Grammardog Guide to the Taming of the Shrew

Grammardog Guide to the Taming of the Shrew

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2006-05

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570711


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this Shakespearean comedy. All sentences are from the play. Quizzes feature famous quotes ("If I be waspish, best beware my sting." "Where is the life that late I led?" "We will have rings and things and fine array." "There's small choice in rotten apples." "He that runs fastest gets the ring." "Being mad herself, she's madly mated." "First, kiss me Kate."). Onomatopoeia includes: "smack," "slish," "slash."

Grammardog Guide to Moby Dick

Grammardog Guide to Moby Dick

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2003-08

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570266


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this novel. All sentences are from the novel. Figurative language includes: "a whale ship was my Yale College and my Harvard," "silent islands of men and women," "The starred and stately nights seemed haughty dames in jeweled velvets," "He lived in the world as the last of the Grisly Bears lived in settled Missouri," "the chick that's in him pecks the shell," "in the soul of man there lies one insular Tahiti."

Grammardog Guide to Lord Jim

Grammardog Guide to Lord Jim

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2006-07

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570479


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this novel. All sentences are from the novel. Figurative language features onomatopoeia ("tap tap," "crunch crunch," "swish swish," "bang," "thump"), and language characteristic of Naturalism ("There was not the thickness of a sheet of paper between the right and wrong of this affair." "The chilly Antarctic can keep a secret." ". . . sniffing the intoxicating breath of that wasted opportunity").

Grammardog Guide to The Tempest

Grammardog Guide to The Tempest

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2005-06

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 160857072X


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this Shakespearean comedy. All sentences are from the play. Quizzes feature famous quotes ("O, brave new world that has such people in it." "What's past is prologue." "We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep." "Full fathom five thy father lies." "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows." "Good wombs have borne bad sons.").

Grammardog Guide to King Lear

Grammardog Guide to King Lear

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2005-03

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570630


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this Shakespearean tragedy. All sentences are from the play. Quizzes feature famous quotes ("nothing will come of nothing," "This cold night will turn us all to fools and madmen," "Blow winds, and crack your cheeks," "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child," "I am a man more sinned against than sinning," "Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say," "When we are born we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools," "The art of our necessities is strange and can make vile things precious").

Grammardog Guide to Julius Caesar

Grammardog Guide to Julius Caesar

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2005-03

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570622


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this Shakespearean tragedy. All sentences are from the play. Quizzes feature famous quotes ("Beware the Ides of March," "Et tu, Brute?" "Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears," "let slip the dogs of war," "I am constant as the northern star," "It was Greek to me," "Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look," "If you have tears, prepare to shed them now," "This was the most unkindest cut of all," "the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings").

Grammardog Guide to Silas Marner

Grammardog Guide to Silas Marner

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2006-06

Total Pages: 57

ISBN-13: 1608570541


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this novel. All sentences are from the novel. Figurative language is characteristic of Realism ("The coins he earned afterwards seemed as irrelevant as stones brought to complete a house suddenly buried by an earthquake." "He seemed to weave like the spider from pure impulse without reflection." "The thoughts were stranger to him now like old friendships impossible to revive." "The gold had asked that he should sit weaving longer and longer, deafened and blinded more and more to all things except the monotony of his loom . . .").

Grammardog Guide to Billy Budd

Grammardog Guide to Billy Budd

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2003-08

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570150


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this sea tale. All sentences are from the novella. Figurative language compares the innocent Billy Budd to birds (goldfinch, migratory bird) and "a young horse fresh from the farm." Biblical allusions support the theme of difficult moral decisions (Adam, the serpent and the apple of knowledge, Abraham and Isaac, Jonah, Saul and David, and Joseph).

Grammardog Guide to Daisy Miller

Grammardog Guide to Daisy Miller

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2008-11

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570002


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this psychological novella. All sentences are from the novella. Figurative language echoes the theme of American versus European standards of social behavior ("that mysterious land of dollars" versus "fine spun gallantry"). The friction between cultures and social classes is developed through religious allusions and references to illness and disease (Calvinism, Christian martyrs, malaria, dyspepsia, headache).

Grammardog Guide to Chopin Short Stories

Grammardog Guide to Chopin Short Stories

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570177


At Cheniere Caminada, Athenaise, Desiree's Baby, The Story of an Hour, Wiser Than a God.Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this short story collection. All sentences are from the stories. Language describes the culture and setting of the Louisiana Gulf Coast in the late 1800s where women characters begin to question traditional roles (Is "marriage a trap" or can it be "what story books promise?"). Figurative language reflects the conflict between religion, the expectations of the Southern culture and personal choice (Faust, Eve, Holy Ghost, Satan, Judgment Day, Terpsichore and goddess of Victory).