Extensions of the Standard Model with Relation to Dark Matter and Flavor Structure

Extensions of the Standard Model with Relation to Dark Matter and Flavor Structure

Author: Cynthia Simeonova Trendafilova


Published: 2019

Total Pages: 158



There is a great deal of observational evidence now suggesting the existence of dark matter as the major constituent of the matter content in our universe. Its nature and particle content are still a mystery, and proposing suitable models that can explain its properties would be of great value. This dissertation is a study of the phenomenology of dark matter models with a focus on flavor structure and the rich consequences it can have for the dark sector. We give three implementations of flavored dark matter (FDM) and discuss interesting phenomenological and observational consequences of each. The first model contains asymmetric lepton-flavored dark matter alongside a Higgs portal interaction, resulting in destructive interference that significantly weakens constraints from direct detection bounds. The second study implements a model where a present-day FDM relic can be symmetric, even though it was initially produced in the early universe with an asymmetry in each flavor transferred from the Standard Model via its FDM interactions. Finally, we explore a model where asymmetric DM components interacting via a long-range force can combine to form bound states, and the interactions between these components and a dark photon can address several outstanding issues from astrophysical observations

Dark Matter and Its Implications in Physics Beyond the Standard Model

Dark Matter and Its Implications in Physics Beyond the Standard Model

Author: Taewook Youn


Published: 2023

Total Pages: 0



The Standard Model of particle physics has proven to be a highly successful framework describing natural phenomena on a small scale. However, despite its successes, the model fails to address several fundamental issues, including the nature of dark matter, which is among the most prominent questions in modern physics. Dark matter might be related to the unsolved puzzles in high energy physics. Therefore, conducting theoretical research into dark matter within this context is possibly crucial for solving the puzzle of dark matter. This thesis reviews a selection of recent efforts pertaining to dark matter and its potential role in Physics beyond the Standard Model. First we discuss reconstructing disappearing tracks with only three pixel hits as a new strategy for pixel tracklets, in the search for dark matter candidates belonging to nearly-degenerate electroweak multiplets at the LHC. Next we introduce an extension of the fraternal twin Higgs scenario that offers a new dark matter candidate and a mechanism for generating a matter/antimatter asymmetry in both visible and twin sectors. Third we present an extra dimensional setup that naturally generates a near-diagonal flavor structure for Lepton Flavored Dark Matter models, avoiding constraints from flavor violating processes. Lastly we explore a novel framework for the interacting dark sector, named Stepped Partially Acoustic Dark Matter. This model tackles both the H0 and S8 tensions at the same time

Extensions of the Standard Model with Dark Matter in Some Explicit Examples

Extensions of the Standard Model with Dark Matter in Some Explicit Examples

Author: Mohammadreza Zakeri Niasar


Published: 2017

Total Pages: 192

ISBN-13: 9780355471878


The compelling astrophysical evidence for dark matter on one hand and the experimental evidence for neutrino masses on the other, demands modifications beyond the Standard Model. Therefore, building new models by extending the symmetries and particle content of the Standard Model is being pursued to remedy these problems. In this thesis, various models along with their predictions are presented. First, a gauge SU(2)N extension of the Standard Model, under which all of the Standard Model particles are singlet is introduced. The inverse seesaw mechanism is implemented for neutrino mass, with the new gauge boson as a dark matter candidate. The second paper is a gauge B-L extension of the Standard Model which breaks down to Z3, and it includes a long-lived dark matter candidate. The next model assumes that leptons do not couple directly to Higgs, and one loop mass generation is considered with important consequences, including Higgs decay, muon anomalous magnetic moment, etc. We then look at a U(1) gauge extension of the supersymmetric Standard Model, which has no [mu] term, and the Higgs boson's mass supersymmetric constraint is relaxed. The next model is a gauge B-L extension of the Standard Model with radiative seesaw neutrino mass and multipartite dark matter. We then consider another gauge U(1) extension under which quarks and leptons of each family may transform differently, while flavor-changing interactions are suitably suppressed. The next paper has an unbroken gauge SU(2) symmetry, which becomes confining at keV scale. We discuss the cosmological constraints and the implications for future e +e- colliders. Finally, an alternative left-right model is proposed with an automatic residual Z 2 × Z3 symmetry, such that dark matter has two components, i.e., one Dirac fermion and one complex scalar.

