Research report on food policies in relation to grain food security and food consumption in Bangladesh - discusses impact of administered price rationing and market price on supply and demand of wheat and rice, of price support and fertilizer subsidy on agricultural production, and of food aid on poverty relief in rural areas and urban areas, and presents policy recommendations. Bibliography pp. 80 and 81, graphs and statistical tables.
Introduction; Rice price, poverty, and income distribution; The response of paddy supply to price changes; The effects of rice price changes on the rural farm wage rate; The effects of rice price changes on the calorie intake of consumers; The effects of rice price changes on the calorie intake of paddy farmers; The effects of rice price changes on incomes and food consumption of low-income people.
The extent pf malnutrition; Measuring the effectof policy changes on food consumption and nutritional status - Brazilian consumption parameters; The trade-off between food quantity and food quality; Incorporating food consumption parameters into policy analysis.
Extract: The aim of this study is to determine how rapid growth in consumer subsidies has affected agriculture. Therefore, government spending on agriculture is examined, and the government's price policies on inputs and output and its interventions in allocation and marketing are evaluated.
Research report on the effect of agricultural price price policy for agricultural production in Bangladesh - examines the case of rice and Jute, land utilization, production costs, supply and demand, irrigation, agricultural surplus, etc., and discusses implications for agricultural employment and rural welfare. Bibliography pp. 74 to 78 and graphs.
The MIT International Nutrition Planning Program (INP) was initiated in the fall of 1972 with a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, later supplemented by funds from USAID under the 2110 Program. Con ceived as a multidisciplinary undertaking, the INP was a joint effort of the Department of Nutrition and Food Science and the Center for Inter national Studies at MIT that also included representatives of the Depart ments of Economics, Political Science, Urban Studies, Humanities (Anthropology), and Civil Engineering. It has been successful in attract ing graduate students and conducting research on various international food and nutrition problems, including the design of intervention pro grams. A condition of the original grant from the Rockefeller Foundation was the organization of a meeting to summarize and evaluate the prog ress of the program. It was ultimately decided that the best approach would be a workshop that would attempt to assess what had been learned about the implementation of food and nutrition policies since the start of the INP. Out of concern for food and nutrition policy issues, the World Hunger Programme of The United Nations University (UNU) and the Ford Foundation also agreed to cosponsor the workshop.