Effect of Heat Treatment at 1150 C on Creep-rupture Properties of Alloy FA-180

Effect of Heat Treatment at 1150 C on Creep-rupture Properties of Alloy FA-180



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 9



The alloy FA-180, with a composition of Fe-28Al-5Cr-0.5Nb-0.8Mo-0.025Zr-0.05C-0.005B (at.%), is of interest because of its improved creep-rupture resistance when compared to alloy FA-129 (Fe-28Al-5Cr-0.5Nb-0.2C). At a temperature of 593 C and under a stress of 207 MPa, the creep-rupture life of FA-129 heat treated for 1 h at 750 C is about 20 h while the FA-180 alloy lasts approximately 100 h. Heat treatment at 1,150 C has been shown to further improve the creep life of FA-180 and creep-rupture lives of approximately 2,000 h have been attained. This strengthening was attributed to the presence of fine matrix and grain boundary Zr-rich MC precipitates that were produced by the heat treatment. The current study continues the investigation of the effect of heat treatment at 1,150 C on the improvement of creep-rupture life in alloy FA-180. As part of the effort to understand the strengthening mechanisms involved with heat treatment at 1,150 C, transmission electron microscopy was used to correlate the microstructure with the improved creep resistance. Results indicate that heat treatment at 1,150 C for 1 h, followed by rapid quenching in water or mineral oil, produces even further improvements in the creep-rupture life of this alloy. A specimen being tested at 593 C and 207 MPa was stopped after over 6000 h of life, while another specimen lasted over 1,600 h at 650 C and 241 MPa. The microstructure of the oil-quenched specimen contained many dislocation loops which were not present in the air-cooled specimens. These loops pinned dislocations during creep testing at temperatures of 593--700 C, resulting in stabilized deformation microstructure and increased creep-rupture strength.

Effects of Composition and Heat Treatment at 1150°C on Creep-rupture Properties of Fe3Al-based Alloys

Effects of Composition and Heat Treatment at 1150°C on Creep-rupture Properties of Fe3Al-based Alloys



Published: 1995

Total Pages: 8



The effects of composition and heat treatment at 1150°C on the creep-rupture properties of Fe3Al-based alloys were studied. Tests of alloy FA-180 (Fe-28Al-5Cr-0.5Nb-0.8Mo-0.025Zr-0.05C-0.005B, at.%) with this heat treatment were performed in air using various test temperatures and stresses in order to obtain creep activation energies and constants. An activation energy for creep of approximately 150 kcal/mole was determined, value which is approximately twice that obtained earlier for the binary alloy heat treated at 750°C. Tests were also conducted on alloys containing various combinations of Cr, Mo, Nb, Zr, C, and B in order to better understand the effect of composition on the improved creep resistance with heat treating at 1150°C. The results suggest an interaction of Mo with Zr and Nb to produce increased creep life.

Heat Treatment Effects for Improved Creep-Rupture Resistance of a Fe3Al-Based Alloy

Heat Treatment Effects for Improved Creep-Rupture Resistance of a Fe3Al-Based Alloy



Published: 1997

Total Pages: 13



The iron aluminide alloy FA-180, an Fe3Al-based alloy with a composition of Fe-28Al-5Cr-0.5Nb-0.8Mo-0.025Zr-0.05C-0.005B (at.%), is of interest because of its improved creep-rupture resistance when compared to other Fe3Al and FeAl-based alloys. Creep-rupture testing at 593 C and 207 MPa shows that FA-180 has a rupture life of approximately 100 h in the warm-rolled and stress relieved (1 h at 700-750 C) condition as compared to about 20 h for the FA-129 base alloy (Fe-28Al-5Cr-0.5Nb-0.2C). This report summarizes studies conducted in the last several years to determine the creep-rupture resistance of FA-180 as a function of the microstructures produced by varying the heat treatment temperature and cooling procedures. Solution-annealing for 1 h at 1150 C (air cooled) dramatically improved the creep-rupture life of FA-180 to about 2000 h. Transmission electron microscopy analysis showed that this strengthening was due to the precipitation of fine ZrC in the matrix and along grain boundaries. A further improvement in creep-rupture life to over 6000 h resulted from increasing the cooling rate (by quenching in oil or water) after solution annealing at 1150 C. The microstructure of the quenched specimen contained many fine dislocation loops instead of precipitates. During creep testing, these small loops evolved into a structure of larger dislocation loops and networks, resulting in significant strengthening at temperatures of 593-700 C.

Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature on Creep-rupture Properties of Fe3Al-based Alloys

Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature on Creep-rupture Properties of Fe3Al-based Alloys



Published: 1994

Total Pages: 12



The effects of heat treatment at 1100 to 1250C on the creep-rupture properties of an Fe3Al-based alloy were studied. Tests were conducted at 593C (1100F) and 207 MPa (30 ksi) in air. The modes of fracture were identified using optical metallography and scanning electron microscopy. Analytical electron microscopy was also used to study characteristics of the microstructure, including dislocations, ordered domains, and precipitates. The creep results showed maximum creep-rupture resistance with a heat treatment at approximately 1150C, with significant decreases in rupture life after heat treatments at both lower and higher temperatures. The peak in creep life was associated with fine precipitates that were observed after the 1150C heat treatment and persisted during prolonged creep at 593C. Heat treatment at 1150C appeared to cause dissolution of coarser precipitates which then reprecipitated as new fine particles upon cooling or during creep. These fine precipitates then pinned dislocations and grain boundaries to produce strength during creep.