This book presents thoroughly revised tutorial papers based on lectures given by leading researchers at the International Training School on Domain Modeling and the Duration Calculus, held in Shanghai, China, as an associated event of ICTAC 2007. Topics addressed in detail are: development of real-time systems, domain engineering using abstract modeling, the area of duration calculus, and formal methods like language description using the operational semantics approach.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the workshops held at the 11th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2011, in Paphos, Cyprus, in June 2011. The 42 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions . The papers are organized in sections on the Third International Workshop on Lightweight Composition on the Web (ComposableWeb 2011); First International Workshop on Search, Exploration and Navigation of Web Data Sources (ExploreWeb 2011); Second International Workshop on Enterprise Crowdsourcing (EC 2011); Seventh Model-Driven Web Engineering Workshop (MDWE 2011); Second International Workshop on Quality in Web Engineering (QWE 2011); Second Workshop on the Web and Requirements Engineering (WeRE 2011); as well as the Doctoral Symposium2011, and the ICWE 2011 Tutorials.
Models that include a notion of time are ubiquitous in disciplines such as the natural sciences, engineering, philosophy, and linguistics, but in computing the abstractions provided by the traditional models are problematic and the discipline has spawned many novel models. This book is a systematic thorough presentation of the results of several decades of research on developing, analyzing, and applying time models to computing and engineering. After an opening motivation introducing the topics, structure and goals, the authors introduce the notions of formalism and model in general terms along with some of their fundamental classification criteria. In doing so they present the fundamentals of propositional and predicate logic, and essential issues that arise when modeling time across all types of system. Part I is a summary of the models that are traditional in engineering and the natural sciences, including fundamental computer science: dynamical systems and control theory; hardware design; and software algorithmic and complexity analysis. Part II covers advanced and specialized formalisms dealing with time modeling in heterogeneous software-intensive systems: formalisms that share finite state machines as common “ancestors”; Petri nets in many variants; notations based on mathematical logic, such as temporal logic; process algebras; and “dual-language approaches” combining two notations with different characteristics to model and verify complex systems, e.g., model-checking frameworks. Finally, the book concludes with summarizing remarks and hints towards future developments and open challenges. The presentation uses a rigorous, yet not overly technical, style, appropriate for readers with heterogeneous backgrounds, and each chapter is supplemented with detailed bibliographic remarks and carefully chosen exercises of varying difficulty and scope. The book is aimed at graduate students and researchers in computer science, while researchers and practitioners in other scientific and engineering disciplines interested in time modeling with a computational flavor will also find the book of value, and the comparative and conceptual approach makes this a valuable introduction for non-experts. The authors assume a basic knowledge of calculus, probability theory, algorithms, and programming, while a more advanced knowledge of automata, formal languages, and mathematical logic is useful.
In this book the author explains domain engineering and the underlying science, and he then shows how we can derive requirements prescriptions for computing systems from domain descriptions. A further motivation is to present domain descriptions, requirements prescriptions, and software design specifications as mathematical quantities. The author's maxim is that before software can be designed we must understand its requirements, and before requirements can be prescribed we must analyse and describe the domain for which the software is intended. He does this by focusing on what it takes to analyse and describe domains. By a domain we understand a rationally describable discrete dynamics segment of human activity, of natural and man-made artefacts, examples include road, rail and air transport, container terminal ports, manufacturing, trade, healthcare, and urban planning. The book addresses issues of seemingly large systems, not small algorithms, and it emphasizes descriptions as formal, mathematical quantities. This is the first thorough monograph treatment of the new software engineering phase of software development, one that precedes requirements engineering. It emphasizes a methodological approach by treating, in depth, analysis and description principles, techniques and tools. It does this by basing its domain modeling on fundamental philosophical principles, a view that is new for a computer science monograph. The book will be of value to computer scientists engaged with formal specifications of software. The author reveals this as a field of interesting problems, most chapters include pointers to further study and exercises drawn from practical engineering and science challenges. The text is supported by a primer to the formal specification language RSL and extensive indexes.
This Festschrift volume is published to honour both Dines Bjørner and Zhou Chaochen on the occasion of their 70th birthdays. The volume includes 25 refereed papers by leading researchers, current and former colleagues, who congregated at a celebratory symposium held in Macao, China, in the course of the International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, ICTAC 2007. The papers cover a broad spectrum of subjects.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, ICTAC 2006 held in Tunis, Tunisia in November 2006. The 21 revised full papers presented together with three invited talks and summaries of two tutorials were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions.
This Festschrift volume, dedicated to Jifeng He on the occasion of his 80th birthday, includes refereed papers by leading researchers, many of them current and former colleagues, presented at a dedicated celebration in the Shanghai Science Hall in September 2023. Jifeng was an important researcher on the European ESPRIT ProCoS project and the Working Group on Provably Correct Systems, subsequently he collaborated with Tony Hoare on Unifying Theories of Programming. Jifeng returned to China in 1998, first to the United Nations University in Macau and then to the East China Normal University in Shanghai. He has since founded an Artificial Intelligence research institute that focuses on the application of technology in large-scale industrial software systems. His scientific contributions have been recognized through his election to membership of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The first paper in the volume provides an overview of Jifeng’s research contributions, especially in the area of formal methods, and the following two papers detail developments in UTP and rCOS (refinement calculus of object systems). In the next two sections of the book, the editors included papers by colleagues and coauthors of Jifeng while he was at the University of Oxford and engaged with the European ProCoS project. The section that follows includes papers authored by colleagues from his later research in China and Europe. The final section includes a paper related to Jifeng’s recent roadmap for UTP.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, ICTAC 2007 held in Macau, China in September 2007. The aim of the colloquium is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to present research results and exchange experience, ideas and solutions for their problems in theoretical aspects of computing.
This volume contains the proceedings of FTRTFT 2002, the International S- posium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, held at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, 9–12 September 2002. This sym- sium was the seventh in a series of FTRTFT symposia devoted to problems and solutions in safe system design. The previous symposia took place in Warwick 1990, Nijmegen 1992, Lub ̈ eck 1994, Uppsala 1996, Lyngby 1998, and Pune 2000. Proceedings of these symposia were published as volumes 331, 571, 863, 1135, 1486, and 1926 in the LNCS series by Springer-Verlag. This year the sym- sium was co-sponsored by IFIP Working Group 2.2 on Formal Description of Programming Concepts. The symposium presented advances in the development and use of formal techniques in the design of real-time, hybrid, fault-tolerant embedded systems, covering all stages from requirements analysis to hardware and/or software - plementation. Particular emphasis was placed on UML-based development of real-time systems. Through invited presentations, links between the dependable systems and formal methods research communities were strengthened. With the increasing use of such formal techniques in industrial settings, the conference aimed at stimulating cross-fertilization between challenges in industrial usages of formal methods and advanced research. Inresponsetothecallforpapers,39submissionswerereceived.Eachsubm- sion was reviewed by four program committee members assisted by additional referees. At the end of the reviewing process, the program committee accepted 17 papers for presentation at the symposium.
This tutorial book presents six carefully revised lectures given at the Spring School on Datatype-Generic Programming, SSDGP 2006. This was held in Nottingham, UK, in April 2006. It was colocated with the Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP 2006), and the Conference of the Types Project (TYPES 2006). All the lectures have been subjected to thorough internal review by the editors and contributors, supported by independent external reviews.