Para além do Estatuto dos Benefícios Fiscais, aprovado pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 215/89, de 1 de julho Inclui ainda Legislação complementar: • Código Fiscal do Investimento • Regime dos Benefícios Fiscais Contratuais ao Investimento Produtivo
Edição prática em formato de livro de bolso que inclui a Reforma do Código do IRC aprovado pelo Decreto- Lei n.º 442-B/88, de 30 de Novembro. Inclui ainda Legislação complementar: - Regime das Depreciações e Amortizações - Regime Complementar do Procedimento de Inspecção Tributária
The WHO World report on ageing and health is not for the book shelf it is a living breathing testament to all older people who have fought for their voice to be heard at all levels of government across disciplines and sectors. - Mr Bjarne Hastrup President International Federation on Ageing and CEO DaneAge This report outlines a framework for action to foster Healthy Ageing built around the new concept of functional ability. This will require a transformation of health systems away from disease based curative models and towards the provision of older-person-centred and integrated care. It will require the development sometimes from nothing of comprehensive systems of long term care. It will require a coordinated response from many other sectors and multiple levels of government. And it will need to draw on better ways of measuring and monitoring the health and functioning of older populations. These actions are likely to be a sound investment in society's future. A future that gives older people the freedom to live lives that previous generations might never have imagined. The World report on ageing and health responds to these challenges by recommending equally profound changes in the way health policies for ageing populations are formulated and services are provided. As the foundation for its recommendations the report looks at what the latest evidence has to say about the ageing process noting that many common perceptions and assumptions about older people are based on outdated stereotypes. The report's recommendations are anchored in the evidence comprehensive and forward-looking yet eminently practical. Throughout examples of experiences from different countries are used to illustrate how specific problems can be addressed through innovation solutions. Topics explored range from strategies to deliver comprehensive and person-centred services to older populations to policies that enable older people to live in comfort and safety to ways to correct the problems and injustices inherent in current systems for long-term care.
This book critically addresses the model of social inclusion that prevailed in Brazil under the rule of the Workers Party from the early 2000s until 2015. It examines how the emergence of a mass consumer society proved insufficient, not only to overcome underdevelopment, but also to consolidate the comprehensive social protection system inherited from Brazil’s 1988 Constitution. By juxtaposing different theoretical frameworks, this book scrutinizes how the current finance-dominated capitalism has reshaped the role of social policy, away from rights-based decommodified benefits and towards further commodification. This constitutes the Brazilian paradox: how a center-left government has promoted and boosted financialization through a market incorporation strategy using credit as a lever for expanding financial inclusion. In so doing, it has pushed the subjection of social policy further into the logic of financial markets.
Much of the devastation caused by the recent earthquake in Turkey was the result of widespread corruption between the construction industry and government officials. Corruption is part of everyday public life and we tend to take it for granted. However, preventing corruption helps to raise city revenues, improve service delivery, stimulate public confidence and participation, and win elections. This book is designed to help citizens and public officials diagnose, investigate and prevent various kinds of corrupt and illicit behaviour. It focuses on systematic corruption rather than the free-lance activity of a few law-breakers, and emphasises practical preventive measures rather than purely punitive or moralistic campaigns.
In recent times what has become known as "the case of Medellín " has generated a growing interest in the international community. These urban transformation that Medellín has experimented have become a focus of attention and reference for experts in many fields, around the world. The book ́Medellin: Environment, Urbanism and Society ́, that now published the Center for Urban and Environmental Studies, Urbam, of EAFIT University is a testimony of the value given by our culture to the accomplishments of the city, to the idea of the public sphere and the growing relationship between the technical sphere and the political sphere, understood in the broad sense as a form of disciplinary knowledge and construction of civil society. This book brings together a knowledge of the city from multiple perspectives; knowledge that is, without any doubt, impressive for its extension and profoundity, as well as for its capacity to combine objective data with conceptual reflections about the scope and impact of the different perspectives concerning the theme of urban transformation and the different actors that have participated in such processes. The book weaves a broad net over the city, its history and development, adopting a multidisciplinary vision. I think that this will be the first step in creating a speech that might finally liberate itself from the strict disciplinary boundaries, building a trans-disciplinary perspective that can amplify the urban dimension of the city. This is the beginning of a profound and complex reflection that is, at the same time, a project of knowledge and an instrument of action and participation.
Uma edição que se impõe por força da publicação do Decreto-Lei n.º 26/2015, de 6 de Fevereiro em virtude das alterações introduzidas ao Código da Insolvência e da Recuperação de Empresas e ao Decreto-Lei nº 178/2012, de 3 de Agosto, que aprovou o SIREVE. Edição essencialmente prática, revista e atualizada com novas anotações e inclusão de novos conteúdos.
Praise for COSO Enterprise Risk Management "COSO ERM is a thoughtful introduction to the challenges of risk management at the enterprise level and contains a wealth of information on dealing with it through the use of the COSO framework. Detailed procedures covering a wide variety of situations are followed by a thorough explanation of how each is deployed. As a project management professional, I appreciate how the author addresses the need for risk management at a project level. His background as someone who 'practices what they preach' and realizes the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley auditing rules comes through clearly in the book, and it should be mandatory reading for anyone seeking to understand how to tackle their own ERM issues." --Greg Gomel, PMP, CQM, CSQE, ITIL, Director, Project Management, Insight North America "This volume clearly and comprehensively outlines the usefulness of COSO Enterprise Risk Management guidance. It should provide considerable benefit to those having governance responsibilities in this important area." --Curtis Verschoor, L & Q Research Professor, School of Accountancy and MISDePaul University, Chicago Transform your company's internal control function into a valuable strategic tool Today's companies are expected to manage a variety of risks that would have been unthinkable a decade ago. More than ever, it is vital to understand the dimensions of risk as well as how to best manage it to gain a competitive advantage. COSO Enterprise Risk Management clearly enables organizations of all types and sizes to understand and better manage their risk environments and make better decisions through use of the COSO ERM framework. A pragmatic guide for integrating ERM with COSO internal controls, this important book: Offers you expert advice on how to carry out internal control responsibilities more efficiently Updates you on the ins and outs of the COSO Report and its emergence as the new platform for understanding all aspects of risk in today's organization Shows you how an effective risk management program, following COSO ERM, can help your organization to better comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Knowledgeably explains how to implement an effective ERM program COSO Enterprise Risk Management is the invaluable working resource that will show you how to identify risks, avoid pitfalls within your corporation, and keep it moving ahead of the competition.