This cumulative index is essential for all those who need to consult the encyclopedia for specific information that is not necessarily the theme of one of the contributions. It enables the fullest possible use of this indispensible work.
This resource provides a single, concise reference containing terms and expressions used in the study, practice, and application of physical sciences. The reader will be able to identify quickly critical information about professional jargon, important people, and events. The encyclopedia gives self-contained definitions with essentials regarding the meaning of technical terms and their usage, as well as about important people within various fields of physics and engineering, with highlights of technical and practical aspects related to cross-functional integration. It will be indispensable for anyone working on applications in biomedicine, materials science, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, geology, astronomy, and energy. It also includes handy tables and chronological timelines organized by subject area and giving an overview on the historical development of ideas and discovery.
The Encyclopedia of the Neuroscience explores all areas of the discipline in its focused entries on a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and other related areas of neuroscience. Each article is written by an expert in that specific domain and peer reviewed by the advisory board before acceptance into the encyclopedia. Each article contains a glossary, introduction, a reference section, and cross-references to other related encyclopedia articles. Written at a level suitable for university undergraduates, the breadth and depth of coverage will appeal beyond undergraduates to professionals and academics in related fields.
The encyclopedia will be an invaluable source of information for researchers and students from diverse backgrounds including physics, chemistry, materials science and surface engineering, biotechnology, pharmacy, medical science, and biomedical engineering.