An Assessment of Geological Carbon Sequestration Options in the Illinois Basin

An Assessment of Geological Carbon Sequestration Options in the Illinois Basin

Author: Robert Finley


Published: 2005

Total Pages:



The Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium (MGSC) has investigated the options for geological carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}) sequestration in the 155,400-km{sup 2} (60,000-mi{sup 2}) Illinois Basin. Within the Basin, underlying most of Illinois, western Indiana, and western Kentucky, are relatively deeper and/or thinner coal resources, numerous mature oil fields, and deep salt-water-bearing reservoirs that are potentially capable of storing CO{sub 2}. The objective of this Assessment was to determine the technical and economic feasibility of using these geological sinks for long-term storage to avoid atmospheric release of CO{sub 2} from fossil fuel combustion and thereby avoid the potential for adverse climate change. The MGSC is a consortium of the geological surveys of Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky joined by six private corporations, five professional business associations, one interstate compact, two university researchers, two Illinois state agencies, and two consultants. The purpose of the Consortium is to assess carbon capture, transportation, and storage processes and their costs and viability in the three-state Illinois Basin region. The Illinois State Geological Survey serves as Lead Technical Contractor for the Consortium. The Illinois Basin region has annual emissions from stationary anthropogenic sources exceeding 276 million metric tonnes (304 million tons) of CO{sub 2} (>70 million tonnes (77 million tons) carbon equivalent), primarily from coal-fired electric generation facilities, some of which burn almost 4.5 million tonnes (5 million tons) of coal per year. Assessing the options for capture, transportation, and storage of the CO{sub 2} emissions within the region has been a 12-task, 2-year process that has assessed 3,600 million tonnes (3,968 million tons) of storage capacity in coal seams, 140 to 440 million tonnes (154 to 485 million tons) of capacity in mature oil reservoirs, 7,800 million tonnes (8,598 million tons) of capacity in saline reservoirs deep beneath geological structures, and 30,000 to 35,000 million tonnes (33,069 to 38,580 million tons) of capacity in saline reservoirs on a regional dip>1,219 m (4,000 ft) deep. The major part of this effort assessed each of the three geological sinks: coals, oil reservoirs, and saline reservoirs. We linked and integrated options for capture, transportation, and geological storage with the environmental and regulatory framework to define sequestration scenarios and potential outcomes for the region. Extensive use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and visualization technology was made to convey results to project sponsors, other researchers, the business community, and the general public. An action plan for possible technology validation field tests involving CO{sub 2} injection was included in a Phase II proposal (successfully funded) to the U.S. Department of Energy with cost sharing from Illinois Clean Coal Institute.

Site Development, Operations, and Closure Plan Topical Report 5 An Assessment of Geologic Carbon Sequestration Options in the Illinois Basin. Phase III.

Site Development, Operations, and Closure Plan Topical Report 5 An Assessment of Geologic Carbon Sequestration Options in the Illinois Basin. Phase III.



Published: 2015

Total Pages: 485



The Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium (MGSC) has partnered with Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) and Schlumberger Carbon Services to conduct a large-volume, saline reservoir storage project at ADM's agricultural products processing complex in Decatur, Illinois. The Development Phase project, named the Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP) involves the injection of 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) into a deep saline formation of the Illinois Basin over a three-year period. This report focuses on objectives, execution, and lessons learned/unanticipated results from the site development (relating specifically to surface equipment), operations, and the site closure plan.

Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Geological Media

Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Geological Media

Author: Matthias Grobe

Publisher: AAPG

Published: 2010-03-01

Total Pages: 702

ISBN-13: 0891810668


Over the past 20 years, the concept of storing or permanently storing carbon dioxide in geological media has gained increasing attention as part of the important technology option of carbon capture and storage within a portfolio of options aimed at reducing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases to the earths atmosphere. This book is structured into eight parts, and, among other topics, provides an overview of the current status and challenges of the science, regional assessment studies of carbon dioxide geological sequestration potential, and a discussion of the economics and regulatory aspects of carbon dioxide sequestration.

