Is your inbox overloaded? Feel like your email is controlling your life? You need the ninja way of email management! In this short ebook, an edited extract from Graham Allcott’s acclaimed How to be a Productivity Ninja, you’ll learn the simple skills to get your inbox down to zero - and keep it there, day after day. Following Allcott’s straightforward advice, anyone - from a student to a Chief Executive - can keep on top of their messages and feel in command, calm and up to date. You’ll learn to be ruthless, to separate thinking from doing, and how to make your email inbox work for you - and not the other way around!
By anchoring your understanding of productivity in God's plan, What's Best Next gives you a practical approach for increasing your effectiveness in everything you do. There are a lot of myths about productivity--what it means to get things done and how to accomplish work that really matters. In our current era of innovation and information overload, it may feel harder than ever to understand the meaning of work or to have a sense of vocation or calling. So how do you get more of the right things done without confusing mere activity for actual productivity? Matt Perman has spent his career helping people learn how to do work in a gospel-centered and effective way. What's Best Next explains his approach to unlocking productivity and fulfillment in work by showing how faith relates to work, even in our everyday grind. What's Best Next is packed with biblical and theological insight and practical counsel that you can put into practice today, such as: How to create a mission statement for your life that's actually practicable. How to delegate to people in a way that really empowers them. How to overcome time killers like procrastination, interruptions, and multitasking by turning them around and making them work for you. How to process workflow efficiently and get your email inbox to zero every day. How to have peace of mind without needing to have everything under control. How generosity is actually the key to unlocking productivity. This expanded edition includes: a new chapter on productivity in a fallen world a new appendix on being more productive with work that requires creative thinking. Productivity isn't just about getting more things done. It's about getting the right things done--the things that count, make a difference, and move the world forward. You can learn how to do work that matters and how to do it well.
World-leading productivity expert Graham Allcott's businessbible is given a complete update for 2019. Do you waste too much time on your phone? Scroll throughTwitter or Instagram when you should be getting down to your real tasks? Isyour attention easily distracted? We've got the solution: The Way of theProductivity Ninja. In the age of information overload, traditional timemanagement techniquessimply don't cut it anymore. Using techniques includingRuthlessness, Mindfulness, Zen-like Calm and Stealth & Camouflage, this fullyrevised new edition of How to be a Productivity Ninjaoffers a fun andaccessible guide to working smarter, getting more done and learning to love whatyou do again.
Get ready to learn how to conquer the distractions caused by information and communication overload, and how to get out from under "communication clutter," so you can live a life of choice—one of action, not reaction. Feeling buried by communication clutter is that it's that state of feeling like you are always owing return communication to someone. It's the subtle sense of anxiety caused by your backlog of email, taunting you with the little red indicators on the communication apps on your phone—texts, voicemails, missed calls, social media notifications—plus the mountain of outstanding email piling up in your inbox even as you read this. Want to live free of that feeling?! Get ready to dive in and live free of communication clutter! Positive results include: Reduced anxiety caused by digital and paper clutter. An ability to retrieve information you need quickly. The opportunity to spend less time managing communication clutter and more time working toward your goals!
Join the movement of people just like you in reaching the long sought after and mythical inbox zero - the state of having an empty email inbox and the ability to focus at will on people and projects that truly matter.In a world of instant availability, the relentless and irresistible need to constantly be checking email has grown to consume more than 5 hours a day from professionals of all types.To solve this digital dilemma, Ian Charnas begins by revealing the addictive properties of email that lure us away from developing vital relationships and achieving important long-term goals.Reaching inbox zero, a term popularized by productivity experts David Allen and Merlin Mann, requires us to explore the hidden forces that chain us to our inboxes, and to discover the surprisingly simple strategies needed to defeat them.By drawing on decades of social science insights, this book presents a three-step solution to achieve inbox zero that empowers you with the ability to: Pause your inbox to silence low-value distractions Quickly process an entire day's email in one batch Rebuild the full power of your focused attention
"All the tips and techniques you need to stay calm, get through your tasks, make the most of your time and stop procrastinating. It's fun, easy to follow and practical--and may just be the kick up the bottom you need "--"Closer" When it comes to overflowing inboxes, ever-expanding to-do lists, and endless meetings, traditional time-management techniques--like those in bestselling books by David Allen or Dominic Wolff-- simply don't cut it in the age of information overload Thankfully there's a better way. Graham Allcott, founder of one of the United Kingdom's most prominent productivity workshop companies, Think Productive (, presents "How to be a Productivity Ninja," his brilliant--and originally self-published--guide to cutting through the procrastination, getting more done, and enjoying your work and your life more as a result. Using techniques including Ruthlessness, Mindfulness, Zen-like Calm, and Stealth and Camouflage, you will get your inbox down to zero, maximize your attention span, and learn work smarter, not harder. Think Productive is quickly expanding throughout the world, with a Canadian branch now up and running. It is anticipated that 2015 will see the launch of Think Productive US. Watch Graham explain the nine steps to becoming a Productivity Ninja at and read a free sample at Graham Allcott is a productivity trainer, social entrepreneur, and founder of Think Productive, which runs public productivity workshops throughout the world and has run in-house workshops for staff at organizations including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, American Express, JP Morgan, Amazon, eBay, PayPal, and GlaxoSmithKline.
To do: take the stress out of work defeat 'information overload' be more efficient. Whether you are overwhelmed by your to-do list, or get stressed just looking at your full inbox, this Practical Guide from productivity expert Graham Allcott reveals how to think, and act, more productively and to start loving work. Following a simple A-Z of expert tips and real-life examples, you will learn to improve your focus, regain control, and feel cool, calm and collected.