Migration Decision Making

Migration Decision Making

Author: Gordon F. De Jong

Publisher: Pergamon

Published: 1981

Total Pages: 456



Conference report on factors involved in migration decision making - discusses motivations, economic models incorporating macro- and microlevel influences, development paradigm in relation to developing countries, relevance of village-community social structure, family structure and social psychological considerations, and indicates implications for migration policies. Bibliography pp. 329 to 381, flow charts and graphs. Conference held in Honolulu 1979 Jun 11 to Jul 6.

Essays on Household Decision Making in Developing Countries

Essays on Household Decision Making in Developing Countries

Author: James Wesley Berry


Published: 2009

Total Pages: 145



(cont.) The effect of treated friends comes primarily from bilateral ties, where both the child and his friend indicate that they spend time with each other. The third chapter, written jointly with Nava Ashraf and Jesse Shapiro, explores how households make decisions to purchase and use health products in developing countries. This study tests whether higher prices can increase use, either by targeting distribution to high-use households (a screening effect), or by stimulating use psychologically through a sunk-cost effect. We develop a methodology for separating these two effects. We implement the methodology in a field experiment in Zambia using door-to-door marketing of a home water purification solution. We find that higher prices screen out those who use the product less. By contrast, we find no consistent evidence of sunk-cost effects.

Three Essays on the Economics of Household Decision Making

Three Essays on the Economics of Household Decision Making

Author: Vipul Bhatt


Published: 2010

Total Pages: 95



Abstract: My research emphasizes the role of interrelated preferences in determining economic choices within a household. In this regard, I study both intergenerational interactions (between parents and children) and intragenerational interactions (between spouses). These linkages have important implications on individual economic behavior such as savings, labor supply, investment in human capital, and bequests which in turn affects aggregate savings and growth.

Household Economic Behaviors

Household Economic Behaviors

Author: J. A. Molina

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2011-08-31

Total Pages: 195

ISBN-13: 1441994319


Significant recent changes in the structure and composition of households make the study of the economic relationships within the household of particular interest for academics and policy-makers. In this context, Household Economic Behaviors, through its focus on theoretical and empirical chapters on a range of economic behaviors within the household, provides a new and timely viewpoint. Following the Introduction and one or two surveys which give a general background, the volume includes theoretical and empirical perspectives on allocation of available time within the household, monetary and non-monetary transfers between household members, and intra-household bargaining.

Essays in Household Economics

Essays in Household Economics

Author: Alexandre Fon


Published: 2021

Total Pages: 151



This dissertation contains three essays in applied microeconomics, with a focus on household decision-making.In the first chapter, I study the effect of asymmetric information about income on household decisions, resource sharing, and welfare. I proceed in four steps. In the first step, I develop a theoretical model that accounts for the possible existence of asymmetric information. The model predicts that households will partly mitigate the welfare cost of asymmetric information by incentivizing the wage earner to provide information about his or her true income. These incentives are provided by making the consumption share increase with reported income: the wage earner's consumption share is high when reporting a high income and low when reporting a low income. Second, I derive a new non-parametric identification result for this model. Third, I estimate the model using a survey of Bangladeshi day laborers. The estimation confirms the predictions of the model, providing evidence that the households in the data are affected by asymmetric information. Finally, I conduct three counterfactual analyses to document how asymmetric information interacts with policies and compute the willingness to pay in each case. In the second chapter, which is co-authored with Maria Casanova and Maurizio Mazzocco, we show that the intratemporal and intertemporal preferences of each decision-maker in the household can be identified even if individual consumption is not observed. This identification result is used jointly with the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX) to estimate the intratemporal and intertemporal features of individual preferences. The empirical findings indicate that there is heterogeneity in intertemporal preferences between wife and husband. In the third chapter, I use a major reform of the parental leave system in Quebec in 2006 to analyze how households make decisions related to parental leave. I show that the introduction of a father's quota - a policy designed to incentivize fathers to take parental leave - was successful in more than doubling the proportion of fathers taking some parental leave. However, the impact on the intensive margin was limited: in 80% of households, mothers take all the leave that is available to both parents. I also use an administrative dataset to analyze the relationship between parental leave decisions and income. In general, households with higher labor income take more parental leave overall (summing the mother's and the father's weeks). However, fathers with higher labor income take less parental leave.

