FlipItPhysics for University Physics: Electricity and Magnetism is a complete course solution that improves your interaction with course content inside and outside the classroom.
FlipItPhysics for University Physics: Classical Mechanics is a complete course solution that improves your interaction with course content inside and outside the classroom.
This book explores evidence-based practice in college science teaching. It is grounded in disciplinary education research by practicing scientists who have chosen to take Wieman’s (2014) challenge seriously, and to investigate claims about the efficacy of alternative strategies in college science teaching. In editing this book, we have chosen to showcase outstanding cases of exemplary practice supported by solid evidence, and to include practitioners who offer models of teaching and learning that meet the high standards of the scientific disciplines. Our intention is to let these distinguished scientists speak for themselves and to offer authentic guidance to those who seek models of excellence. Our primary audience consists of the thousands of dedicated faculty and graduate students who teach undergraduate science at community and technical colleges, 4-year liberal arts institutions, comprehensive regional campuses, and flagship research universities. In keeping with Wieman’s challenge, our primary focus has been on identifying classroom practices that encourage and support meaningful learning and conceptual understanding in the natural sciences. The content is structured as follows: after an Introduction based on Constructivist Learning Theory (Section I), the practices we explore are Eliciting Ideas and Encouraging Reflection (Section II); Using Clickers to Engage Students (Section III); Supporting Peer Interaction through Small Group Activities (Section IV); Restructuring Curriculum and Instruction (Section V); Rethinking the Physical Environment (Section VI); Enhancing Understanding with Technology (Section VII), and Assessing Understanding (Section VIII). The book’s final section (IX) is devoted to Professional Issues facing college and university faculty who choose to adopt active learning in their courses. The common feature underlying all of the strategies described in this book is their emphasis on actively engaging students who seek to make sense of natural objects and events. Many of the strategies we highlight emerge from a constructivist view of learning that has gained widespread acceptance in recent years. In this view, learners make sense of the world by forging connections between new ideas and those that are part of their existing knowledge base. For most students, that knowledge base is riddled with a host of naïve notions, misconceptions and alternative conceptions they have acquired throughout their lives. To a considerable extent, the job of the teacher is to coax out these ideas; to help students understand how their ideas differ from the scientifically accepted view; to assist as students restructure and reconcile their newly acquired knowledge; and to provide opportunities for students to evaluate what they have learned and apply it in novel circumstances. Clearly, this prescription demands far more than most college and university scientists have been prepared for.
Black & white print. University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Volume 2 covers thermodynamics, electricity, and magnetism. Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.
University Physics is designed for the two- or three-semester calculus-based physics course. The text has been developed to meet the scope and sequence of most university physics courses and provides a foundation for a career in mathematics, science, or engineering. The book provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of physics and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and to the world around them. Due to the comprehensive nature of the material, we are offering the book in three volumes for flexibility and efficiency. Coverage and Scope Our University Physics textbook adheres to the scope and sequence of most two- and three-semester physics courses nationwide. We have worked to make physics interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. With this objective in mind, the content of this textbook has been developed and arranged to provide a logical progression from fundamental to more advanced concepts, building upon what students have already learned and emphasizing connections between topics and between theory and applications. The goal of each section is to enable students not just to recognize concepts, but to work with them in ways that will be useful in later courses and future careers. The organization and pedagogical features were developed and vetted with feedback from science educators dedicated to the project. VOLUME II Unit 1: Thermodynamics Chapter 1: Temperature and Heat Chapter 2: The Kinetic Theory of Gases Chapter 3: The First Law of Thermodynamics Chapter 4: The Second Law of Thermodynamics Unit 2: Electricity and Magnetism Chapter 5: Electric Charges and Fields Chapter 6: Gauss's Law Chapter 7: Electric Potential Chapter 8: Capacitance Chapter 9: Current and Resistance Chapter 10: Direct-Current Circuits Chapter 11: Magnetic Forces and Fields Chapter 12: Sources of Magnetic Fields Chapter 13: Electromagnetic Induction Chapter 14: Inductance Chapter 15: Alternating-Current Circuits Chapter 16: Electromagnetic Waves
