Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) inspection schemes are important in design, manufacturing, and maintenance. By correctly applying techniques of NDE, we can reduce machine and system failures and increase reliability of operating systems over an extended lifetime. Nondestructive Evaluation: A Tool in Design, Manufacturing, and Service introduces and discusses primary techniques used in the field, including ultrasonics, acoustic emission, magnetics, radiography, penetrants, and eddy currents. Examples of each of these techniques are included, demonstrating typical applications.
Condition assessment and characterization of materials and structures by means of nondestructive testing (NDT) methods is a priority need around the world to meet the challenges associated with the durability, maintenance, rehabilitation, retrofitting, renewal and health monitoring of new and existing infrastructures including historic monuments. Numerous NDT methods that make use of certain components of the electromagnetic and acoustic spectrum are currently in use to this effect with various levels of success and there is an intensive worldwide research effort aimed at improving the existing methods and developing new ones. The knowledge and information compiled in this book captures the current state of the art in NDT methods and their application to civil and other engineering materials and structures. Critical reviews and advanced interdisciplinary discussions by world-renowned researchers point to the capabilities and limitations of the currently used NDT methods and shed light on current and future research directions to overcome the challenges in their development and practical use. In this respect, the contents of this book will equally benefit practicing engineers and researchers who take part in characterization, assessment and health monitoring of materials and structures.
These volumes cover the properties, processing, and applications of metals and nonmetallic engineering materials. They are designed to provide the authoritative information and data necessary for the appropriate selection of materials to meet critical design and performance criteria.
Papers from a symposium of the July 1996 conference emphasize the utility of evaluating the performance of components after service in hostile environments. They provide case histories, strategies, practical examples, and theoretical approaches. Organization is in six sections covering service exper
Esta segunda parte del libro "Trends in Electrochemistry and Corrosion at the beginning of the 21st century", dedicado al Prof. Josep M. Costa en ocasión de su 70 aniversario, recoge un total de 40 artículos y revisiones originales, tanto científicas como tecnológicas, correspondientes al campo de la Corrosión. Estos trabajos están escritos en español e inglés por unos 140 investigadores de todo el mundo, y muestran el enorme desarrollo de la investigación internacional en diversas materias de gran interés en la Corrosión de principios de este siglo XXI. Los trabajos se han agrupado en 5 capítulos generales que versan sobre los campos de Corrosión en Ambientes Corrosivos Seleccionados, Protección contra la Corrosión y Monitorización, Recubrimientos, Nuevos Materiales y Tratamientos, y Educación en la Corrosión....This second part of the book "Trends in Electrochemistry and Corrosion at the beginning of the 21st century", dedicated to Professor Josep M. Costa in occasion of his 70th birthday, collects 40 original papers and reviews, both scientific and technologic, corresponding to the field of Corrosion. These works are written in English and Spanish by about 140 researchers of all around the world and show the large development of the international research in several topics of great interest in Corrosion at the beginning of the 21st Century. The works have been gathered into five general chapters devoted to the fields of Corrosion in Selected Environments, Corrosion Protection and Monitoring, Coatings, New Materials and Treatments, and Corrosion Education