Professionals involved in the planning, design, operation, and construction of water, wastewater, and stormwater systems need to understand the productivity-enhancing applications of GIS. Inspired by an ASCE-sponsored continuing education course taught by the author, GIS Applications for Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Systems focuses on t
Learn GIS skills for catchment hydrology and water management with QGIS for Hydrological Applications!This updated, second edition, workbook teaches GIS and applies the state of the art functionality of QGIS 3.x for hydrological applications.
The last few years have witnessed an enormous interest in application of GIS in hydrology and water resources. This is partly evidenced by organization of sev eral national and international symposia or conferences under the sponsorship of various professional organizations. This increased interest is, in a large measure, in response to growing public sensitivity to environmental quality and management. The GIS technology has the ability to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, and visualize the diverse sets of geo-referenced data. On the other hand, hydrology is inherently spatial and distributed hydrologic models have large data requirements. The integration of hydrology and GIS is therefore quite natural. The integration involves three major components: (1) spatial data construction, (2) integration of spatial model layers, and (3) GIS and model interface. GIS can assist in design, calibration, modification and comparison of models. This integration is spreading worldwide and is expected to accelerate in the foreseeable future. Substantial op portunities exist in integration of GIS and hydrology. We believe there are enough challenges in use of GIS for conceptualizing and modeling complex hydrologic processes and for globalization of hydrology. The motivation for this book grew out of the desire to provide under one cover a range of applications of GIS tech nology in hydrology. It is hoped that the book will stimulate others to write more comprehensive texts on this subject of growing importance.
Why Arc hydro? / David Maidment / - Arc Hydro framwork / David Maidment, Scott Morehouse / - Hydro networks / Francisco Olivera, David Maidment / - Drainage systems / Francisco Olivera, Jordan Furnans / River channels / Nawajish Noma, James Nelson / Hydrography / Kim Davis, Jordan Furnans / - Time series / Damid Maidment, Venkatesh Merwade / - Hydrologic modeling / Steve Grise, David Arctur.
This textbook is a step-by-step tutorial on the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in environmental and water resource issues. It provides information about GIS and its applications, specifically using the most advanced ESRI GIS technology and its extensions. Eighteen chapters cover GIS applications in the field of earth sciences and water resources in detail from the ground up. Author William Bajjali explains what a GIS is and what it is used for, the basics of map classification, data acquisition, coordinate systems and projections, vectorization, geodatabase and relational database, data editing, geoprocessing, suitability modeling, working with raster, watershed delineation, mathematical and statistical interpolation, and more advanced techniques, tools and extensions such as ArcScan, Topology, Geocoding, Hydrology, Geostatistical Analyst, Spatial Analyst, Network Analyst, 3-D Analyst. ArcPad, ESRI’s cutting-edge mobile GIS software, is covered in detail as well. Each chapter contains concrete case studies and exercises – many from the author’s own work in the United States and Middle East. This volume is targeted toward advanced undergraduates, but could also be useful for professionals and for anyone who utilizes GIS or practices spatial analysis in relation to geology, hydrology, ecology, and environmental sciences. Exercises and supplementary material can be downloaded by chapter here:
State-of-the-art GIS spatial data management and analysis tools are revolutionizing the field of water resource engineering. Familiarity with these technologies is now a prerequisite for success in engineers' and planners' efforts to create a reliable infrastructure.GIS in Water Resource Engineering presents a review of the concepts and application
GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering not only provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of geographic information systems but also demonstrates how GIS and mathematical models can be integrated to develop spatial decision support systems to support water resources planning, management and engineering. The book uses a hands-on active learning approach to introduce fundamental concepts and numerous case-studies are provided to reinforce learning and demonstrate practical aspects. The benefits and challenges of using GIS in environmental and water resources fields are clearly tackled in this book, demonstrating how these technologies can be used to harness increasingly available digital data to develop spatially-oriented sustainable solutions. In addition to providing a strong grounding on fundamentals, the book also demonstrates how GIS can be combined with traditional physics-based and statistical models as well as information-theoretic tools like neural networks and fuzzy set theory.