Gauge Extensions of the Standard Model

Gauge Extensions of the Standard Model

Author: Corey M. Kownacki


Published: 2018

Total Pages: 117

ISBN-13: 9780438897830


Though it appears to describe the world well to at least the electroweak scale, the Standard Model is becoming increasingly inadequate: it can fit fermionic masses but offers no explanation for the observed hierarchy; it provides no mechanism for generating neutrinos mass; and lastly, but perhaps most significantly, it is absent any dark matter candidate. Myriad extentions exist that are able to accommodate these problems individually including the many models that resort to ad hoc symmetries to protect dark matter. Here, extensions are motivated by generalizations of symmetries contained in the Standard Model (such as B-L) or symmetries introduced to enhance Standard Model structure. In the first part we study generalizations of U(1) gauge extensions such a B-L and I3R. For generalized B-L, we allow families to transform differently from one another and study the resulting flavor-changing neutral current constraints. In the next project, to incorporate dark matter to the puzzle, we then implement the scotogenic mechanism to generate neutrino mass via the Type II seesaw with interesting collider signatures coming from the double charged scalar. The next extension is a U(1) family symmetry that is also a dark symmetry, in both cases coupling exclusively to right-handed objects. We then push to explore Alternative Left-Right models both individually and as low-energy subgroups of the unified trinification and quartification models. We uncover naturally emerging dark symmetries for certain breaking patterns and investigate phenomenological signatures that arise from dark matter and glueball-like states of leptonic color. Obtaining gauge coupling unification at one-loop imposes further constraints on the possible symmetry breaking patterns as well as permissible low-energy particle content.

Flavored Dark Matter Beyond Minimal Flavor Violation

Flavored Dark Matter Beyond Minimal Flavor Violation



Published: 2014

Total Pages: 118



We study the interplay of flavor and dark matter phenomenology for models of flavored dark matter interacting with quarks. We allow an arbitrary flavor structure in the coupling of dark matter with quarks. This coupling is assumed to be the only new source of violation of the Standard Model flavor symmetry extended by a U(3)x associated with the dark matter. We call this ansatz Dark Minimal Flavor Violation (DMFV) and highlight its various implications, including an unbroken discrete symmetry that can stabilize the dark matter. As an illustration we study a Dirac fermionic dark matter [chi] which transforms as triplet under U(3)x, and is a singlet under the Standard Model. The dark matter couples to right-handed down-type quarks via a colored scalar mediator [Phi] with a coupling [lambda]. We identify a number of "flavor-safe" scenarios for the structure of [lambda] which are beyond Minimal Flavor Violation. For dark matter and collider phenomenology we focus on the well-motivated case of b-flavored dark matter. The combined flavor and dark matter constraints on the parameter space of [lambda] turn out to be interesting intersections of the individual ones. LHC constraints on simplified models of squarks and sbottoms can be adapted to our case, and monojet searches can be relevant if the spectrum is compressed.

Testing the Limits

Testing the Limits

Author: George Nicholas Wojcik


Published: 2021

Total Pages:



While the Standard Model (SM) represents perhaps the most successful scientific theory ever constructed by humans, it is hardly complete. In the five decades since its inception, a number of intriguing extensions to the SM have been put forward by the physics community which might address questions that the SM leaves unanswered. In this thesis, we consider non-minimal extensions to several of the most popular frameworks for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM): The Randall-Sundrum model of a warped extra dimension, the introduction of gauged flavor symmetries, and the vector portal/kinetic mixing paradigm for dark matter. Each of these models attempts to address a different unresolved problem within the SM: The Randall-Sundrum model naturally explains the enormous hierarchy between the gravitational and electroweak energy scales (the gauge hierarchy problem), while gauged flavor symmetries attempt to impose a structure on the intricate pattern of fermion masses and mixings present in the Standard Model, and vector portal/kinetic mixing models of dark matter represent a well-motivated subset of models of particle dark matter. In this thesis, we explore directions in which each of these BSM frameworks may be extended beyond their minimal constructions. In Chapter 2, we perform a detailed exploration of brane-localized kinetic terms, which may be added as additional parameters in Randall-Sundrum constructions, analytically identifying the values of these parameters which avoid spacetime instabilities or ghost-like (negative probability) states in the theory. In Chapter 3, we present a model in which a gauged flavor symmetry is incorporated into a Randall-Sundrum framework, and perform a detailed exploration of the resulting distinctive flavor phenomenology. In Chapter 4, we discuss a realization of the vector portal/kinetic mixing dark matter paradigm with a compactified extra dimension, in which the scalar which break the Standard Model electroweak gauge group and the scalar ``dark Higgs'' which breaks the additional dark-sector gauge symmetry proposed by this class of models are localized on opposite 3-branes, naturally eliminating phenomenologically concerning mixing between the dark and SM Higgs fields. In Chapter 5, we present a model which unifies the dark gauge group of vector portal/kinetic mixing models with an SU(3) gauged flavor symmetry, in which an additional fourth generation of matter particles serves as ``portal matter'', facilitating the kinetic mixing required by the dark matter paradigm. We then explore the phenomenology of this construction, noting that some behavior (such as portal matter fields decaying into conventional vector-like fermions) does not emerge in models that include portal matter or a gauged flavor symmetry alone, and will yield unique collider signatures.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Author: Sabino Matarrese

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2011-02-10

Total Pages: 413

ISBN-13: 9048186854


This book brings together reviews from leading international authorities on the developments in the study of dark matter and dark energy, as seen from both their cosmological and particle physics side. Studying the physical and astrophysical properties of the dark components of our Universe is a crucial step towards the ultimate goal of unveiling their nature. The work developed from a doctoral school sponsored by the Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation. The book starts with a concise introduction to the standard cosmological model, as well as with a presentation of the theory of linear perturbations around a homogeneous and isotropic background. It covers the particle physics and cosmological aspects of dark matter and (dynamical) dark energy, including a discussion of how modified theories of gravity could provide a possible candidate for dark energy. A detailed presentation is also given of the possible ways of testing the theory in terms of cosmic microwave background, galaxy redshift surveys and weak gravitational lensing observations. Included is a chapter reviewing extensively the direct and indirect methods of detection of the hypothetical dark matter particles. Also included is a self-contained introduction to the techniques and most important results of numerical (e.g. N-body) simulations in cosmology. " This volume will be useful to researchers, PhD and graduate students in Astrophysics, Cosmology Physics and Mathematics, who are interested in cosmology, dark matter and dark energy.

B-L and Other U(1) Extensions of the Standard Model

B-L and Other U(1) Extensions of the Standard Model

Author: Nicholas Andrew Pollard


Published: 2017

Total Pages: 84

ISBN-13: 9780355754155


In Particle Physics, the Standard Model has had remarkable success at describing the experimentally observed interactions between the fundamental particles. In 2012, the LHC discovered a particle at 125 GeV which is consistent with the Higgs Boson. With this discovery the Standard Model appears to be complete. However with the experimental evidence for Dark Matter and Neutrino Mass, one is given pause to think there is physics beyond the Standard Model. By introducing extensions to the Standard Model, one is able to build upon previous triumphs while giving possible solutions to currently open and unexplained phenomena. Within this dissertation a specific class of extensions, the gauged U(1), will be explored with the various consequences highlighted. Of particular interest is the Gauged U(1)B-L, where Barionic and Leptonic number are charges. Through the careful introduction of new particles these classes of models seek to explain the outstanding Dark Matter and Neutrino masses phenomena along with their possible connections. A general look at the U(1) extensions are considered as well, where the flexibility of this model class is demonstrated. This includes previously understood processes, flavor changing neutral currents, as well as novel solutions to experimental data such as the once "observed" 750 GeV excess.