Education programs in social entrepreneurship helps to create and fill jobs devoted to developing the local economy, which has become a dual transfer strategy by which a virtuous circle occurs between a retrofitted educational system based on social entrepreneurship, and vocational students who are highly entrepreneurial. The Handbook of Research on Social Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Economics focuses on practical experience and theoretical models for popularizing the concept of social entrepreneurship as a critical element of economic growth. Emphasizing the ways in which social entrepreneurship benefits developing regions, small and medium enterprises, and low-income communities, this handbook of research is a pivotal reference source for professionals, academics, and graduate-level students in the fields of economics, business administration, sociology, education, politics, and international relations.
Technological advances in the realm of business have attributed to the global interest of using digital innovations to increase consumer traffic. Utilizing these new techniques can increase the profitability of business industries and consumer analytic information for future reference. The Handbook of Research on Digital Marketing Innovations in Social Entrepreneurship and Solidarity Economics is a collection of research on social entrepreneurship as a critical element of economic growth with a look at the evolutionary aspects of digital technologies on the industry. While highlighting topics including social media, microfinance, and consumer behavior, this book is ideally designed for marketers, managers, professionals, academics, and graduate-level students concerned about the fields of economics, sociology, education, politics, and digital technology innovation.
Ni la acumulación de deuda, ni la construcción de viviendas ni el consumo ilimitado de productos y recursos nos sacarán de la profunda crisis económica, energética y medioambiental que vivimos. El futuro pertenece a las sociedades que faciliten el despliegue de la capacidad emprendedora de sus ciudadanos. Bajo esta premisa, Ángel Pes y Norbert Bilbeny se adentran en el papel clave de la responsabilidad social de las empresas y, desde una visión eminentemente práctica, defienden la necesidad de promover la actividad emprendedora sin descuidar la distribución equitativa de los beneficios del desarrollo económico y su carácter sostenible.Para ello, explican cómo dar forma a las exigencias de una economía sostenible a través de numerosos ejemplos de empresas que han sabido ver las ventajas que ofrece la responsabilidad corporativa. Ser empresario responsable no solo es una elección: es una necesidad para construir el futuro.
Serie de cuatro volúmenes que condensan la colección de dieciséis tomos que fue publicada en 2010 bajo el título de Los grandes problemas de México, con motivo de las conmemoraciones del bicentenario de la Independencia, del centenario de la Revolución y de los setenta años de El Colegio de México. Cada capítulo reproduce una estructura que contiene un diagnóstico, un pronóstico cuando es posible, y propuestas de acción en torno a problemas específicos. En el presente volumen se presentan textos relativos a la situación de la economía mexicana, en tres distintas secciones: Crecimiento económico y equidad, Microeconomía y Economía rural.
This volume of Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability harnesses corporate responsibility and green management to integrate social and environmental concerns into productive business operations, paving the way for future successes in emerging economies.
This book addresses one of the core challenges in the corporate social responsibility (or business and human rights) debate: how to ensure adequate access to remedy for victims of corporate abuses that infringe upon their human rights. However, ensuring access to remedy depends on a series of normative and judicial elements that become highly complex when disputes are transnational. In such cases, courts need to consider and apply different laws that relate to company governance, to determine the competent forum, to define which bodies of law to apply, and to ensure the adequate execution of judgments. The book also discusses how alternative methods of dispute settlement can relate to this topic, and the important role that private international law plays in access to remedy for corporate-related human rights abuses. This collection comprises 20 national reports from jurisdictions in Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia, addressing the private international law aspects of corporate social responsibility. They provide an overview of the legal differences between geographical areas, and offer numerous examples of how states and their courts have resolved disputes involving private international law elements. The book draws two preliminary conclusions: that there is a need for a better understanding of the role that private international law plays in cases involving transnational elements, in order to better design transnational solutions to the issues posed by economic globalisation; and that the treaty negotiations on business and human rights in the United Nations could offer a forum to clarify and unify several of the elements that underpin transnational disputes involving corporate human rights abuses, which could also help to identify and bridge the existing gaps that limit effective access to remedy. Adopting a comparative approach, this book appeals to academics, lawyers, judges and legislators concerned with the issue of access to remedy and reparation for corporate abuses under the prism of private international law.
Todo comunica. Este es el axioma básico de la comunicación, también para las organizaciones. Comunicación corporativa. Claves y escenarios constituye un manual transversal y necesario, que actualiza y estudia las claves, los elementos de interés y las distintas vertientes que comprende la comunicación corporativa en el contexto actual. Los autores y autoras de este manual son grandes conocedores de cada uno de los ámbitos de especialización referidos y, por lo tanto, las voces más adecuadas para explicar cómo la función de comunicación puede optimizarse en las organizaciones. Comunicación interna, comunicación interpersonal, comunicación de crisis, comunicación y responsabilidad social corporativa o comunicación online son solo algunos de los temas abordados. Su mirada analiza las tradicionales y nuevas necesidades que afectan a la comunicación corporativa y la mejor manera de resolverlas. El libro resulta comprehensivo, actual y necesario para alumnos, investigadores y profesores, gerentes y directores de comunicación y, en general, para todos los interesados en este ámbito profesional y del saber.