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. Packages Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included when purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson; check with the seller before completing your purchase. Used or rental books If you rent or purchase a used book with an access code, the access code may have been redeemed previously and you may have to purchase a new access code. Access codes Access codes that are purchased from sellers other than Pearson carry a higher risk of being either the wrong ISBN or a previously redeemed code. Check with the seller prior to purchase. Putting physics first Based on his storied research and teaching, Eric Mazur's Principles & Practice of Physics builds an understanding of physics that is both thorough and accessible. Unique organization and pedagogy allow you to develop a true conceptual understanding of physics alongside the quantitative skills needed in the course. New learning architecture: The book is structured to help you learn physics in an organized way that encourages comprehension and reduces distraction. Physics on a contemporary foundation: Traditional texts delay the introduction of ideas that we now see as unifying and foundational. This text builds physics on those unifying foundations, helping you to develop an understanding that is stronger, deeper, and fundamentally simpler. Research-based instruction: This text uses a range of research-based instructional techniques to teach physics in the most effective manner possible. The result is a groundbreaking book that puts physics first, thereby making it more accessible to you to learn. MasteringPhysics® works with the text to create a learning program that enables you to learn both in and out of the classroom. The result is a groundbreaking book that puts physics first, thereby making it more accessible to students and easier for instructors to teach. Note: If you are purchasing the standalone text or electronic version, MasteringPhysics does not come automatically packaged with the text. To purchase MasteringPhysics, please visit: www.masteringphysics.com or you can purchase a package of the physical text + MasteringPhysics by searching the Pearson Higher Education website. MasteringPhysics is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.
The widely used STEM education book, updated Teaching and Learning STEM: A Practical Guide covers teaching and learning issues unique to teaching in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines. Secondary and postsecondary instructors in STEM areas need to master specific skills, such as teaching problem-solving, which are not regularly addressed in other teaching and learning books. This book fills the gap, addressing, topics like learning objectives, course design, choosing a text, effective instruction, active learning, teaching with technology, and assessment—all from a STEM perspective. You’ll also gain the knowledge to implement learner-centered instruction, which has been shown to improve learning outcomes across disciplines. For this edition, chapters have been updated to reflect recent cognitive science and empirical educational research findings that inform STEM pedagogy. You’ll also find a new section on actively engaging students in synchronous and asynchronous online courses, and content has been substantially revised to reflect recent developments in instructional technology and online course development and delivery. Plan and deliver lessons that actively engage students—in person or online Assess students’ progress and help ensure retention of all concepts learned Help students develop skills in problem-solving, self-directed learning, critical thinking, teamwork, and communication Meet the learning needs of STEM students with diverse backgrounds and identities The strategies presented in Teaching and Learning STEM don’t require revolutionary time-intensive changes in your teaching, but rather a gradual integration of traditional and new methods. The result will be a marked improvement in your teaching and your students’ learning.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Richard Wolfson’s Essential University Physics, Second Edition is a concise and progressive calculus-based physics textbook that offers clear writing, great problems, and relevant real-life applications. This text is a compelling and affordable alternative for professors who want to focus on the fundamentals and bring physics to life for their students. Essential University Physics focuses on the fundamentals of physics, teaches sound problem-solving skills, emphasizes conceptual understanding, and makes connections to the real world. The presentation is concise without sacrificing a solid introduction to calculus-based physics. New pedagogical elements have been introduced that incorporate proven results from physics education research. Features such as annotated figures and step-by-step problem-solving strategies help students master concepts and solve problems with confidence. The Second Edition features dramatically revised and updated end-of-chapter problem sets, significant content updates, new Conceptual Examples, and additional Applications, all of which serve to foster student understanding and interest.