Programming Fundamentals - A Modular Structured Approach using C++ is written by Kenneth Leroy Busbee, a faculty member at Houston Community College in Houston, Texas. The materials used in this textbook/collection were developed by the author and others as independent modules for publication within the Connexions environment. Programming fundamentals are often divided into three college courses: Modular/Structured, Object Oriented and Data Structures. This textbook/collection covers the rest of those three courses.
The free book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" is a comprehensive computer programming tutorial that teaches programming, logical thinking, data structures and algorithms, problem solving and high quality code with lots of examples in C#. It starts with the first steps in programming and software development like variables, data types, conditional statements, loops and arrays and continues with other basic topics like methods, numeral systems, strings and string processing, exceptions, classes and objects. After the basics this fundamental programming book enters into more advanced programming topics like recursion, data structures (lists, trees, hash-tables and graphs), high-quality code, unit testing and refactoring, object-oriented principles (inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism) and their implementation the C# language. It also covers fundamental topics that each good developer should know like algorithm design, complexity of algorithms and problem solving. The book uses C# language and Visual Studio to illustrate the programming concepts and explains some C# / .NET specific technologies like lambda expressions, extension methods and LINQ. The book is written by a team of developers lead by Svetlin Nakov who has 20+ years practical software development experience. It teaches the major programming concepts and way of thinking needed to become a good software engineer and the C# language in the meantime. It is a great start for anyone who wants to become a skillful software engineer. The books does not teach technologies like databases, mobile and web development, but shows the true way to master the basics of programming regardless of the languages, technologies and tools. It is good for beginners and intermediate developers who want to put a solid base for a successful career in the software engineering industry. The book is accompanied by free video lessons, presentation slides and mind maps, as well as hundreds of exercises and live examples. Download the free C# programming book, videos, presentations and other resources from Title: Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# (The Bulgarian C# Programming Book) ISBN: 9789544007737 ISBN-13: 978-954-400-773-7 (9789544007737) ISBN-10: 954-400-773-3 (9544007733) Author: Svetlin Nakov & Co. Pages: 1132 Language: English Published: Sofia, 2013 Publisher: Faber Publishing, Bulgaria Web site: License: CC-Attribution-Share-Alike Tags: free, programming, book, computer programming, programming fundamentals, ebook, book programming, C#, CSharp, C# book, tutorial, C# tutorial; programming concepts, programming fundamentals, compiler, Visual Studio, .NET, .NET Framework, data types, variables, expressions, statements, console, conditional statements, control-flow logic, loops, arrays, numeral systems, methods, strings, text processing, StringBuilder, exceptions, exception handling, stack trace, streams, files, text files, linear data structures, list, linked list, stack, queue, tree, balanced tree, graph, depth-first search, DFS, breadth-first search, BFS, dictionaries, hash tables, associative arrays, sets, algorithms, sorting algorithm, searching algorithms, recursion, combinatorial algorithms, algorithm complexity, OOP, object-oriented programming, classes, objects, constructors, fields, properties, static members, abstraction, interfaces, encapsulation, inheritance, virtual methods, polymorphism, cohesion, coupling, enumerations, generics, namespaces, UML, design patterns, extension methods, anonymous types, lambda expressions, LINQ, code quality, high-quality code, high-quality classes, high-quality methods, code formatting, self-documenting code, code refactoring, problem solving, problem solving methodology, 9789544007737, 9544007733
Master Python Programming Today Fast And Easily!! UPDATED VERSION This book contains proven steps and strategies to learn the essentials of Python Programming. It highlights the important concepts that every beginner to intermediate programmer should know and presents relevant and practical examples. It aims to provide a solid foundation for people who want to start a career in Python Programming. This book is a must for programming enthusiasts or students who need to learn and understand Python easily, quickly, and methodically. A few advanced topics were added to satisfy long term python users. These topics may or may not be suitable for begginers depending on their situation. Here is a preview of what this book will offer: What is Python? What software you need to code and run Python programs? What are variables? What mathematical operators are there in Python? What are the common data types in Python? What are Lists and Tuples? How to format strings How to accept user inputs and display outputs How to make decisions with If statements How to control the flow of program with loops How to handle errors and exceptions What are functions and modules? How to define your own functions and modules How to work with external files The manipulation of various Python Programming Softwares Interactions between the user and computer using Python Method to develop your first software and beyond (including in-depth data manipulation) The future prospects of learning Python Advanced topics include: Object - Oriented Programming Regular Expressions Managing Parameters From The Command-Line Processing Comma-Separated Data Don't wait any longer, get your copy today!
