Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom

Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2019-09-17

Total Pages: 19



Truth lingers even now among the masses. But it is only in the trans-Himalayan fastnesses that the Esoteric “Good Law,” or the “Heart’s Seal,” lives to the present day in all its pristine purity. Neither the Indian nor the Buddhist system can be understood without a key, nor can the study of comparative religion become a “science” until the symbols of every Religion yield their final secrets. The “Eye Doctrine” means dogma and dead-letter form, church ritualism intended for those who are content with exoteric formulæ. The “Heart Doctrine,” or the “Heart’s Seal” is the only real one. The essential difference between the “Eye” and the “Heart,” or the outward form and the hidden meaning, i.e., Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom, is clearly demonstrated in several volumes on Chinese Buddhism, written by sundry missionaries. It is useless to enumerate an endless string of the finest Oriental scholars who are credited with having exposed to view the ancient Hindu world, by revealing the sacred and secret books of Buddhism. But the world they revealed has never been veiled. Is it those who belong to the most anthropomorphic religion in the world, who have a right to take ancient Philosophers to task for an exaggerated religious awe and veneration? The pseudo-Buddhism of Joseph Edkins is unmasked. We fear the learned writer is on a false track as to Nirvana and Amita-Buddha. When the misuse of dogmatic Buddhist Scriptures had reached its climax, and the true spirit of the Buddha’s Philosophy was nearly lost, several reformers appeared from India, who established an oral teaching. Lord Buddha states that it is better to believe in a future life, in which happiness or misery can be felt: for, if the heart believes therein, it will abandon sin and act virtuously; and, even if there is no rebirth, a good life will bring a good name, and the reward of men. But those who believe in extinction at death will not fail to commit any sin that they may choose because of their disbelief in a bright and glorious future. Why has Truth to hide like a tortoise within its shell? Because no one can be entrusted with the knowledge of the Secret Science before his time.

Heart Doctrine and Higher Ethics

Heart Doctrine and Higher Ethics

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2017-10-28

Total Pages: 11



The Heart Doctrine is enshrined like a pearl within the shell of every religion. Altruism, or the universal code of Higher Ethics, is its moral basis as embodied in “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” The Eye Doctrine is mere head-learning: a non-issue for the masses and for those who, though capable and fit, are unwilling to serve anyone but themselves. We are mad, not only individually, but nationally. We check manslaughter and isolated murders; but what of war and the much-vaunted crime of genocide? Theosophy is the pith and marrow of the Heart Doctrine, for its noble aim is the “Great Renunciation of self.” Service to, and love of, humanity is every true Theosophists’ religion and dogma. For pure love creates, selfish love corrupts. The one is sympathy; the other, fascination. The one is pure and holy; the other, evil and unnatural. Self-love is love misdirected and misapplied but love, nonetheless. For, the loving essence can never be extinguished but only perverted. Live for Humanity, the great Orphan, the only disinherited one upon this earth. The White Lodge aims to help us humanise our animal nature and thus awaken compassion for our fellow men and all that lives. After death one can choose between personal rest in Devachan and altruistic service on Earth. Spurning Devachan and remaining on Earth for the salvation of mankind, the Elect are the germ of a Hierarchy which never died since “there was no more going up and down” for Them. All workers for the Lodge are helped out of Devachan, if they consent.

