Útil y práctico manual de consulta para el fabricante de cervezas artesanales. Explica de manera detallada y clara todos los aspectos de la fabricación de esta popular bebida. Describe de forma precisa los estilos más difundidos en todo el mundo. Equipos, ingredientes, y técnicas son analizados de un modo totalmente accesible para el lector. Adecuado para principiantes y para expertos.
¡Vino! explores the history and identity of Spanish wine production from the mid-nineteenth century to today. Nineteenth-century infestations of oidium fungus and phylloxera aphids devastated French and Italian vineyards but didn’t extend to the Iberian Peninsula at first, giving Spanish vintners the opportunity to increase their international sales. Once French and Italian wineries rebounded, however, Spanish wine producers had to up their game. Spain could not produce only table wine; it needed a quality product to compete with the supposedly superior French wines. After the Spanish Civil War the totalitarian Franco regime turned its attention to Spain’s devastated agricultural sector, but the country’s wine industry did not rebound until well after World War II. In the postwar years, it rebranded itself to compete in a more integrated European and international marketplace with the creation of a new wine identity. As European integration continued, Spanish wine producers and the tourism industry worked together to promote the uniqueness of Spain and the quality of its wines. Karl J. Trybus explores the development of Spanish wine in the context of national and global events, tracing how the wine industry has fared and ultimately prospered despite civil war, regional concerns, foreign problems, and changing tastes.
Prácticas recetas, consejos y propuestas para elaborar vino de frutas en la comodidad de nuestra cocina. Sin complicados análisis ni cálculos engorrosos.
The History of Rioja Wine offers an informative, chronological and in-depth account of Rioja wine from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. This book illuminates the fascinating and largely unknown success story of Rioja wine. Drawing on illustrative sources, the volume traces the economic, social, cultural and political evolution of Rioja wine from the 1850s to the present day, concluding with a reflection on the lesson its appealing success story offers to any lover of history and wine. The book is adorned with historical photographs throughout, the majority previously unpublished. An ideal companion both for students interested in Spanish history and wine enthusiasts more generally, this volume offers readers the opportunity to uncork the secrets of Rioja’s wine.
In the context of an increasingly internationalized agri-food sector, this volume explores existing and new tools developed to help professionals with writing, interpreting and translating. Centered on the English-Spanish language pair, the contributions address a variety of terminology issues, the importance of intercultural understanding, the use of corpora, as well as the possibilities offered by automatic translation.