The Building Enclosure Sustainability Symposium (BESS) was initiated in 2009 through a partnership of the Department of Architecture at California State Polytechnic University Pomona and Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. The symposium was designed to bring together professionals from academia, architecture, engineering and construction, as well as students, to discuss state-of-the-art sustainable building enclosure design.
Many areas of knowledge converge in the building industry and therefore research in this field necessarily involves an interdisciplinary approach. Effective research requires strong relation between a broad variety of scientific and technological domains and more conventional construction or craft processes, while also considering advanced management processes, where all the main actors permanently interact. This publication takes an interdisciplinary approach grouping various studies on the building industry chosen from among the works presented for the 2nd International Conference on Construction and Building Research. The papers examine aspects of materials and building systems; construction technology; energy and sustainability; construction management; heritage, refurbishment and conservation. The information contained within these pages may be of interest to researchers and practitioners in construction and building activities from the academic sphere, as well as public and private sectors.
En este libro se presentan diferentes metodologias de certificacion energetica desarrolladas en Espana, y se propone un metodo de auditoria energetica, conforme a la directiva europea de eficiencia energetica en edificios. Finalmente, a modo de ejemplo, el libro presenta varios casos practicos de estudio de la certificacion energetica y auditorias energeticas, siguiendo una de las metodologias analizadas.
Este libro actualiza la primera parte del libro titulado Eficiencia energética en edificios. Certificación y auditorías energéticascon las últimas normativas vigentes, tanto nacionales como internacionales. El objetivo de esta obra es dar a conocer y dotar de herramientas prácticas al certificador energético de edificios: factores constructivos que determinan la demanda energética del edificio; sistemas de calefacción, ventilación, iluminación, aire acondicionado, ACS, recuperación de energía y sistemas de energías renovables para obtener el consumo de energía del edificio y emisiones de CO2 asociadas para su calificación energética; y medidas de mejora que pueden ser implementadas para mejorar la calificación energética obtenida de un determinado edificio. En el libro se analizan diferentes metodologías de certificación energética utilizadas en otros países, además de la calificación energética del edifico en España mediante el manejo de las herramientas de software actuales que se encuentran reconocidas por el ministerio español. Para que este libro sirva como guía del certificador energético, se incluyen los esquemas de utilización de las diferentes herramientas informáticas (HULC, CE3, CE3X y CERMA), la tipología de los edificios para los que están recomendadas y ejemplos de certificación energética utilizando las metodologías más habituales.
Benchmarking has become a key tool in the water industry to promote and achieve performance targets for utilities. The use of this tool for performance improvement through systematic search and adaptation of leading practices, has expanded globally during the past decade. Many ongoing projects worldwide aim to address different needs and objectives, in varying contexts, with outstanding results and impact. Benchmarking Water Services provides valuable information to everyone interested in benchmarking in the water industry. The text is aimed at utilities considering joining a benchmarking project, experienced practitioners in charge of organizing a benchmarking exercise, consultants, regulators and researchers. The document is presented with a clear practice oriented approach and can be used as a how-to-benchmark guide presented from different perspectives (participants, organizers, supervising bodies). Readers will gain practical insight on real life benchmarking practices and will benefit from the experiences gained in some of the leading benchmarking projects of the water industry (including the IWA-WSAA benchmarking efforts, the European Benchmarking Co-operation and the several benchmarking projects carried out in Austria and Central Europe). The manual also presents the new IWA Benchmarking Framework, which aims to harmonize the terms used to describe benchmarking and performance indicators practices in the water industry, guaranteeing a more fluent and efficient communication. This Manual of Best Practice is edited by the IWA Specialist Group on Benchmarking and Performance Assessment, and co-published by AWWA and IWA Publishing. Praise for Benchmarking Water Services: "The continual trend of conceptual to specifics throughout the book provides for an educational experience each time the book is either casually perused or carefully studied." "The authors (Cabrera, Haskins and Fritiz) diligently pursue the focus of improvement." "Benchmarking Water Services is an in depth and practical ‘must have’ guide for any utility currently engaged in or planning to develop a benchmarking process" - Gregory M. Baird (2012) Benchmarking: An International Journal 19:2. More information about the book can be found on the Water Wiki in an article written by the author: A Spanish language version of this book is available as a free eBook:
The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.
El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Investigación es proponer una nueva metodología para mejorar la eficiencia energética de inmuebles residenciales, que se adapte a las necesidades y a las demandas reales de sus ocupantes.Actualmente, los técnicos, a través de certificados energéticos, proponen a los propietarios de los inmuebles residenciales medidas energéticas basadas exclusivamente en el retorno de la inversión y disminución de emisiones de CO2 a través de modelos teóricos. Por ello es necesario crear un modelo de mejora basado en los hábitos de consumo, el nivel de concienciación, el nivel de confort de los ocupantes y los sistemas constructivos de los inmuebles residenciales existentes por periodos cronológicos. Este modelo propone medidas de mejora energética idóneas a la zona climática estudiada, ya que se adecuan tanto técnica, como económica, social y medioambiental a la los inmuebles y sus ocupantes. El modelo está basado en la creación de tablas, según mejora de instalaciones, de huecos, de envolvente opaca, y otras mejoras, donde dependiendo de la tipología y antigüedad del inmueble, y de los hábitos de consumo y grado de confort térmico de sus ocupantes se proponen las distintas medidas de mejora energéticas que mejor se adaptan a cada escenario. Para validar el modelo obtenido, se siguen los pasos metodológicos en una vivienda real con tres distintos grados de aplicación de mejoras. Llegándose a la conclusión de que la aplicación total del modelo puede llegar a conseguir ahorros energéticos superiores al 90%. Tras analizar los inmuebles y sus ocupantes, se ha llegado a la conclusión de que son las viviendas existentes las que mayor capacidad de mejora disponen, además de que a la hora de conseguir que los propietarios acometan medidas de mejora, además del factor económico, hay que poner en valor el aumento del valor de mercado, la mejora del confort térmico y la mejora de la estética y de la seguridad.
This book presents the research results of an interdisciplinary study on climate change policies by the Enforcing Environmental Policy (EEP) Network, a project supported by the Human Dimension Potential Programme. Contributions are from highly qualified economic and legal specialists based at research institutes across Europe. The book gives answers to several questions related to the implementation of the international rules on climate change, most notably the Kyoto Protocol. It analyses ways and means to facilitate and encourage compliance with the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol. It is addressed to policy-makers, academics, business-sector and stakeholders throughout and outside Europe. Due to its interdisciplinary approach, this work is a distinctive and unique product compared to the existing literature on the subject. The effective implementation of climate protection and clean air policy requires an understanding of the political, legal and economic structures and constraints facing policy makers - and this is exactly what this book offers.