Divine versus Worldly Love

Divine versus Worldly Love

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2017-10-28

Total Pages: 14



Worldly and Devotional Love compared and contrasted. Worldly Love is an intoxication of the Astral Light. It is a state of severe mental perturbation. Divine Love is the Law of Universal Sympathy. Worldly and Devotional Love are the two opposing paths of One Divine Love in the mayavic universe of being. Monosexual consciousness is a characteristic of psychic development. But in spiritual de-velopment consciousness is asexual. The first step in true occultism is to try to apprehend the meaning of Universal Brotherhood. Devotion and aspiration will help to raise consciousness to higher planes, where faith, self-sacrifice, and loyalty to the Teachers is rewarded. Give it all away or you will lose it. Can devotion to inner contemplative life, and a life of fine unselfishness, allow of the growth of faculties otherwise dormant, and a growing recognition of the underlying unity of man and his surroundings, so that truth will make itself known from within, and help one to develop a greater physical command of the forces of nature? Without Esoteric Philosophy guiding the soul, neither meditation nor devotion to duty can make the Wisdom of Love bare her bosom to the inner eye and reveal the sublime secrets of Cosmogony to the multitude. Angel worship is misplaced and ill-advised.

On the first seven chapters of the Bhagavad Gita

On the first seven chapters of the Bhagavad Gita

Author: William Quan Judge

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2023-06-10

Total Pages: 63



The Bhagavad Gita is a Manual of Initiation, at least 27 millennia old. Its catechism is of the Seventh School of Indian philosophy, precursor of the Eclectic School of Theosophy, revived in the 3rd century CE by Ammonius Saccas. Ammonius Saccas was the Alexandrian Socrates of Neo-Platonism and teacher of Plotinus. But the real author of the Bhagavad Gita is Krishna-Christos, the “still small voice.”

In the Confucian Mind there is nothing greater than the divining straws and the tortoise

In the Confucian Mind there is nothing greater than the divining straws and the tortoise

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

Publisher: Philaletheians UK

Published: 2019-02-17

Total Pages: 12



In determining good and bad luck, in the Confucian Mind there is nothing greater than the divining straws and the tortoise. For lines, concentric circles, and dots represent the most abstract and philosophical conceptions of primeval cosmogony. No unprejudiced person can see any difference between a tortoise and a lamb, as candidates for sacredness: both are mere symbols, and no more. Vishnu is represented in the Kurma-avatara as a tortoise sustaining a circular pillar, on which the semblance of himself (maya) sits with all his attributes. The great Circle of Time, on the face of which fancy in India has represented the tortoise, has the Cross placed on it by nature in its division and localisation of stars, planets, and constellations. Beginning with the Azoic time, corresponding to Ilus, in which Brahm? implants the creative germ, we pass through the Palæozoic and Mesozoic times, covered by the first and second avataric incarnations as fish and tortoise. The avataric succession is a mere allegory for the dual spiritual and physical evolution of creatures and man. From the watery abyss, this dual transformation carries on the physical form through the shape of a fish, a tortoise, a boar, a man-lion, a dwarf human form, a physically perfect but spiritually undeveloped man, and, finally, the apex of physical and spiritual perfection — a god-like man on earth. Having assumed the form of a tortoise, Prajapati began creating offspring. The myths and endless genealogies of the Prajapatis, the Rishis or Manus, and their wives and offspring, are a veiled record of the order of evolution in this round. The sceptics of today are as incapable of rising to the sublimity of Vedantic and Buddhistic philosophy, as a tortoise to soar like the eagle. “Light Divine” in the fancy of the Hylo-Idealist, who confines the whole universe to the phantasms of his grey matter. Every sacred truth, which the ignorant are unable to comprehend under its true light, ought to be hidden within a triple casket concealing itself as the tortoise conceals his head within his shell. The magical figures of Phurbu on a square tortoise have nothing to do with Tibetan Buddhism. Seek not the seeds of Wisdom in Maya’s realm; but soar beyond illusions, search the eternal in the changeless Sat, mistrusting fancy’s false suggestions. Chelas, in their trials of initiation, see in trances the vision of the Earth supported by an elephant on the top of a tortoise standing on nothing, in order to teach them to discern the true from the false. Be of clean heart before thou startest on thy journey. Before thou takest thy first step, learn to discern the real from the false, the ever-fleeting from the everlasting. Learn above all to separate Head-learning from Soul-Wisdom, the “Eye” from the “Heart” doctrine.