The Shelly Cashman Series presents a completely revised and updated edition to the best-selling computer concepts book to make learning about computers interesting and interactive. Discovering Computers 2003 is fully integrated with the World Wide Web as a means of offering additional content, unmatched currency, learning games, and more. Discovering Computers 2003 is available in three versions to provide the right depth of coverage for every class. Unparalleled online content, extensive end-of-chapter exercises, and comprehensive instructor's resources give you all the tools you need to present an outstanding concepts course.
This third edition, from the Shelly Cashman Series, covers the same breadth, but with less depth as Discovering Computers 2007: Complete. This title is ideal for a short course on computer concepts or in application software courses. With the Shelly Cashman Series' project-oriented, step-by-step pedagogy, and full-color screenshots, this book includes new exercises, and tools on the Online Companion.
Provides a current and thorough introduction to computers by integrating usage of the World Wide Web with the printed text. Updated for currency, this Shelly Cashman Series text offers a complete solution to successfully teach students basic computer concepts with new exercises, case studies, and online tools on the Companion Web site.
Discovering Computers 2011: Complete provides students with a current and thorough introduction to computers by integrating the use of technology with the printed text. This Shelly Cashman Series text offers a dynamic and engaging solution to successfully teach students the most important computer concepts in today’s digital world through exciting new exercises that focus on problem solving and critical thinking, along with online reinforcement tools on the unparalleled Online Companion. Updated for currency, students will learn the latest trends in technology and computer concepts and how these topics are integrated into their daily lives. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
DISCOVERING COMPUTERS& MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010: A FUNDAMENTAL COMBINED APPROACH is designed to provide you with everything you need for your Intro to Computers course in ONE book. This new offering from the Shelly Cashman Series combines the best selling Discovering Computers, computer concepts material with the step-by-step Microsoft Office 2010 applications content to provide you and your students with a single offering for your Intro to Computers course. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Professional MOM 2005, SMS 2003 and Microsoft Update provides a single source for IT administrators to understand how these systems and operations management technologies can be used in their environments. It also serves as a comparative tool that helps readers understand which tool is right for which job. It is designed and written for anyone who is involved with implementing, supporting, or managing a set of tools for systems and operations management, including IT operators, IT administrators, IT infrastructure managers and system architects. The readers that have some background in systems and operations management will probably get the most of this book, however no specific level of skill or knowledge is assumed. The writing is aimed at readers who have a basic understanding of IT infrastructure on the Windows platform and have familiarity with Windows XP (and earlier) client deployments and Windows Server technologies. Some of the topics covered include: basics of operations management how the MOM 2005, SMS 2003 and other update technologies fit together installing and deploying MOM installing and deploying SMS installing and deploying MU and WSUS configuring and administering the MOM environment with MOM and alert tuning MOM and SMS agents Deploying and using MOM management packs Third party management packs Security and patching with MOM and SMS Monitoring and security MOM and SMS deployments MOM and SMS reporting Microsoft System Center Solutions Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
This text introduces students to Microsoft Producer for PowerPoint2003, the ideal tool for creating engaging presentations, training, and business communications.
For the past three decades, the Shelly Cashman Series has effectively introduced computers to millions of students - consistently providing the highest quality, most up-to-date, and innovative materials in computer education. This new edition employs the proven Shelly Cashman approach to learning, presents fundamental computer concepts in a clear writing style, and includes extensive end-of-chapter exercises. The book's visually appealing layout keeps students interested and allows them to receive the most interactive learning experience on computer concepts.