la Biblia, de manera que experimentemos su poder “sight-giving” — un poder que se extiende más allá de las palabras en la página. John Piper aims to show us how God works through his written word when we pursue the natural act of reading the Bible, so that we experience his sight-giving power — a power that extends beyond the words on the page.
This lavishly-illustrated guide explains all aspects of biblical prophecies about the: Jewish nation, Messiah, end of the world and world to come. A balanced and easy-to-read survey of mysterious biblical passages and their various interpretations, The Complete Guide to Bible Prophecy also features beautiful illustrations, informative maps and helpful charts and graphics.
Have you ever closed your Bible and thought, What did I just read? Whether you're brand-new to the Bible or you grew up in the second pew, reading Scripture can feel confusing or boring at times. Understanding it well seems to require reading it thoroughly (and even repeatedly), but who wants to read something they don't understand? If you've ever wanted to read through the Bible or even just wanted to want to read it, The Bible Recap is here to help. Following a chronological Bible reading plan, these recaps explain and connect the story of Scripture, section by section. Soon you'll see yourself as a child of God who knows and loves His Word in the ways you've always hoped for. You don't have to go to seminary. You don't need a special Bible. Just start reading this book alongside your Bible and see what God has to say about Himself in the story He's telling. "Tara-Leigh gets me excited to read the Bible. Period. I have found a trusted guide to walk me into deeper understanding of the Scriptures."--MICHAEL DEAN MCDONALD, the Bible Project
This detailed look at all 66 Bible books in a single volume contains helpful introductions to the 10 major units of Scripture plus maps, charts, and in-depth sidebars.
Gathering together for worship is an indispensable part of your family's spiritual life. It is a means for God to reveal himself to you and your loved ones in a powerful way. This practical guide by Donald S. Whitney will prove invaluable to families—with or without children in the home—as they practice God-glorifying, Christ-exalting worship through Bible reading, prayer, and singing. Includes a discussion guide in the back for small groups.
Many people today are thirsty for God and feel a desire for an intense, personal prayer life that is deep and ongoing. But they encounter obstacles that prevent them from following the path seriously, and especially from persevering on it. Time for God was written with these desires and difficulties in mind. In Time for God, author Jacques Philippe mainly concentrates on mental prayer: prayer that consists of facing God in solitude and silence for a time in order to enter into intimate, loving communion with him. Practicing this kind of prayer regularly is considered by all spiritual masters to be an indispensable path that gives access to genuine Christian life—a path to knowing and loving God that empowers us to respond to his call to holiness addressed to each individual. Philippe draws on years of experience as a spiritual guide to illuminate the fundamental principles of mental prayer and describes some common mistakes and misconceptions that can lead it astray. With simplicity and clarity he explains the foundational principles for a healthy prayer life and gives advice for overcoming the various obstacles that arise when one sets off on the path of interior prayer.
Sabemos muy bien que cuando se inicia un año todos queremos organizar nuestras vidas y, para una buena organización, una AGENDA es de gran utilidad. Y la razón principal es que se nos pueden presentar muchas actividades cada día, cada semana y cada mes, y confiar solo en nuestra memoria no es recomendable porque podríamos olvidar algo importante al llevar una vida muy ocupada. Con una agenda, la cual podemos ver en diferentes momentos, planificamos las actividades que llevaremos a cabo cada día, semana o mes y nos preparamos mejor de antemano. Por lo tanto, los espacios para cada día pueden aprovecharse para escribir, como en toda agenda, esas actividades frecuentes. Además, siguiendo la GUIA DE LECTURAS DIARIAS que hemos organizado dividiéndola por libros y capítulos, podrás leer la BIBLIA COMPLETA en un año y, si deseas, puedes usar los espacios de cada día para tus pensamientos, reflexiones o meditaciones basadas en la lectura correspondiente. En los espacios donde no hemos puesto la fecha, hemos agregado: NOTAS, para que sean usados para apuntes de interés. También para que escribas esas cosas por las que agradeces a Dios, y para que escribas esas cosas que deseas ver hechas realidad con la ayuda de Dios. Por eso están tituladas: GRACIAS A DIOS POR... Y LE PIDO A DIOS... Además, incluimos espacio suficiente para los contactos: NOMBRE, TELEFONO, E-MAIL. En la actualidad existen muchos métodos de leer la Biblia en un año. En este que presentamos, se dedican siete meses a la lectura del Antiguo Testamento y cinco meses al Nuevo Testamento. Esperamos que esta AGENDA BIBLICA CON UNA GUIA DE LECTURAS DIARIAS sea de mucha utilidad a todos aquellos que se inician o que han estado en el camino del crecimiento espiritual. Felicidades por organizar tu vida y te deseamos todo lo mejor: salud, amor, paz, prosperidad y...todo aquello que anhela tu corazón. Que Dios te bendiga ricamente. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ARIAS, Con una Licenciatura en Teología y una Maestría y Doctorado en Educación Cristiana.