Foreign Bank Entry

Foreign Bank Entry


Publisher: World Bank Publications

Published: 2001

Total Pages: 46



Foreign banks are playing an increasingly large role in many developing countries, holding more than 50 percent of banking assets in several of these countries. But important issues about foreign bank entry continue to be debated.

Foreign Bank Entry

Foreign Bank Entry

Author: George R. G. Clarke


Published: 2004

Total Pages: 41



Foreign banks are playing an increasingly large role in many developing countries, holding more than 50 percent of banking assets in several of these countries. But important issues about foreign bank entry continue to be debated.In recent years foreign bank participation has increased tremendously in several developing countries. In Argentina, Chile, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland, for example, more than 50 percent of banking assets are now in foreign-controlled banks. In Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union the rate of entry by foreign banks has been slower, but the trend is similar.Although the number of countries welcoming foreign banks is growing, many questions about foreign bank entry are still being debated, including:ʼn What draws foreign banks to a country?ʼn Which banks expand abroad?ʼn What do foreign banks do once they arrive?ʼn How does the mode of a bank's entry - for example, as a branch of its parent or as an independent subsidiary company - affect its behavior?Clarke and his coauthors summarize current knowledge on these issues. In addition, since the existing literature focuses heavily on industrial countries, they put forth an agenda for further study of the effects of foreign bank entry in developing countries.This paper - a product of the Office of the Senior Vice President, Development Economics - is a background paper for World Development Report 2002: Institutions for Markets. The authors may be contacted at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].

Foreign Bank Entry

Foreign Bank Entry

Author: George R. G. Clarke


Published: 2010

Total Pages:



In recent years foreign banks have expanded their presence significantly in several developing economies. In Argentina and Chile in Latin America and in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland in Eastern Europe, foreign-controlled banks now hold more than half of total banking assets. In other regions the trend is similar, though foreign bank entry has been slower. Despite the growing number of countries embracing foreign bank entry, important questions are still being debated: What draws foreign banks to a country? Which banks expand abroad? What do foreign banks do once they arrive? How do foreign banks' mode of entry and organizational form affect their behavior? This article summarizes current knowledge on these issues. Because the existing literature focuses heavily on developed economies, it also puts forth an agenda for further study of the causes and effects of foreign bank entry in developing economies.

Foreign Bank Participation and Crises in Developing Countries

Foreign Bank Participation and Crises in Developing Countries

Author: Robert J. Cull

Publisher: World Bank Publications

Published: 2007

Total Pages: 43



This paper describes the recent trends in foreign bank ownership in developing countries, summarizes the existing evidence on the causes and implications of foreign bank presence, and reexamines the link between banking crises and foreign bank participation. Using data on the share of banking sector assets held by foreign banks in over 100 developing countries during 1995-2002, the results show that countries that experienced a banking crisis tended to have higher levels of foreign bank participation than those that did not. Furthermore, panel regressions indicate that foreign participation increased as a result of crises rather than prior to them. However, post-crisis increases in foreign participation did not coincide with increased credit to the private sector, perhaps because in many cases foreign banks acquired distressed banks.

Does Foreign Bank Penetration Reduce Access to Credit in Developing Countries? Evidence from Asking Borrowers

Does Foreign Bank Penetration Reduce Access to Credit in Developing Countries? Evidence from Asking Borrowers

Author: George R. G. Clarke


Published: 2005

Total Pages: 38



How does entry by foreign banks affect lending to small and medium-size enterprises in developing countries? Analysis of data from a large cross-country survey of enterprises finds that foreign bank entry benefits firms of all sizes, although it seems to benefit larger firms more.Existing evidence on the effect of foreign bank penetration on lending to small and medium-size enterprises is ambiguous. Case studies of developing countries show that foreign banks lend less to such firms than domestic banks do. But cross-country studies find that foreign bank entry fosters competition and reduces interest rates, benefits that should extend to all firms.Clarke, Cull, and Martinez Peria use data from a large cross-country survey of enterprises to investigate this issue. Their results suggest that foreign bank penetration improves financing conditions (both the quantities of financing and the terms) for enterprises of all sizes, although it seems to benefit larger firms more.This paper - a product of Finance, Development Research Group - is part of a larger effort in the group to understand the impact of entry by foreign banks on domestic banking systems in developing countries. The authors may be contacted at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].

Foreign Bank Participation in Developing Countries

Foreign Bank Participation in Developing Countries

Author: Robert Cull


Published: 2017

Total Pages: 32



Foreign bank participation has increased steadily across developing countries since the mid-1990s. This paper documents this trend and surveys the existing literature to explore the drivers and consequences of this phenomenon, paying particular attention to the differences observed across regions both in the degree of foreign bank participation and in the impact of this process. Local profit opportunities, the absence of barriers to entry, and the presence of mechanisms to mitigate information problems have been the main factors driving foreign bank entry across developing countries. In general, foreign bank participation has been shown to exert a positive influence on banking sector efficiency and competition. The weight of the evidence suggests that foreign bank presence does not endanger, but rather enhances banking sector stability. And although some case studies suggest that foreign bank entry limits access to finance, many cross-country studies offer evidence to the contrary.

Finance, Financial Sector Policies, and Long-run Growth

Finance, Financial Sector Policies, and Long-run Growth

Author: Asli Demirguc-Kunt

Publisher: World Bank Publications

Published: 2008

Total Pages: 82



Abstract: The first part of this paper reviews the literature on the relation between finance and growth. The second part of the paper reviews the literature on the historical and policy determinants of financial development. Governments play a central role in shaping the operation of financial systems and the degree to which large segments of the financial system have access to financial services. The paper discusses the relationship between financial sector policies and economic development.