ECEM - English for Civil Engineering Mastery

ECEM - English for Civil Engineering Mastery

Author: Dr. Hidayet Tuncay

Publisher: Tuncay (Yayıncılık) Publishing

Published: 2020-01-29

Total Pages: 212



The book entitled ECEM (English for Civil Engineering Mastery) as mentioned earlier is a reading-based ESP course book in professional English for Civil Engineering students. The book is so designed that students could succeed in acquiring the technical terminology through reading ESP texts. So, the primary purpose of the book is not to teach Civil Engineering to the students, but help them improve reading technical passages and develop a reading habit in their field of study. The course book includes eighteen units from general to specific and simple to complex. Each unit has a primary warm-up part along with various reading and vocabulary activities. The warm-up part is specifically designed to enable students to have oral discussions and debates prior to reading the actual texts. Reading activities urges students to read the text and then answer the questions given. A comprehension practice follows each passage and demands a comprehensive study of the text. In this part, vocabulary practice along with exercises and some other language activities are given for the purpose of motivating students to study technical vocabulary within the texts. Reading activities are designed to help students study the comprehension of the passages and vocabulary as well. In some units cloze tests are given relating to the same topic in the unit to check students’ vocabulary comprehension. Each unit has also translation and writing parts: in the translation part, students are required to translate the given passage into Turkish as an assignment; in writing part, various writing topics, closely related to the reading passages, are assigned to students as in-class activities or as homework. Since this is an ESP course book in Civil Engineering, the main aim of the passages is to motivate students to use technical English in their own professional fields and to enable them to master necessary technical terminology. Throughout their professional lives, almost all of the Engineering students will need English both technically and professionally in order to communicate with foreign people and companies they are doing business with. The course book is manly designed to be used in formal class sessions, but it can also be used by students and professionals of the field in self-study of the technical terminology. The design of the course book will enable students to learn new technical vocabulary and help them to comprehend technical passages with the aid of given almost 300 field-oriented vocabulary. The meanings of the new words are given as they are presented in the passages. That is to say, the contextual meanings of the vocabulary are given in the book. All in all, the book covers almost 400 exercises and various language study points. A Word to Learner: Discuss the given topics with your friends and make your own account of them Carefully study the pre- reading activities Make sure you study the topic – related technical vocabulary in advance Try to find out other related meanings of the vocabulary from an English Dictionary of Civil Engineering Read the passages in advance and study accompanying questions given As thought useful in the acquisition of language skills, translate the given passages into your native language without paying attention to linguistic details of the passage; just try to make them understand by your colleagues Writing tasks are designed for your use and make sure that they should be written academically and pay attention to the instructions given as well A Word to Teacher: Remember most activities in the book are pre-assigned activities to be assigned to students prior to studying the units. Warm-up discussion part should be done with teacher’s supervision in group, in pairs or individually. Pay attention to learners’ discussion technique; do not interrupt their conversation unless there is a communication failure. Encourage students to answer questions either orally or in writing. Make sure they use these questions to understand the passage better since they are text-related. In reading the text, let them first do a silent reading and then teacher can make a model reading. Make sure they understand the passage very well and encourage them to understand the passage after studying the vocabulary without referring to a dictionary. In reading activities, check their comprehension through given questions and related exercises. Assign them the cloze test. It is recommended less time be spent on this activity in class. Assign translation passages in advance and do not allocate more than 1 class hour for them in-class translation. Writing is also an important part of the unit, encourage students to write the assigned topics at home and discuss some students’ writing papers in class. Make sure feedback studies should be done after each unit and weak points are to be determined and additional studies can be done with students in class. In general, each unit can be allocated 6 hours in class study, but some units may take longer than this estimated time, so in designing the weekly/monthly or term lesson plans or programs, the time allocation can be taken into reconsideration as well.

