The 50th anniversary of the European Social Charter presents the opportunity for a comprehensive and informative review of one of the Council of Europe's fundamental treaties. What are its origins ? Which states does it cover ? What are its strengths ? What are the new challenges that the Charter needs to address ? This dynamic and accessible publication allows the reader to find out more about an instrument that is of vital importance for the protection of human rights in Europe and elsewhere.
Countries covered vary from year to year and reports distinguish between coverage of "hard core" provisions of the revised charter vs "non hard core" provisions.
The 50th anniversary of the European Social Charter presents the opportunity for a comprehensive and informative review of one of the Council of Europe's fundamental treaties.What are its origins? Which states does it cover? What are its strengths? What are the new challenges that the Charter needs to address?This dynamic and accessible publication allows the reader to find out more about an instrument that is of vital importance for the protection of human rights in Europe and elsewhere.
Inequality of opportunity, both within and among nations, sustains extreme deprivation, results in wasted human potential and often weakens prospects for overall prosperity and economic growth, concludes the 2006 World Development Report. To correct this situation and reduce poverty more effectively, Equity and Development recommends ensuring more equitable access by the poor to health care, education, jobs, capital, and secure land rights, among others. It also calls for greater equality of access to political freedoms and political power, breaking down stereotyping and discrimination, and improving access by the poor to justice systems and infrastructure. To level the playing field among countries, and thereby reduce global inequities that hurt the poor in developing countries, the report calls for removal of trade barriers in rich countries, flexibility to allow greater in-migration of lower-skilled people from developing countries, and increased -- and more effective -- development assistance.
We live in an era of proliferating international legal domains and institutions, not least in the human rights field. For some, normative pluralism within human rights is inevitable, and even desirable. Others view it as a threat to the integrity and coherence of international human rights protection. How far do human rights standards and their interpretation by different regional and international human rights systems diverge? To what extent do human rights bodies ‘borrow’ from or influence each other in respect of their case law, practices and procedures? Is global human rights protection fragmenting or heading towards greater coherence? This edited collection addresses these questions through the insights of leading scholars and jurists with first-hand experience of human rights adjudication and litigation.