Essays on Household Behavior in Developing Economies

Essays on Household Behavior in Developing Economies

Author: Yu-hsuan Su


Published: 2014

Total Pages: 124



This dissertation consists of three essays in development economics. I explore various household behaviors in developing economies, using India and Tanzania as examples. The first two chapters focus on urban slums to capture the inequality within cities and to evaluate the impact of an intervention during urbanization. The third chapter investigates the influence of an inheritance law reform on child labor. The first chapter, which is a joint work with Claus Portner, examines the differences in child health across rural, urban non-slum and slum areas. The developing world is rapidly becoming more and more urban, but our understanding of the differences between urban and rural areas is still limited, especially in the important area of child health and its determinants. Simple averages show clearly that child health in India is worst in rural areas and best in urban areas---with slums in between---but it is unclear exactly what accounts for these differences. We examine the determinants of these differences and to what extent the same mechanisms affect child health in different areas using the 2005-06 National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) data from India. Once we control for environmental conditions and wealth status, the urban advantage in child health disappears and slum children fare substantially worse than their rural counterparts. We also examine the impact of maternal education on child health across rural, urban, and slum areas and find that the positive effect of mother's education on child health is significantly stronger in rural areas than in cities and almost entirely absent in slums. Potential explanations for these results, such as school quality and migration, are explored, but these are unlikely to fully explain the differences in health. The second chapter, which is a joint work with Aidan Coville, evaluates the impact of a slum upgrading project in Tanzania. Developing countries spend significant amounts of their budgets annually on slum upgrading activities, with the broad objectives of alleviating poverty, improving health and well-being and strengthening the social fabric within these communities in a holistic and integrated manner. Rigorous evidence on the impact of these programs is sparse. Isolating the causal impact of these interventions presents a challenge, since the outcomes of interest are often correlated with the site selection for upgrading, and randomized controlled trials are not usually feasible for practical implementation reasons. While rigorous research is beginning to emerge on the effects of slum upgrading on diarrhea, acute respiratory illness (ARI) and the crowding out of private investments, very little is known about the broader impacts of the upgrading process that serve to motivate these interventions in the first place. This paper evaluates the Community Infrastructure Upgrading Program (CIUP) financed by the World Bank with the aim of improving the lives of slum dwellers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania through targeted investments in community infrastructure such as roads, drainage systems and streetlights. We find that the CIUP interventions increased household sizes and decreased out-migration, halved diarrhea rates for children under 5, and increased female school enrollment rates, but did not have significant impacts on employment, business operations, income and expenditure, private investment or social cohesion. We review possible confounding factors that influence the reliability of these estimates and present the results in light of these methodological constraints. The third chapter examines the relationship between female autonomy and child labor in India. Many children in developing countries are engaged in various forms of child labor. It is important to understand the determinants of child labor and to evaluate its welfare implications. Intra-household bargaining has been considered an important factor in household decision-making for investment in children. This paper uses the Hindu Succession Act Amendment (HSAA) in India as a source of exogenous variation in woman's bargaining power and information from the 2005-06 National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) to study the effect on child labor. I find that the increase in mothers' bargaining power is associated with a lower probability of child labor, and this negative impact is especially strong for teenage daughters. A daughter of 12 to 14 years old is less likely to be working by 30 percentage points and is less likely to do family work by 20.6 percentage points if her mother is exposed to the HSAA. The HSAA also shows differential impact on families with different sizes and wealth status.

Essays on Household Economics

Essays on Household Economics

Author: Abdelrahmen El Lahga


Published: 2008

Total Pages: 389



This thesis presents four self-contained essays on household economics. The first essay tests whether children of certain age groups should be treated as decision makers within the household, applying an existing testing methodology developed for determining the number of adult decision makers in the context of a collective household model. The second essay compares two types of matrix rank based tests for the number of household decision makers - using conditional and using unconditional demand functions. The analysis shows robust evidence in favour of two decision makers, with the interpretation that husband and wife are separate decision makers.The third essay uses the very general technique of indirect inference to estimate a collective household labour supply model in a new and attractive way, and shows that this technique can be applied very fruitfully here. The last essay analyzes reduced form models of time allocation using panel data models applied to the German Socio-Economic Panel. It exploits variation in marital status of couples over time. Controlling for fixed effects, it finds evidence that marriage increases women specialization in domestic work.

Migration, Transfers and Economic Decision Making among Agricultural Households

Migration, Transfers and Economic Decision Making among Agricultural Households

Author: Calogero Carletto

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2020-08-19

Total Pages: 189

ISBN-13: 1000155161


The increasing volume of remittances and public transfers in rural areas of the developing world has raised hopes that these cash inflows may serve as an effective mechanism for reducing poverty in the long term by facilitating investments and raising productivity, particularly in agriculture where market failures are most manifest. This book systematically tests the empirical relationship between cash transfers and productive spending in agriculture amongst rural households in six different countries of the developing world. Together, the studies point to little impact of migration and public and private transfers on agricultural productivity, instead facilitating a transition away from agriculture or to a less labour intensive type of agriculture. From a policy perspective the studies raise the question of how to maintain rural economies, as migration and social assistance are unlikely to provide a sustainable way to overcome rural poverty in the long run for those that remain in rural areas. For the foreseeable future, agriculture will play an important role in alleviating poverty and sustaining growth in rural areas. Yet, public and private transfers are not providing much of the impetus needed to raise the sector’s productivity. Whether the transfers are invested in agriculture will ultimately depend on the attractiveness of the sector, which is largely determined by the policies of governments and donors. This book was published as a special issue of the Journal of Development Studies.