An Assessment of Geological Carbon Storage Options in the Illinois Basin

An Assessment of Geological Carbon Storage Options in the Illinois Basin



Published: 2012

Total Pages:



The Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium (MGSC) assessed the options for geological carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in the 155,400 km2 (60,000 mi2) Illinois Basin, which underlies most of Illinois, western Indiana, and western Kentucky. The region has annual CO2 emissions of about 265 million metric tonnes (292 million tons), primarily from 122 coal-fired electric generation facilities, some of which burn almost 4.5 million tonnes (5 million tons) of coal per year (U.S. Department of Energy, 2010). Validation Phase (Phase II) field tests gathered pilot data to update the Characterization Phase (Phase I) assessment of options for capture, transportation, and storage of CO2 emissions in three geological sink types: coal seams, oil fields, and saline reservoirs. Four small-scale field tests were conducted to determine the properties of rock units that control injectivity of CO2, assess the total storage resources, examine the security of the overlying rock units that act as seals for the reservoirs, and develop ways to control and measure the safety of injection and storage processes. The MGSC designed field test operational plans for pilot sites based on the site screening process, MVA program needs, the selection of equipment related to CO2 injection, and design of a data acquisition system. Reservoir modeling, computational simulations, and statistical methods assessed and interpreted data gathered from the field tests. Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting (MVA) programs were established to detect leakage of injected CO2 and ensure public safety. Public outreach and education remained an important part of the project; meetings and presentations informed public and private regional stakeholders of the results and findings. A miscible (liquid) CO2 flood pilot project was conducted in the Clore Formation sandstone (Mississippian System, Chesterian Series) at Mumford Hills Field in Posey County, southwestern Indiana, and an immiscible CO2 flood pilot was conducted in the Jackson sandstone (Mississippian System Big Clifty Sandstone Member) at the Sugar Creek Field in Hopkins County, western Kentucky. Up to 12% incremental oil recovery was estimated based on these pilots. A CO2 huff puff (HNP) pilot project was conducted in the Cypress Sandstone in the Loudon Field. This pilot was designed to measure and record data that could be used to calibrate a reservoir simulation model. A pilot project at the Tanquary Farms site in Wabash County, southeastern Illinois, tested the potential storage of CO2 in the Springfield Coal Member of the Carbondale Formation (Pennsylvanian System), in order to gauge the potential for large-scale CO2 storage and/or enhanced coal bed methane recovery from Illinois Basin coal beds. The pilot results from all four sites showed that CO2 could be injected into the subsurface without adversely affecting groundwater. Additionally, hydrocarbon production was enhanced, giving further evidence that CO2 storage in oil reservoirs and coal beds offers an economic advantage. Results from the MVA program at each site indicated that injected CO2 did not leave the injection zone. Topical reports were completed on the Middle and Late Devonian New Albany Shale and Basin CO2 emissions. The efficacy of the New Albany Shale as a storage sink could be substantial if low injectivity concerns can be alleviated. CO2 emissions in the Illinois Basin were projected to be dominated by coal-fired power plants.

Geophysics and Geosequestration

Geophysics and Geosequestration

Author: Thomas L. Davis

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2019-05-09

Total Pages: 391

ISBN-13: 1107137497


An overview of the geophysical techniques and analysis methods for monitoring subsurface carbon dioxide storage for researchers and industry practitioners.

Seismic Reflection Data Interpretation of the Proposed Illinois Basin-Decatur Carbon Sequestration Site

Seismic Reflection Data Interpretation of the Proposed Illinois Basin-Decatur Carbon Sequestration Site



Published: 2009

Total Pages:



Sequestration sites are evaluated by studying the local geological structure and confirming the presence of both a reservoir facies and an impermeable seal not breached by significant faulting. The Illinois - Decatur Project is located in Macon County, Illinois adjacent to the Archer Daniels Midland industrial plant. The Midwest Geological Sequestration Consortium (MGSC) acquired 2D seismic data prior to drilling a deep 2,194 m (7,200 ft) well to test injection of CO2 into the Mt. Simon Sandstone. The Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone is a 'blanket' sandstone that underlies large portions of Midwest of the United States and is this region's most significant potential carbon sequestration reservoir. These seismic reflection data were used to estimate the depth of the Mt. Simon, the thickness of the Mt. Simon, and to evaluate the presence or absence of faults. The new 2-D seismic profiles are being used to plan the acquisition strategy for the 3-D seismic that will be acquired in November, 2009. The 2-D data showed that, even without nearby well control, seismic data could be used to map the top of the Mt. Simon surface. The Precambrian granite was more difficult to identify and nearby wells are a necessity for mapping the thickness of the Mt. Simon Sandstone.