YÖKDİL Sağlık Bilimleri İngilizce Sınav Hazırlık Kitabı

YÖKDİL Sağlık Bilimleri İngilizce Sınav Hazırlık Kitabı

Author: Hidayet Tuncay

Publisher: Tuncay (Yayıncılık) Publishing

Published: 2019-01-01

Total Pages: 282



Kitap toplam 4 ana bölümden oluşmaktadır: YÖKDİL Gramer Tekrar ve Alıştırma Çalışmaları Bu bölümde, sınava hazırlananların gereksinim duyabilecekleri toplam 10 temel konuyu kapsamakta ve her konu kısa kısa anlatılarak toplam 400 alıştırma ve küçük sınav ve bölüm sonun da gramerin genel konularını içeren, 100 sorudan oluşan bir test verilmiştir. YÖKDİL Sınav Hazırlık Stratejileri Sınavı oluşturan 8 bölüm ayrı ayrı değerlendirilmiş ve birer örnekle anlatılarak, konuya ilişkin çeşitli stratejiler verilmiştir. Burada verilen stratejiler tamamen akademik anlamda ele alınmıştır, ancak kişisel olarak geliştirilmiş olan çalışma ve sınav stratejilerine değinilmemiştir. Söz konusu stratejilerin kişisel stratejilerle birlikte ele alınması ve uygulanması sınavda başarı olasılığının artmasına yardımcı olacaktır. YÖKDİL Sağlık Bilimleri İngilizce Deneme Sınavları Bu bölüm kitabın neredeyse üçte ikisini kapsamaktadır ve kitabın ana unsuru denilebilir. Her biri özgün kaynaklardan özenle seçilmiş konulardan ve kelime bilgisinden oluşan ve hiçbir yerde yayınlanmamış olan 10 adet sınavdan meydana gelmektedir. Toplam 800 soru verilmiş olup, seçilen sözcükler, cümleler ve okuma parçalarının Sağlık Bilimleri alanındaki akademisyen ve çalışanların sınava hazırlanmalarında yardımcı olması hedeflenmiştir. Özgün Sınavların hazırlanmasında, önceden çıkmış ve yayınlanmış sınavların temel konuları ve sistemi özenle takip edilmiştir. Cevap Anahtarı Bu bölümde kitapta yer alan gramer alıştırmaları, testleri ve YÖKDİL Sağlık Bilimleri İngilizce Deneme Sınavlarının tüm cevapları seçeneklerdeki ifadelerle birlikte verilmiştir.

YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce Sınav Hazırlık Kitabı

YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce Sınav Hazırlık Kitabı

Author: Hidayet Tuncay

Publisher: Tuncay (Yayıncılık) Publishing


Total Pages: 312



YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce Sınav Hazırlık Kitabı hakkında; Kitap toplam dört ana bölümden oluşmaktadır: 1. Bölüm: YÖKDİL Gramer Tekrarı ve Alıştırma Çalışmaları: Bu bölümde, sınava hazırlananların gereksinim duyabilecekleri toplam 10 temel dilbilgisi konusu ele alınmış olup, her konu kısa kısa anlatılarak toplam 400 alıştırma ve küçük sınav ve bölüm sonun da gramerin genel konularını içeren, 100 sorudan oluşan genel gramer testi verilmiştir. 2. Bölüm: YÖKDİL Sınav Hazırlık Stratejileri: Sınavı oluşturan 8 bölüm içeriği ayrı ayrı değerlendirilmiş ve birer örnekle anlatılarak, konuya ilişkin çeşitli stratejiler verilmiştir. Burada verilen stratejiler tamamen akademik anlamda ele alınmıştır, ancak kişisel olarak geliştirilmiş olan çalışma ve sınav stratejilerine değinilmemiştir. Söz konusu stratejilerin kişisel stratejilerle birlikte ele alınması ve uygulanması sınavda başarı olasılığının artmasına yardımcı olacaktır. 3. Bölüm: YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce Deneme Sınavları: Bu bölüm, kitabın neredeyse üçte ikisini kapsamaktadır ve kitabın ana unsuru denilebilir. Her biri özgün kaynaklardan özenle seçilmiş konulardan ve kelime bilgisinden oluşan ve hiçbir yerde yayınlanmamış özgün 10 adet sınavdan meydana gelmektedir. Toplam 800 soru verilmiş olup, seçilen sözcükler, cümleler ve okuma parçalarının Sosyal Bilimler alanından sınava girecek olan adayların sınava hazırlanmalarında yardımcı olması hedeflenmiştir. Özgün Deneme Sınavlarının hazırlanmasında, önceden çıkmış ve yayınlanmış sınavların temel konuları ve sistemi özenle takip edilmiştir. 4. Bölüm: Cevap Anahtarı: Bu bölümde, kitapta yer alan gramer alıştırmaları, testleri ve YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce Deneme Sınavlarının tüm cevapları seçeneklerdeki ifadelerle birlikte verilmiştir. Burada şu husus bilhassa vurgulamak isteriz: Deneme sınavlarının çözümü aşamasında ve tıpkı gerçek sınav ortamında olduğu gibi 180 dakikaya sadık kalınarak sınav bitmeden cevaplara hiçbir surette önceden bakılmamalıdır. Gerçek sınav ortamında uygulanan kural ve uyarıları dikkate almak gerekir. YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce Sınav Hazırlık Kitabı sınava hazırlananların başarılarını artırmayı hedeflemektedir. Kitap, hem kendi kendine (Self-Study) çalışmak amaçlı, hem de kurs kitabı olarak da kullanılabilmektedir. Sınava girecek olan tüm adaylara şimdiden başarılar diliyoruz. Kitabın Adı: YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce Sınav Hazırlık Kitabı Yazar: Hidayet Tuncay Yayınevi: Tuncay Yayıncılık Yayın Tarihi: 2019 ISBN: 978-605-68604-5-4 Baskı Sayısı: 1.Baskı Dil: İngilizce-Türkçe Kategori: YÖKDİL Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce Sınavları’na hazırlık Sayfa Sayısı: 312 Cilt Tipi: Karton Kapak Kağıt Cinsi: 1. Hamur Boyut: 19 x 27



