Environmental Education

Environmental Education


Publisher: BRILL

Published: 2008-01-01

Total Pages: 273

ISBN-13: 9087906153


In Environmental Education: Identity, Politics and Citizenship the editors endeavor to present views of environmental educators that focus on issues of identity and subjectivity, and how 'narrated lives’ relate to questions of learning, education, politics, justice, and citizenship.

El espejismo de la educación ambiental

El espejismo de la educación ambiental

Author: Susana Calvo

Publisher: Ediciones Morata

Published: 2012-02-17

Total Pages: 126

ISBN-13: 8471125463


El deterioro de la relación del ser humano con su entorno, próximo y lejano, es una realidad cada día más preocupante de la que se ha ocupado la educación ambiental desde finales de los años sesenta del siglo pasado. Por suerte, sus finalidades, metodologías de trabajo, programas, actividades e instrumentos han tenido una considerable difusión y acogida mundial. Además, su trayectoria está ligada a prácticas educativas escolares y comunitarias de distinta naturaleza, acordes con las necesidades y exigencias de los escenarios en los que se ha ido instalado: educativos y sociales, lúdicos y recreativos, turísticos y deportivos, divulgativos y de sensibilización, políticos y de acción comunitaria. La podemos encontrar en los sistemas educativos, en los organismos de gestión ambiental, en las organizaciones no gubernamentales, en los ámbitos universitarios, en los ayuntamientos, en los espacios protegidos, en los parques temáticos, en la televisión y en otros medios de comunicación. Su éxito reside en su habilidad para hacerse útil; también en su capacidad para llevar a la práctica ideas para conseguir un mundo proambiental y equitativo. Así, heredera de una visión utópica orientada por deseos de cambio global de las sociedades, aspira a tener relevancia profesional para que su actividad pueda contribuir a corregir este deterioro socioambiental actual y permita prevenir nuevos problemas, ahora convertidos en amenazas globales. Susana CALVO y José GUTIERREZ plantean en esta obra el reto de que en las sociedades no sea necesaria la educación ambiental porque el deterioro del medio ya no precise de la concienciación que carecemos en la actualidad.

El espejismo de la educación ambiental

El espejismo de la educación ambiental

Author: Susana Calvo

Publisher: Ediciones Morata

Published: 2007-01

Total Pages: 124

ISBN-13: 9788471125163


El deterioro de la relación del ser humano con su entorno, próximo y lejano, es una realidad cada día más preocupante de la que se ha ocupado la educación ambiental desde finales de los años sesenta del siglo pasado. Por suerte, sus finalidades, metodologías de trabajo, programas, actividades e instrumentos han tenido una considerable difusión y acogida mundial. Además, su trayectoria está ligada a prácticas educativas escolares y comunitarias de distinta naturaleza, acordes con las necesidades y exigencias de los escenarios en los que se ha ido instalado: educativos y sociales, lúdicos y recreativos, turísticos y deportivos, divulgativos y de sensibilización, políticos y de acción comunitaria. La podemos encontrar en los sistemas educativos, en los organismos de gestión ambiental, en las organizaciones no gubernamentales, en los ámbitos universitarios, en los ayuntamientos, en los espacios protegidos, en los parques temáticos, en la televisión y en otros medios de comunicación. Su éxito reside en su habilidad para hacerse útil; también en su capacidad para llevar a la práctica ideas para conseguir un mundo proambiental y equitativo. Así, heredera de una visión utópica orientada por deseos de cambio global de las sociedades, aspira a tener relevancia profesional para que su actividad pueda contribuir a corregir este deterioro socioambiental actual y permita prevenir nuevos problemas, ahora convertidos en amenazas globales. Susana CALVO y José GUTIERREZ plantean en esta obra el reto de que en las sociedades no sea necesaria la educación ambiental porque el deterioro del medio ya no precise de la concienciación que carecemos en la actualidad.

Knowledge Society and Education in the Asia-Pacific

Knowledge Society and Education in the Asia-Pacific

Author: José Ernesto Rangel Delgado

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2021-07-21

Total Pages: 130

ISBN-13: 9811623333


This book explores recent trends in the knowledge-based society and education field in Asia-Pacific and discusses future challenges in the region. It presents studies on the development of scientific thought in the field on the knowledge-based society in the Pacific Circle. This book explores the theoretical framework of the knowledge-based society framed by the borders imposed by the Pacific Ocean, particularly from the perspective of the Pacific Circle Consortium (PCC), in the face of a paradigm shift to satisfy the human needs that must be preserved to guarantee economic and human conditions that future development requires. It analyzes how education relates to the knowledge society in the Asia Pacific region, and considers global issues such as environmental degradation, climate change, pollution, soil erosion, growth of the population. It discusses how these issues concerns parents, educators, civil societies and governments of the countries around the Pacific Circle. This book explores the necessity of changing the current transformative paradigm to one that ensures environmental sustainability, with the support of scientific education and research, as an issue that must be integrated into the curricula in schools at all educational levels.

