Final Remedial Investigation Sampling Plan Addendum. Milan Army Ammunition Plant Remedial Investigation Southern Study Area (Operable Unit No. 5).

Final Remedial Investigation Sampling Plan Addendum. Milan Army Ammunition Plant Remedial Investigation Southern Study Area (Operable Unit No. 5).



Published: 1997

Total Pages: 121



This sampling plan addendum was developed to provide additional field data necessary to address environmental regulatory comments regarding the "Draft Milan Army Ammunition Plant (MLAAP) Remedial Investigation, Southern Study Area (Operable Unit No. 5)" prepared by Fluor Daniel, Inc. (Fluor Daniel) in March 1996. The report was distributed through the MLAAP to federal and state environmental regulators under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (FFA) currently in affect at the site. Review comments were received from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the State of Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC) in January 1997 and July 1996, respectively. The majority of comments raised by the regulators focused on the need for additional technical clarification or references to support report conclusions. However, some additional field data is necessary to fully address regulatory comments. Response to comments and submittal of a revised remedial investigation (RJ) report will be provided following completion of field activities specified in the sampling plan addendum. This addendum also provides additional data requested by the MLAAP to support the ongoing feasibility study being conducted by QST Environmental (formerly Environmental Science & Engineering, Inc. (ESE)). The draft remedial investigation report characterized the nature and extent of risks posed by contamination present within the MLAAP Southern Study Area, and provided data to support the evaluation of potential remedial cleanup options (as necessary). The report presented background research results, field investigation procedures, field investigation results, contaminant fate and transport evaluation results, and baseline risk assessment results pertaining to human health and environment.

Surface Soil Sampling Plan for the 200-UP-2 Operable Unit

Surface Soil Sampling Plan for the 200-UP-2 Operable Unit



Published: 1994

Total Pages: 52



The purpose of the Description of Work (DOW) is to provide detailed guidance for implementation of the field activities outlined in the 200-UP-2 Operable Unit Work Plan. This work plan provides the basis for conducting a limited field investigation (LFI) in the unit, with the DOW outlining the protocols and procedures to be utilized in performing the surface soil sampling. As outlined in the Work Plan, the data to be collected in the LFI will be utilized to determine the need for, and possible selection of, an Interim Remedial Measure (IRM). In order to do that, detailed information on the current nature and extent of contamination in surface soils at selected management units is required for assessment in conjunction with the existing areas of highest concentration for each unit. Field screening efforts using surface radiation surveys will allow for surface soil samples to be collected from those points that represent the highest contaminant concentrations. Analysis of these samples will provide data on the types and concentrations of the contaminants of concern.