Author: Stephane Hallegatte

Publisher: World Bank Publications

Published: 2019-07-16

Total Pages: 220

ISBN-13: 1464814317


Infrastructure—electricity, telecommunications, roads, water, and sanitation—are central to people’s lives. Without it, they cannot make a living, stay healthy, and maintain a good quality of life. Access to basic infrastructure is also a key driver of economic development. This report lays out a framework for understanding infrastructure resilience - the ability of infrastructure systems to function and meet users’ needs during and after a natural hazard. It focuses on four infrastructure systems that are essential to economic activity and people’s well-being: power systems, including the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity; water and sanitation—especially water utilities; transport systems—multiple modes such as road, rail, waterway, and airports, and multiple scales, including urban transit and rural access; and telecommunications, including telephone and Internet connections.

From Opinions to Images

From Opinions to Images

Author: Ulus Baker


Published: 2020-10-22

Total Pages: 188

ISBN-13: 9789492302663


Ulus Baker (1960 - 2007) was a Turkish-Cypriot sociologist, philosopher, and public intellectual. He was born in Ankara, Turkey in 1960. He studied Sociology at Middle East Technical University in Ankara, where he taught as a lecturer until 2004. Baker wrote prolifically in influential Turkish journals and made some of the first Turkish translations of various works of Gilles Deleuze, Antonio Negri, and other contemporary political philosophers. His profuse and accessible work and the novelty of the issues he enthusiastically introduced to Turkish-speaking intellectual circles, earned him a widely spread positive reputation in early age. He died in 2007 in Istanbul. The text in this edition is edited from essays and notes Ulus Baker wrote between 1995 and 2002. In these essays, Baker criticizes the sociological research turning into an analysis of people's opinions. He explores with an exciting clarity the notion of 'opinion' as a specific form of apprehension between knowledge and point of view, then looks into 'social types' as an analytical device deployed by early sociologists. He associates the form of 'comprehension' the 'social types' postulate with Spinoza's notion of 'affections' (as a dynamic, non-linguistic form of the relation between entities). He finally discusses the possibilities of reintroducing this device for understanding our contemporary world through cinema and documentary filmmaking, by reinstating images in general as 'affective thought processes'. Baker's first extensive translation to English provides us with a much-needed intervention for re-imagining social thought and visual media, at a time when sociology tends to be reduced to an analysis of 'big data', and the pedagogical powers of the image are reduced to data visualization and infographics.