L'educazione ambientale. Laboratori nella scuola primaria.

L'educazione ambientale. Laboratori nella scuola primaria.

Author: Adriano Sofo

Publisher: Lulu.com

Published: 2013-12-03

Total Pages: 81

ISBN-13: 1291655549


In un mondo come quello odierno, caratterizzato da un ́enorme capacità di autodistruzione, imparare a vivere insieme rappresenta, forse, uno dei maggiori problemi dell ́educazione. E' perciò necessario concepire un ́educazione che contribuisca a prevenire i conflitti e/o ad affrontarli pacificamente, sollecitando e sostenendo il rispetto verso l ́altro: una nuova pedagogia. Un insegnamento capace di valorizzare la persona nella sua interezza e di favorirne gli apprendimenti anziché mortificarla ed ostacolarla, deve prendere vita all'interno di una relazione improntata alla stima ed alla comprensione: in tal modo può contribuire alla costruzione di un'identità solida e serena, ricca di armonia e di equilibrio interiore.

Light Pollution: The Global View

Light Pollution: The Global View

Author: H.E Schwarz

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2013-03-09

Total Pages: 304

ISBN-13: 9401701253


The effects of light pollution on flora, fauna -including humans and their widely varying night-time activities- are often subtle and need extensive field studies to be quantified in a sensible manner. Some of the highlights were: The presentation of the 1st world atlas of artificial night sky brightness (Cinzano et al.); the article by the International Darksky Association on their world-wide efforts to curb light pollution (Alvarez del Castillo et al.); the laws controlling light pollution implemented in Spain (Diaz et al.) and Chile (Sanhueza et al.), an overview of the work on radio frequency protection of sites (Cohen et al.) and the excellent introduction to the topic from the Chilean point of view (Daud). Related topics in the book are light pollution education, aircraft contrails, space advertising (with an added document provided by the relevant UN commission), and an experiment on involving the population of an entire country in measuring sky brightness, by using the internet and the media. The text is aimed at professionals from a wide range of disciplines related to lighting and its effects on the night-time environment in the broadest sense of the word. Lay persons interested in this emerging multi-disciplinary field can also find much of interest in this book.

La didattica laboratoriale nell’educazione ambientale

La didattica laboratoriale nell’educazione ambientale

Author: Adriano Sofo

Publisher: Lulu.com

Published: 2013-12-03

Total Pages: 157

ISBN-13: 1291655581


L'uomo come persona inserita in contesti culturali e sociali pervasi dai cambiamenti che riguardano tutti i settori si trova di fronte patrimoni ideologici che perdono di consistenza. La scuola assume un ruolo importante di spazio e crocevia per la formazione di una coscienza etica e civile di una società. Ma tale crocevia non si deve risolvere in una mera trasmissione di saperi che diano un'immagine di scuola improduttiva, deve piuttosto scoprire una natura antidogmatica ed antiautoritaria di formazione permanente. La realtà naturale non è li solo per essere osservata e catalogata, come se fosse un gigantesco libro da cui estrapolare il testo. La realtà deve essere scoperta, decodificata ed interpretata. L'ambiente visibile viene smontato e rimontato, scoperto e riscoperto per diventare campo di esperienze partecipative e creative. La scuola offre il proprio contributo in questo processo.

Questioning Empowerment

Questioning Empowerment

Author: Jo Rowlands

Publisher: Oxfam

Published: 1997-01-01

Total Pages: 196

ISBN-13: 9780855983628


Focusing on the term empowerment this book examines the various meanings given to the concept of empowerment and the many ways power can be expressed - in personal relationships and in wider social interactions.

The Transition Timeline for a Local, Resilient Future

The Transition Timeline for a Local, Resilient Future

Author: Shaun Chamberlin

Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing

Published: 2009

Total Pages: 311

ISBN-13: 1603582002


The Transition Timeline lightens the fear of our uncertain future, providing a map of what we are facing and the different pathways available to us. It describes four possible scenarios for the UK and world over the next twenty years, ranging from Denial, in which we reap the consequences of failing to acknowledge and respond to our environmental challenges, to the Transition Vision, in which we shift our cultural assumptions to fit our circumstances and move into a more fulfilling, lower energy world. The practical, realistic details of this Transition Vision are examined in depth, covering key areas such as food, energy, demographics, transport and healthcare, and they provide a sense of context for communities working towards a thriving future. The book also provides a detailed and accessible update on climate change and peak oil and the interactions between them, including their impacts in the UK, present and future.Use it. Choose your path, and then make that future real with your actions, individually and with your community. As Rob Hopkins outlines in his foreword, there is a rapidly spreading movement addressing these challenges, and it needs you.