Written in an informal yet informative style, Programming Language Fundamentals by Example uses active learning techniques, giving students a professional learning experience based on professional methods applied with professional standards. It provides an understanding of the many languages and notations used in computer science, the formal models
This easy-to-follow and classroom-tested textbook guides the reader through the fundamentals of programming with Python, an accessible language which can be learned incrementally. Features: incudes numerous examples and practice exercises throughout the text, with additional exercises, solutions and review questions at the end of each chapter; highlights the patterns which frequently appear when writing programs, reinforcing the application of these patterns for problem-solving through practice exercises; introduces the use of a debugger tool to inspect a program, enabling students to discover for themselves how programs work and enhance their understanding; presents the Tkinter framework for building graphical user interface applications and event-driven programs; provides instructional videos and additional information for students, as well as support materials for instructors, at an associated website.
Making extensive use of examples, this textbook on Java programming teaches the fundamental skills for getting started in a command-line environment. Meant to be used for a one-semester course to build solid foundations in Java, Fundamentals of Java Programming eschews second-semester content to concentrate on over 180 code examples and 250 exercises. Key object classes (String, Scanner, PrintStream, Arrays, and File) are included to get started in Java programming. The programs are explained with almost line-by-line descriptions, also with chapter-by-chapter coding exercises. Teaching resources include solutions to the exercises, as well as digital lecture slides.
Designed as a Java-based textbook for beginning programmers, this book uses game programming as a central pedagogical tool to improve student engagement, learning outcomes, and retention. The new edition includes updating the GUI interface chapters from Swing based to FX based programs. The game programming is incorporated into the text in a way that does not compromise the amount of material traditionally covered in a basic programming or advanced Java programming course, and permits instructors who are not familiar with game programming and computer graphic concepts to realize the pedagogical advantages of using game programming. The book assumes the reader has no prior programming experience. The companion files and instructor resources are available online by emailing the publisher with proof of purchase at [email protected]. FEATURES: Features content in compliance with the latest ACM/IEEE computer science curriculum guidelines Introduces the basic programming concepts such as strings, loops, arrays, graphics, functions, classes, etc Includes updating the GUI interface chapters (Chapters 11 and 12) from Swing based to FX based Contains material on programming of mobile applications and several simulations that graphically depict unseen runtime processes 4 color throughout with game demos on the companion files Instructor’s resources available upon adoption
Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C 2e is designed to serve as a textbook for students of engineering (BE/B Tech), computer applications (BCA/MCA), and computer science (B Sc) for an introductory core course on computers and programming in C.
The best guide to computer programming fundamentals. This book will give you a solid foundation if you are new to programming. For a beginner, programming can seem like something scary or hard to do. With all the technical terms and concepts out there, and the numerous programming languages available at your disposal it is so important now more than ever before to build a strong foundation. When you understand the fundamentals of programming, learning any programming language is a piece of cake. In addition, programming is not just all about coding. It is also about knowing how to plan your work, how to set deadlines, how to communicate with team members, how to use existing components, how to debug existing codes and fix issues, how to build secure systems, how to use the right tools etc. These are all covered in this book and in a way that is easy for you to understand. Once you read this book to the end, you will become more confident and equipped with the knowledge necessary for success in this field. A career in computer programming is one of the most rewarding choices you will make in your life. The opportunities are endless. This book will give you the foundation you need. Below is a preview of what you'll learn: The importance of learning computer programming Program structure Variable declaration Looping structures Programming syntax Algorithms in programming Data structures Hierarchy of programming languages Characteristics of programming languages Web programming Factors to consider when choosing a programming language Popular programming languages Security in programming And much more!! Learn the fundamentals of computer programming today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of the page!
An introduction to the C programming language emphasizing top-down design and principles of structured programming. Language syntax is covered, together with operators, standard control structures, functions, input-output, arrays, strings, file manipulation, preprocessor, pointers, structures, dynamic variables, and linear linked lists.