Principles to Actions

Principles to Actions

Author: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Publisher: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Incorporated

Published: 2014-02

Total Pages: 139

ISBN-13: 9780873537742


This text offers guidance to teachers, mathematics coaches, administrators, parents, and policymakers. This book: provides a research-based description of eight essential mathematics teaching practices ; describes the conditions, structures, and policies that must support the teaching practices ; builds on NCTM's Principles and Standards for School Mathematics and supports implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics to attain much higher levels of mathematics achievement for all students ; identifies obstacles, unproductive and productive beliefs, and key actions that must be understood, acknowledged, and addressed by all stakeholders ; encourages teachers of mathematics to engage students in mathematical thinking, reasoning, and sense making to significantly strengthen teaching and learning.

Colloquial Turkish (eBook And MP3 Pack)

Colloquial Turkish (eBook And MP3 Pack)

Author: Ad Backus

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2014-10-14

Total Pages: 399

ISBN-13: 1317609166


Colloquial Turkish is the ideal introduction to the language! Written by experienced teachers of the language, Colloquial Turkish offers a step-by-step approach to Turkish as it is spoken and written today. No previous knowledge of the language is required. What makes this course your best choice for language learning? * Ideal for independent study and class use * Varied, dialogue-based exercises with thorough answer key * Up-to-date vocabulary, including computer terms * Jargon-free grammar notes * Extensive Turkish-English, English-Turkish glossaries By the end of this lively and accessible course, you will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in Turkish in a broad range of everyday situations. Two 60-minute cassettes are available to accompany Colloquial Turkish. Recorded by native speakers, they will help your pronunciation, listening and speaking skills. For the eBook and MP3 pack, please find instructions on how to access the supplementary content for this title in the Prelims section.

Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal

Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal

Author: Frank O. Hough

Publisher: Createspace Independent Pub

Published: 2013-01-12

Total Pages: 462

ISBN-13: 9781481969253


This book, “Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal: History of U. S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II, Volume I,” covers Marine Corps participation through the first precarious year of World War II, when disaster piled on disaster and there seemed no way to check Japanese aggression. Advanced bases and garrisons were isolated and destroyed; Guam, Wake, and the Philippines. The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, “day that will live in infamy,” seriously crippled the U. S. Pacific Fleet; yet that cripple rose to turn the tide of the entire war at Midway. Shortly thereafter, the U. S. Marines launched on Guadalcanal an offensive which was destined to end only on the home islands of the Empire. The country in general, and the Marine Corps in particular, entered World War II in a better state of preparedness than had been the case in any other previous conflict. But that is a comparative term and does not merit mention in the same sentence with the degree of Japanese preparedness. What the Marine Corps did bring into the way, however, was the priceless ingredient developed during the years of pence: the amphibious doctrines and techniques that made possible the trans-Pacific advance – and, for that matter, the invasion of North Africa and the European continent. By publishing this operations history in a durable form, it is hoped to make the Marine Corps record permanently available for the study of military personnel, the edification of the general public, and the contemplation of serious scholars of military history.

Colloquial Turkish

Colloquial Turkish

Author: Ahmet Murat Taşer

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2015-09-17

Total Pages: 348

ISBN-13: 1317305779


Colloquial Turkish provides a step-by-step course in Turkish as it is written and spoken today. Combining a user-friendly approach with a thorough treatment of the language, it equips learners with the essential skills needed to communicate confidently and effectively in Turkish in a broad range of situations. No prior knowledge of the language is required. Key features include: • progressive coverage of speaking, listening, reading and writing skills • structured, jargon-free explanations of grammar • an extensive range of focused and stimulating exercises • realistic and entertaining dialogues covering a broad variety of scenarios • useful vocabulary lists throughout the text • additional resources available at the back of the book, including a full answer key, a grammar summary and bilingual glossaries Balanced, comprehensive and rewarding, Colloquial Turkish will be an indispensable resource both for independent learners and students taking courses in Turkish. Audio material to accompany the course is available to download free in MP3 format from Recorded by native speakers, the audio material features the dialogues and texts from the book and will help develop your listening and pronunciation skills.