Hatchback, Saloon and Estate models with 4-cylinder petrol engines. Does NOT cover features specific to C-Max or CC (Convertible) models. 1.4 litre (1388 cc), 1.6 litre (1596 cc), 1.8 litre (1798 cc) & 2.0 litre (1999 cc) petrol. Does NOT cover 2.5 litre 5-cylinder engine, Flexfuel models, CVT or Powershift transmission.
With a Haynes manual, you can do it yourself…from simple maintenance to basic repairs. Haynes writes every book based on a complete teardown of the vehicle. We learn the best ways to do a job and that makes it quicker, easier and cheaper for you. Our books have clear instructions and hundreds of photographs that show each step. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, you can save big with Haynes! -Step-by-step procedures -Easy-to-follow photos -Complete troubleshooting section -Valuable short cuts -Color spark plug diagnosis Complete coverage for your Ford Focus for 2000 thru 2011 (excludes SVT and rear disc brakes models): -Routine Maintenance -Tune-up procedures -Engine repair -Cooling and heating -Air Conditioning -Fuel and exhaust -Emissions control -Ignition -Brakes -Suspension and steering -Electrical systems -Wiring diagrams
This is a maintenance and repair manual for the DIY mechanic. The book features step-by-step photographed sequences to tasks and covers the Ford Focus.
This revised and updated color edition of How to Rebuild the Small-Block Ford walks you step by step through a rebuild, including: planning your rebuild, disassembly and inspection, choosing the right parts, machine work, assembling your engine, and first firing and break-in.
Henry Ford's Model T forever changed the world. The car made "for the great multitude" (as Ford put it) first debuted in 1908 and proved so affordable and so popular that fifteen million were sold through 1927. The "Tin Lizzie" was the first automobile to be mass-produced on moving assembly lines, and built using interchangeable parts. It proved tough and reliable in everyday use, and cheap enough to spawn the automobile revolution: the car cost $850 in 1909 but amazingly by the 1920s, the price had dropped to a mere $260 due to the perfection of production techniques and economy of scale. Designed by a team that included Childe Harold Willis, Joseph Galamb and Eugene Farkas, the Model T had a front-mounted four-cylinder engine that produced 20 hp and had a top speed of 45 mph. It was a rear-wheel drive vehicle with wooden wheels, and featured a two-speed transmission plus a reverse gear. Although models varied - and many revisions took place over two decades of production - the original version weighed about 1200 pounds. Created in the 1920s and featuring information about the original Model T and the "New Model T" of 1925, this maintenance manual is an invaluable resource. It was originally intended to educate the men tasked with assembling, repairing and maintaining the Model T, and offers a plethora of information about the car, its design and operation. The text includes chapters on how to take apart and put together the car, how to overhaul the engine and transmission, valve grinding and carbon removal, rod bearings, fitting pistons and rings, correcting noisy timing gears, installation of camshaft bearings, cleaning oil lines, oil leaks, transmission band installation, axle overhauls, refurbishing and replacing springs, radiator repair, starting motor overhaul, and more. It also includes troubleshooting and general servicing information. A must have for any Model T owner, this book is also a terrific reference for the docent, historian, or anyone who ever wondered, "how did that work?"
Hatchback, including special/limited editions. Does NOT cover features specific to Dune models, or facelifted Polo range introduced June 2005. Petrol: 1.2 litre (1198cc) 3-cyl & 1.4 litre (1390cc, non-FSI) 4-cyl. Does NOT cover 1.4 litre FSI engines. Diesel: 1.4 litre (1422cc) 3-cyl & 1.9 litre (1896cc) 4-cyl, inc. PD TDI / turbo.